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Posts posted by SkullyRox

  1. Eek, Hugh is homeless!


    A delivery was attempted for your item with reference RJ********GB in SWEDEN before 12:01 on 11/01/10.


    A card may have been left, depending on the country's postal service.


    If undelivered, it will be returned to the UK.


    I hope he's redelivered! (That and it cost me a fortune to post there... and I can't really afford to do that again before pay day at the end of the month!!)

  2. Getting ready to put Hugh back in that nasty box. I feel really bad though, cause I haven't had a chance to take him out properly. We went for a meal today, but I didn't get out and about like I had planned. I'm going to have to apologise to him lots and lots that his trip to me sucked! Still, he had a bit of a rest here after his huge adventure in Australia! :-P Was just unfortunate timing, busy busy busy in work and with family over the Christmas/New Year


    Ok he might not be leaving tomorrow... I messaged the next person Hugh is set to visit, but yet to hear anything. I have to go to bed now-and I won't get online until after work tomorrow night! Once I have the address of the person he's going on to, I'll post him on. :-)


    Edited to say, still waiting on an address to send Hugh on to, if I don't hear from the next recipient within the next day or two... can I post him on to the next one on in the list and perhaps they post on to Sweden? So I don't have him stuck here in a box for days on end! I'm back at work now, so I can't get out and do anything with him. :-(

  3. Awww!!!! hurray!!!! He's finally in Plymouth!!! :biggrin2:

    and he's going to eat a mince pie!!!

    Have Fun!!!! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :yay:

    Hugh had his mince pie earlier! :thumb_yello:


    Just 5 minutes of 2009 to go... and Hugh is here ready to count down to 2010!



    Hugh at Midnight! January 1st, TWO THOUSAND and BLINKING TEN!!!!



    Just a lil' note to say, I know he's been here 2 days already, but the post is now down until Monday-and on Monday I am having 'Christmas' with my nephews and nieces who weren't here for actual Christmas day, so I will post him on, on the 5th... I know it's been a terribly long time... blinkin' Christmas post delaying him-and then New Years... just in case you were worried... it's totally out of my hands-and I can't get to the post office on Monday! Sorry folks *bad Manda!*

  4. Guess who arrived this morning? :mf_lustslow:


    He was stuck here on his own today, I had to work and I couldn't take him with me. *sorry Hugh!*

    Tomorrow he gets his very own mince pie, which I saved just for him! And on the 4th, I get another little 'Christmas' with my nephews and nieces, so Hugh will get some sort of a Christmas after all! :thumb_yello:

  5. I've been in supermarkets and heard Mika before.

    But, the one that is most memorable for me-is the first time I ever heard him. I was on the coach back from London. Just left Victoria coach station and I heard this song playing on the coach radio-'Grace Kelly'. I googled some of the lyrics when I got back home to find out who it was! That was December '06! :)

  6. Hi all, Hope everyone is well?

    I'm screwed. :( I gave up altogether for 2 weeks.... and I've put on nearly half a stone! I don't know why I do it to myself, but I just couldn't continue trying and not getting anywhere. (I've been on this diet since January 06 and since April 07 I've hardly shifted any weight! :( )

    But from tomorrow, I'm cutting out the rubbish again-I can do it but still-I hate myself for putting on so much! :(

  7. I've never owned an underwire bra, I did once have a bra with 'bone' support on one section of the side of the bra, but within 2 washes that was bent and poking out grr.

    Now I have what I call a 'Sheepdog bra', it Rounds them up and points them in the right direction!!

    This one


    It's embarrassing actually, I've never been so uplifted and pointy! My friend in work was rather shocked when I walked in work the day it arrived, she was afraid I'd "have her eye out" haha! :D

  8. All was going well until a packet of Minieggs and a cream egg jumped into my shopping basket at the supermarket earlier!! Grr! I have actually lost weight, 3lb. :D Looks like my 3 mile a day power walk is starting to pay off hehe! I bought some Dumbbells earlier, to help get rid of my bingo wings... good lord they hurt! I only used them for 10 minutes, feels like I've done 50 press ups!!

  9. For the record, Tamagotchi's take CR2032 lithium batteries, they can be found on Ebay pretty cheap. :) And if you notice your battery is dying, if you change it-within about 30 seconds to a minute, you can choose to carry on where your tama left off, or hatch from new. If the battery is out any longer or your battery totally runs flat, the tama has had it! You'll have to hatch from scratch.


    Also worth a note, has anyone tried the codes?


    Most are here and the rest can be found elsewhere on that forum!

  10. Ooooh my kind of thread! I came across a girls blog first page of google-looking for something to do with Tamagotchis, she liked Mika and Tamas and it linked here! Spooky!


    I am a closet Tama fan, I have 8 I think at last count, but alas, all the batteries have run out and I couldn't keep them up any longer because of work! (They would get a bit angry when I would neglect the work to tend to my flock of tamas spread out on my desk haha!)


    Just a few of mine (old photos, my budgie died a couple years ago)



    Ever seen a Tama use the loo? It's the funniest thing!


  11. just keep trying to eat healthy; lots of fruit and salad (5 portions a day dont forget) and lots of water to keep flushing out your system.


    You should pee 7 times a day and er, poop once a day. Go to the toilet whenever you feel you need to.


    Also, let me please remind you that muscle weighs more than fat.


    but don't give up - your determination is admirable!

    I do all of that and then some! I find being back on my diet, I pee more than normal-which is a lot anyways... people in work say they can set their watches to my bladder!

    I won't give up, I keep coming close though!

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