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Posts posted by Janena

  1. Exactly.

    I can picture people wanting to take the short route and hop over all the chairs etc.


    Should be funny to watch though, haha...just imagine the faces of the people working there, surely something they have never seen before.


    Mayby we will get seatnumbers on the tickets tho, or mayby they will hand out seatnumbers while people are queing up....who knows.

  2. I mailed the concertgebouw about the seating issue and they told me to ask it at mikasounds as they are only renting the place.


    General admission doesnt make much sense to me, remembering the rush at the first rows in november 2007 (HMH)....i dont think its a good idea as people will be all over each other and since there are chairs everywhere people might break their legs, LOL.


    If its general admission i'll be in the back.....i dont want to be in the middle of a 'warzone' (plus.... i have to work and i can only leave Assen at 4 pm).

  3. Queenie, did you get tickets?


    WOW, a million tickets sold in just a couple of hours!

    (I feel like raising my middlefinger to the crappy press that said after the courtcase he would not be able to see 1 single ticket or cd).


    I would not have thought getting tickets online could be so NERVEwrecking!

    Ticketmaster threw me out 4 times (cost me 3 yrs of my live, really) but i managed to get us tickets for the shows on july 14 and 16 WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!

  4. Whooooo, i am hoping to get tickets on presale for july.


    10 shows in the o2 London, this is beyond my expectations!


    I WANNE SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!


    I saw himin 96,97 and 99...


    I c.a.n.t. waiiiiiiit.

  5. I dont feel like getting into this discussion but i feel it was Mika's choice that he wanted to have a posed picture with a few of the people during the meet and greet, he is free to do what he wants when he wants.


    He was exhausted, give him a break...he is only human.


    Personally i think everyone there should be grateful he took some of his precious time to come out and greet everyone and take everything extra (like a posed picture of a small chat) as it is: SOMETHING EXTRA.

    It was clear from the beginning it would not happen.


    I can understand some dissapointment but it is childish to completely freak out about a thing like this.

    In the end there are little artists that care so much about their fans that they meet up with them after nearly every concert.


    I have waited days outside Michael Jacksons hotel in the past just to be wafed at from a car, i personally thought it was great that we only had to wait like one hour and that he shook hands with everyone in the room.

    I will treasure this expierience.

  6. Mail i got from MOJO:



    Beste Mika-bezoeker,


    Zoals u waarschijnlijk al heeft vernomen zijn er voor vanavond stevige regenbuien voorspeld. We hopen uiteraard op een droog concert in het Westerpark, maar wij raden u aan om voor de zekerheid regenkleding mee te nemen. Paraplu's zijn helaas niet toegestaan op het festivalterrein in verband met de beperking van het zicht van andere bezoekers.


    MIKA concerttijden (onder voorbehoud)


    terrein open: 18.00 uur

    aanvang Sam Sparro: 19.30 uur

    aanvang Hercules & Love Affair: 20.25 uur

    aanvang MIKA: 21.30 uur

    verwachte eindtijd: tussen 22.30 en 23.00 uur


    Voor meer informatie over bereikbaarheid en dergelijke verwijzen wij u graag door naar: http://www.liveatwesterpark.nl


    Met vriendelijke groet


    Mojo Concerts



  7. We;ll be leaving this afternoon...


    No first row for me, rather a seat at the side...lol.


    I think this is the latest i've ever arrived at a concert.


    At Michael Jackson concerts we'd spend the night and the last time for Mika we arrived around noon.


    Ah well, next time i'm probaby not 36 weeks pregnant!

  8. Does somebody know after how many days you get the tickets? I bought them online at ticketmaster. :wink2:


    I have not received mine yet either and was wondering the same thing..

    I rememmber reading on their website that it takes them a week on average to post them.

  9. I dont remember anything with a security code..i ordered my tickets (2), the adres, etc... was filled in automaticly, then i chose my method of payment and when that was done (i chose creditcard) i received a page with something in the line like 'thank you for ordering', i received a confirmation by email as well...

  10. I am not sure if i posted in the oldlings topic before (if so, not often) but am 31 so i quess thats old enough LOL...


    I was just thinking mika needs some more BIG (belly) girls on stage, mayby he will invite us on stage ;) (a seat would be nice Mika!).


    Seriously, i hope to be able to go, i wont be at the front though...the middle or back of the crowd is fine with me at that time.

    During my previous pregnancies i felt fine up until 8,5 months or so....

  11. You won't be the only one who is pregnant: Miek is too. I don't know exactely if she posted it on this thread or at the Oldlings. We told her to go sit on stage, that will be the safest place...:roftl::wink2:



    You live nearby Hoogeveen too? (Like me.)

    (Edit: I looked at your dreadpage and saw your townname. It's indeed not to far from Hoogeveen.)


    Yeah, Hardenberg is not far from Hoogeveen, a 20 min. drive!


    I'll be happy to sit on stage haha...mayby Mika wont mind.


    At least then he has 2 big (belly) girls on stage :roftl:, mayby i should PM him the idea:wink2:

  12. Oh god, i can't wait, the only thing is.....i'm six months pregnant at the time, i hope the baby likes mika :wink2:


    Kinda late in responding but i'll be 8 months pregnant and planning on going!


    (not sure if i'll make it but i hope i'll feel fit enough to do so).


    Mayby we're allowed to bring a chair :naughty:...

  13. I called and they told me it starts tomorrow at 10 AM.


    Ordering is possible by phone (0900 3001250), throught the site (http://www.ticketmaster.nl/html/home.htmI) or at a salespoint (grote postkantoren, etc).

    Its also possible to make a reservation by phone and then you will collect the tickets on another day at one of those salespoints, you will pay when you are going to collect the ticket so you dont have to pay for it immediately tomorrow.


    I think i'll make a reservation and collect the ticket in Hoogeveen.

  14. I am surely getting tickets!!!


    Buttttttt...i'll be 8 months pregnant so i'm not sure if i'll actually be able to go, who knows....

    But in my previous 2 pregnancies i was able to walk, stand etc so i hope i'll make it!

    (and if not i'm sure someone is willing to have my ticket).


    Front row is not an option this time though :mf_rosetinted:

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