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Posts posted by Martinibaby

  1. I DO like him :D Especially in Edward Scissorhands or Sweeney Todd :wub2:

    But he's been brilliant in all other movies, I don't know - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Pirates or The Ninth Gate ... :)

    I'd even say that he's my favourite actor (favourite actress is Audrey Tautou *aww* :D:wub2: )

  2. tak teda si poprajeme pekny den osobne:wink2:...


    pre mna nova "tvar"...tesi ma...


    kazdopadne Barunka ta uz spominala:punk:


    Jojo to jsem já co jsem se zaregistrovala asi před půl rokem a teprve teď se odhodlala sem napsat (protože mě všechny fóra strašně matou, ale rozhodla jsem se, že to musím překonat :D ) snad se tu brzo zorientuju :)


    Každopádně, já jsem Marťa, moc mě těší :wink2:

  3. Hey everyone! My name is Martinka and I´m from Czech republic:-)

    I´m 16 years old and I´m totally addicted to Mika:wub2: I´ve been to his concert in Berlin and it was the best day of my life!!!:thumb_yello::wub2: Totally worth all that money and travelling:roftl: And I hope he´ll come to CR:biggrin2: Anyway I´m really glad to be here and meet other people who have the same eclectic music taste:thumb_yello: :wink2:

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