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HelloKitty Lucy

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Posts posted by HelloKitty Lucy

  1. cantonese....let me take this as an example! =P



    for the next "係",,, actually there should be a small "口" besides it >>> like "o係",, but since we can not type this word out [unless u download some supporting software, i guess!],,, we simply type "係" to represent "o係"..... complicated stuff, yet, this's purely Cantonese! meaning "在" in written chinese!


    similarly,, "岩岩" should be written as "o岩o岩",, wif a small "口" on the left,, meaning "剛剛"!




    so, the whole thing is sth like "糟糕了剛剛才知道!":mf_rosetinted:



    8月就18歲喇我! hehe 應該也會與家人/朋友入賭場見識1下:naughty:


    算了我想我們還是中止這背囊俠話題.... 否則幾丁人就只會不停說自己想怎樣怎樣,,, 然後光羨慕很久沒出現的lcmlcm! XD 有時很怕看旅遊節目/旅遊書,,, 因為會按捺不住想去流浪的欲望,,, 然後就會很妒忌很妒忌的了 ><


    不過中止前還是說句,, 我最想去英國德國意大利,,, 還有東歐國家也很吸引呀!!!!:mf_lustslow:




    嘩我想擁抱你呀space~~~~ 其實奧運之中我都算是最愛游水了!!

    4年前簡直為michael phelps瘋狂呀... 之後他來香港宣傳那個松日mp3我還去了看他:wub2:


    很白癡 hahahaha


    看過這個video沒有? phelps在US swimming trials中200m individual medley破了wr呀...





    好厲害呢~~ 但我覺得他可能有少許語言障礙 lol



    "你叫咩名" pronounces sth like "nei giu meh man"

    not exactly phonetics,,, but u can take it as a reference:roftl:


    wow :shocked: it's not the same at all!!!

  2. Lucky I received your hotmail !!!What happened ??:boxed:

    I answered!:thumb_yello:


    you don't need to give us money...if we get to kidnap some nice person to stay with us, it's good; and if we can't, it's no problem either. *hugs* (i speak for myself right now...haven't talked to the other girls yet.)


    i will take some nice pics of everything...maybe you can feel like you were there when you see them. :wub2:


    Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! :sad: :sad:

    Hopefully you'll find a way to come..........

    It's not fair that ye'd have to pay if you're not coming, but I see the problem..that we booked the whole room...but maybe there are other people who have decided to come and don't have accomodation? Or maybe we could explain it to the people at the hotel...

    But I really hope you both can come!


    girls,let me know if you find other 2 people.if you don't I'll try another way to bring ou the money!:thumb_yello:

  3. we could. but don't want to. :huh:


    i hope you are OK though and i want you to get healthy, no matter what!

    thanks,I really appreciate your support.I'll let you know tomorrow evening


    Lucy, you can't make it? :tears: Oh no!! Is everything okay? That sucks!!!!! :sad:


    I still don't know,because me and my friend gio are having some big problems.


    I really feel sorry for all of you,but I'll find some way to give you our money for the hotel.I don'twant you to think we cannot respect this kind of commitment

  4. the confirmation says: "your credit card will not be charged! payment will be at the hotel only."


    so don't worry about that! it's the usual thing that guests pay before they leave...


    are you sure you can't come? :shocked:

    or is there still a chance? and when will you know?


    :doh: and what are we gonna do now?

    yes,there's still a chance but it's not very high...:thumbdown:

    do you think you can find someone else to stay at the hotel?

  5. yes i have! i am so sorry you are (maybe) not coming! :shocked:


    as for the reservation i don't think it's a huge problem...we have the confirmations printed out. why shouldn't they let us in?


    but i am really sorry...:emot-sad:


    and they have my credit card number too,I think they're gonna take money from there.

    it's still a maybe,I'll see what I can do,but I was so looking foward to this moment and now, suddenly everything changed :thumbdown: I'm so upset

  6. I guess we have to speak 普通話 in 北京 and 上海. Since 普通話 is the official language in China. But 深圳, I think not a lot of people speak 普通話 but cantoneses, is it? 'Cause 深圳 is in 廣州.


    萬里長城! 一定要去的地方!

    Do Lucy ever hear the proverb: 不到長城非好漢 ?

    And I'd like to go to 九寨溝, did anybody visit there?

