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About Margarita

  • Birthday 07/29/1992


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    HaKunA MatAta

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  1. Naravno da se ne ljutim. Ali ja mislim da Makedonija e sepak najmala i najnepoznata, sepak vie (Srbija) pobedivte na eurosong =D=D A da, speaking of ubaj mashki, ima tuka eden IST e kako Mika, nemate pojma kolku lichi! I sekako go imam negoviot broj i mu pisham, ama ne znaj koja sum
  2. Ne mislev nishto losho , samo me nasmea, retko koj ima takva smisla za humor. =D=D=D=D
  3. Lele se iznasmejav ko prochitav!!! HAHAHAHAHAAHA Kaj se seti?? :lol3:
  4. Chao! Ja sam new Mika fan, danas sam otkrila ovaj thread. Nadam se da nechete mi se smejati zoshto ne znam bash najbolje da pricham srpski, iz makedonija sam. Aj podobro da pricham makedonski, oti vaka glupo se osekjam! :biggrin2: Kazhete mi dali ima nekoj od mk??
  5. Really? I didn't know my name was spanish. Anyway i speak a little, i've learnt from the mexican and spanish soap operas that i wached long time ago. =D=D
  6. He should come to Macedonia!! But it's a small country, so the chanses are small... ='C=C=C=C I doubt that all of you have heard of it?? =S=S=S=C=C
  7. I thought it was rude not introducing soo... My name is Margarita and i'm from Macedonia.. I first saw Mika several moths ago on vh1 (I think) and I went crazy!! Yesterday i wanted to hear him sing in live, but I found some interviews and i LOVE the way he speaks french and english and his accent!!!
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