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Posts posted by amsterdam

  1. Oh Anders says he has a girlfriend? Well he looked pretty gay to me... But than again I only saw him from like 200 meters away. Well whatever, I care about Mika more :wub2:


    Thanks Ingie btw, I thought they were doing the whole tour together (alphabeat and mika), so that's why I figured they're boh gay and traveling with eachother something might happen.


    Ofcourse not nesecerally, I've had a gay roommate for a year and nothing has happened :biggrin2:


    I guess I was just desperate to know if he's really single or not.

  2. My opinion about the dvd: the concert sucks. Seriously, in Amsterdam it was MUCH better. In Paris it seems like he's totally overexcited and cannot control his voice anymore. He's using his high pitched voice way too much, that's a shame. I mean I like his high pitched voice but not whole songs long. And the act with the animals isn't as funny as it was in Amsterdam. He doesn't say anything funny either (in Amsterdam some things were very funny like when he said that the band thought he got booehoed off stage because they didn't understand what he said in dutch). And he did all the songs where he plays the piano in a row, I like it more when he switches as he did in Amsterdam.


    The extra's are great though. The documentary is cool, although there wasn't much new for me, he tells the same stuff again (about growing up and grace kelly etc). God, it would drive me insane to answer the same questions OVER and OVER again.


    The acoustic live songs are absolutely fantastic!!!! I really liked the song Everybody's Talking. It was new for me, haven't seen that on youtube .


    Another thing: longer hais looks better on him!!!!!

  3. Inside information: Mika is playing the diva!!!!


    My friend works in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam, where Mika performed sunday, and he served Mika a cup of tea. Mika said it wasn't clean enough so he had to wipe it "cleaner" (but ofcourse it was already clean) and than he said he wanted a WHITE cup.


    I really hope this is not the beginning of the end... lots of celebs turn in to horrible monsters after lots of success...!!

  4. Wow thanks for the fast replies!!! Actually I wanted to go to Brussels today, he's going to perform in Vorst National, but tickets on ebay are pretty expensive and ofcourse to get there is expensive and I have an exam this friday so I don't really have time....


    Same story with Glasgow, nice offer though scg :blush-anim-cl:


    Hey does anybody know when he's coming to Holland again?? Maybe my fellow dutchie AMP?? Because I saw some tour dates on internet but they only go until december 4th...

  5. Hi there,


    A friend of mine asked me a few months ago if I wanted to go to Mika's concert, and I really liked his music so I was like why not. So sunday we went to the concert (in Amsterdam) and it was soooooo amazing I'm completely in love with Mika now!!!!!


    After the concert I asked if he was going to sign autographs or something but my friend said he wasn't, so we just went home. And now I read on a dutch site (mikasounds.hyves.nl) that people just waited at the door and they got to meet him!!! I'm so ****ing jealouse!!! I'm really depressed now that I missed that. I would loooooove to meet him in person. Have any of you met him???


    Best regards,



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