    It seems beautiful.


    yes,of course I've heard about it!in our text book,we have an entire chapter about the 萬里長城 I wanna be 好漢 too!:wink2:


    mika_babe: u know wt? i'm freakly loving the song "Lucky"!!:punk:


    Shanghai! my grandma is a Shanghainese and she speaks half Shanghainese half Cantonese,, that's why very often i can't understand some of her words LOL


    n Lucy,, knowing simplified characters is already enough!! it is widely used in most parts of china! we all understand the sentences u wrote!! so... juz keep on practising here~~~~~ =]




    yes,I'd love too!:thumb_yello:

    can someone please teach me something in cantonese?e.g.,what's the cantonese pronounciation of :你叫什么名字?

  7. wow, go to Shanhai! that's big, but they speak 北京話 and 上海話(Shanghainese) mostly I know, maybe cantonese as well because of its a melting pot but not for sure ha,

    but I'm sure there are many cantoneses live or work there.


    so, I'm wondering, my HK friends, do you need to speak 普通話 when you are in these towns?北京,上海,深圳?





    sorry,I'd really like to practice,but simplified characters are all that I can use!:bleh:

  8. since i'm studying chin history n chin literature in scl,, very often i got to read loads of simplified characters from mainland books! that's why i'm getting used to them XD


    Lucy u even know what cantonese is! that's so cool of u~~~ i guess most foreigners may think that Chinese=Mandarin and they can't distinguish b/n the wide variety of chinese dialects:mf_rosetinted: u know what? space and i sometimes talk in cantonese in this thread n mika_baby fail to understand:naughty:



    space和mika_baby,,, 剛剛看見你們在myspace談到jason mraz!

    好棒喔我不久前才買了他那張we sing we dance we steal things:blush-anim-cl:



    yes,I even know what cantonese is !:naughty: I know china is a huge country,so I suppose there are loads of dialects,but since now I only know a bit of mandarin (simplified...).

    At the moment I'm in the first year,but on the third year I'll go to Shanghai to better study the language.there cantonese is spoken as well?

  9. Many people want one particular shameless European to invade Australia, but no cigar. :naughty::mf_rosetinted:



    Anyway, due to the lack of quality literature in the house that I haven't read a dozen times already I'm going to have an "early" night. Ciao, all.


    :naughty: I had to read your post twice before understand that the european guy you were talking about is the Mikster :doh:

    sorry,here is a freakin hot summer and my brain is slowly melting...



  10. Hello! Another invader I see :P

    yes,another shamless european invading Australia...


    :jawdrop: OMG! WTF? Now that is just a little too creepy for my liking. That is why I don't want pics and private stuff posted all over here.


    On another note... Serious issues aside... that is freaking hilarious. :lmfao:


    I guess that's fair not to post anything personal,because thousand of people have received this email,and can have a look in here,but it's fun being mentioned by google,kinda gives a sense of importance!:naughty:

  11. Hey Lucy! This is Space on MySpace(the HK fan page)!

    We finally got some mroe people.:naughty:



    I think it's him! The nose, the ear, i think it's the little Mika!


    Hi!!!!:bye: I'm glad to join this thread because I want to learn more and more (even though I can't understand traditional characters,I can try to catch the general meaning)

  12. :wub2::mf_lustslow:



    哇,我們有新夥伴了呢, 但還不會讀繁體字, 呵, 那我還是用英文吧!:blush-anim-cl:


    are you Lucy, Lucia?! OMG, I'm vera on MySpace!!hehe

    great to see you here,

    but I use traditional characters.:wink2:maybe you already knew....


    so Good to see someone really know the difference from Chines languages! You are rock!:wink2:


    oh, I have one thing want to hear from you, do you know where xLAURENx has been? our mug project needs her, but I think you haven't spoken to her in ageees as well, hnn?


    Yep,that's me!:thumb_yello: yes,I know in 台湾 and in 广东 you use traditional charcters,and I'm afraid i can understand only half of the thing you've written (can you uderstand simplified ones?),so 对对,還是用英文吧!!even though I'd love to practice and earn some other things in chinese.


    Honestly I haven't seen Lauren for a very long time,she's missing from here,and doesn't even answer on myspace!:blink:

    I really don't know why!

  13. Haha !!! You have just described my childhood neighbours when I was growing up in Melbourne !!!! EXACTLY !!! Lovely, lovely family !! :wub2::wub2: :biggrin2:


    It's glad to hear italians have such a good reputation


    Yes! I love the chatter though. The expressions with hands involved. :thumb_yello:


    I guess I just think the Australian accent sounds a bit lazy. But it depends on who is talking. :naughty: There are people here we call "bogans" (Bec loves bogans) and they don't sound very intelligent when they talk. :roftl: And that's the Aussie accent I hate hearing.


    well,I hate hearing the italian-talking-in-english accent as well,and even all those expressions with hands:naughty:

    but,yes, it all depends on who is talking!

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