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Posts posted by Karoli^^

  1. i have a couple: to draw people i always work off of a photo. i graph the photo (usually in 1/2 inch squares) and then multiply it by 2, 3, or whatever. That way you can draw a bigger picture but keep the same proportions. then you just draw what you see in each square. Lightly sketch, of course. Am i making sense here??


    also, when i am drawing i concentrate on what SHAPES i see, not what i am actually drawing. for example, when i am drawing a nose, i look at the triangle shape and draw that rather than try to draw the nose.


    another thing that helps me is when shading, get the darkest and lightest parts down first!!! then you have established the range of values from which you want to work with. i prefer to use drawing pencils, because they have a larger range in value than regular pencils. and don't be afraid to do dramatic shading. it might look funny at first, but trust me, it will look better in the end. a drawing with no shading looks flat. again, when shading, look at shapes.


    FACES: the corners of the eyes are usually at about the same level where the top of the ears should be. (you can feel it on your own face) the bottom of the ears should be where the bottom of the nose is. the eyes are always right on the center line of the head. (i know that seems weird but it's true.) the hairline is usually halfway between the eyes and the top of the head.

    when drawing the mouth (mouths are hard), DO NOT DRAW THE LIPS FIRST!! many people try to do this and the screw up the proportions and don't get the smile right. first you should draw the line that divides the lips, them shade the lips accordingly. the dividing line should be most prominent.


    man oh man, i did not expect to be writing this much!!


    one last thing: always sketch out the entire picture first (with little shading). This way you can get the proportions right, and as you work on smaller areas, you won't get carried away and make a single part way smaller or bigger than it is in the photo/ according to the rest of the drawing.


    *wipes forehead* phew!!! i hope that helps a little!! hope i wasnt too confusing, and if u have any more questions, i would be happy to answer.


    p.s. if you are questioning if i really know how to draw or not, just take a look at my sig!! i drew those. lol just so you know im not making random stuff up!! :wink2:


    you're great :o


    thank you!

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