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Posts posted by stine88

  1. i think this is hardest(?) for mika, cause he maybe feel like he av dissapointed us, but he hasent, cause we totally understand his situasion! he really needs to rest and get well:) im also glad he is taking care of himself!


    but are everybody going anyway? first i didnt think i wanted to go, but now if my cousin and i find a hostel or hotel or something to stay over, we are going anyway:) does anyone knows about a cheap and usful one?..

    and are we gonna meet somewhere?

  2. I bought some window-writers yesterday (markers for your window) and I drew on some Mikatastic stuff:


    Of course I had to do the whole MIKA part nicely and then realize it will be backwards from the outside.. :naughty: Oh well I did the song titles and lyrics backwards.


    And I also made this for the back of my door:



    :punk: :punk:


    so cool, love it:biggrin2:

  3. Recently came across this one - from the russian online magazine -

    a brief announcement about forthcoming article on M and an interview with Alla - his singing teacher....

    ..Meant to be a "teaser" for the concert (that is not going to happen. so is the full article :) )






    ....Ñ áðèòàíñêèì ïåâöîì Ìèêîé — ïîõîæàÿ èñòîðèÿ: äèàïàçîí â òðè ñ ïîëîâèíîé îêòàâû — íå øóòêà, î êàêèõ áû øóòåéíûõ ìàòåðèÿõ îí íå ïîâåñòâîâàë. «Àôèøà» ðàçûñêàëà ðóññêîãî ïåäàãîãà, ðàçãëÿäåâøåãî â âîñüìèëåòíåì Ìèêå íîâîãî Ðîáåðòèíî Ëîðåòòè è îáó÷èâøåãî áóäóùóþ ïîï-çâåçäó ôðàçèðîâêå è ñåêðåòíûì äûõàòåëüíûì óïðàæíåíèÿì, ñîñòàâëåííûì ïî ëèòåðàòóðå, äîáûòîé â áèáëèîòåêàõ èòàëüÿíñêèõ êîíñåðâàòîðèé. Àëëà Ìèõàéëîâíà Àáëàáåðäûåâà — âûïóñêíèöà ìîñêîâñêîé êîíñåðâàòîðèè, êëàññè÷åñêîå ñîïðàíî, ðåïåòèðîâàëà ñ Ìèêîé øóáåðòîâñêóþ «Ôîðåëü» è Èâà Ìîíòàíà —çàïèñü ìðà÷íîâàòîé ïåñíè Les Feuilles Mortes, èñïîëíåííîé äåñÿòèëåòíèì âîñïèòàííèêîì,

    ñîõðàíèëàñü ó íåå äî ñèõ ïîð. Êðîìå òîãî, âûÿñíèëîñü, ÷òî â äåòñòâå Ìèêà ïî÷òèòåëüíåéøèì îáðàçîì âíèìàë êîíöåðòàì ñûíà Àëëû Ìèõàéëîâíû Êîíñòàíòèíà, àêàäåìè÷åñêîãî ïèàíèñòà, à òàêæå ëþáèë èãðàòü ñ êóñî÷êîì ëèñüåãî õâîñòà. À åãî ñåñòðà ßñìèí, îôîðìèâøàÿ â ÷àñòíîñòè,

    îáëîæêó àëüáîìà «Life in Cartoon Motion», êàê îêàçàëîñü, íå òîëüêî ðèñóåò,î åùå â ñîâåðøåíñòâå âëàäååò êèòàéñêèì ÿçûêîì è íàäåëåíà êàêîé-òî íå÷åëîâå÷åñêîé êðàñîòîé —

    ïîêëîííèêè ïðèëåòàþò çà íåé íà âåðòîëåòå. Ïîäðîáíîñòè — â áëèæàéøåì íîìåðå «Àôèøè».






    ....3 octaves of range is not a joke, no matter how (seemingly! -K.) unserious the texts of the songs are. Our magazine has found the Russian teacher, who has discerned the new Robertino Loretti and taught future pop star special singing techniques and secret breathing excersises, based on old tomes from Italian musical conservatory libraries.

    Alla Mikhailovna Ablaberdyeva - the Moscow Musical Conservatory graduate, a classic soprano, taught Mika Schubert's "trout" and songs of Yves Montand - she still keeps an old recording of "Les Feuilles Mortes",

    sung by her 10 year old educatee. Apart from that, it has turned out that as a child Mika has been a deferent listener of concerts that Konstantin - Alla's son and academic pianist has been playing. Also (what a precious bit of info! :biggrin2: -K.) young Mika liked to play with a piece of fox tail.

    It has also turned out that Mika's sister Yasmin, the one behind album art, is not only a keen painter, but masters Chinese perfectly and is endued with incredible beauty - admirers fly helicopters just to see her.

    More details-in the next issue of the magazine.












    cool, thanks for sharing:thumb_yello:

  4. i think... a theme should be lots of sequins/glitter/sparkles/fluff :mf_lustslow: and lots nd lots of beads and that... :biggrin2:




    yeah i like that! then i can use my gold and silver spray in my hair and my boa(??) thing and some more ugly stuff xD

  5. mika!


    i love your music, the songs really means something, i love that you write about the reality and that you are different! you are so talented and im so glad you wanted to share your music with the rest of this world:)


    your show is incredible!! thank you so much for comming to norway and i really hope you will come back! i cant wait to see you in london, december 4th:D


    hope you get a GREAT holiday and get a lots of presents:biggrin2:


    take care!

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