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Posts posted by Lily.R

  1. Greaaaaat!! I love his french accent, he has a parisian accent which is so cuuute. And i like the little mistakes he does :wub2: Ahhh I was waiting for this for a long time, i was actually hoping him to sing his own songs but totally in english, but covers will be good as well :wink2:

    Even though I personally luuuuuuuuuvvve his british accent:bleh:

  2. I actually sang out lout Big girl you are beautiful in the middle of a street.

    It was after the concert and (unfortunatly) there were still a lot of people in the streets of the city. People were shocked when my friend spanked me at the end of the song..they just didn't understand my joy after seeing mika in liiive!! I think people probably thaught we were drunk or something, plus we were all sweaty because of the concert.Anyway , i don't feel ashamed at allll...i'm a terrible liar..i am now a little bit!

  3. Don't worry everybody does...!I think the worse is the day after a concert of him,you suddenly realise that you're back to the hard reality and he is leaving his own life somewhere but now you're not part of his anymore.It was a little moment of happiness for him and huge for us.

  4. RAaaa je trouve que ce thread n'est pas tellement fourni,je n'ai pris que 20min pour le lire???!!!!Moi d'habitudes qui adooore passer tout mon temps libre à lire des délires sans fin de fans qui sont pour la pluspart atteintent du MikaVirus stade 6 au moin....allez les francophone,on se bouge les fesses

    :bleh:Breffff...pr info(jvé raconter ma ptite vie la) moi en tout cas le parc des princes c'est off.Ca me brise le coeur de ne pas aller a peut etre un des seul concert me Mika donnera en france dans ces prochains mois..surtout que c'est de mon propre chef que je décide de ne pas y aller,car je suis parisienne...mais les stade c'est vraiment pas mon truc,je suis allé une fois au parc des princes pr les Red Hot (aahhh..:blush-anim-cl:) et franchement a moins d'etre a 2 metre de la grille,et qui sera surement bien trop éloigné de notre specimen aux cheveux bouclés,on n'entend pas grand chose et ne vois pas grand chose.Et dans les gradins,pr le prix et la qualité de la vue c'est vraiment du gachi....voila,c'est affreux mais c'est la vérité..enfin non...c'est juste mon avis :roftl: mais j'ai hate d'avoir les réactions de ceux qui y vont car en voyant ce que mika fait dans un salle de 1000 personnes,je me demande ce qu'il va vous reserver comme costumes et confétis pr un stade entier!


    Roooo bordel de dieux...g fait un article 10x trop long dslllll...:blush-anim-cl:

  5. Helllow I'm french and new fan too,beware,it's like a "secte" (don't know if its the right word in english but i'm have a too lazy ass to check anyway..


    :mf_rosetinted: ) when you get in you can't get out!It really become a real and dangerous addiction!!If i don't go on the forum to see what are the news i know i'm gonna spend a bad day...Welcome to youuu

  6. MIKA can be a very cool guy, if only he behaves more naturallywhile doing the chicken dance. When it's raining Mika puts on his favourite wellies, which have embroidered ducks on them, and dances with a flock of chickens in his beautifully decorated, amazingly blue and full with glitter woolly cardigans, while the people around him bow down to worship the wellies. MIKA then goes all of a sudden singing his favourite song all day because he had pancakes for breakfast and the MFC's teabags with baked beans

  7. Hey


    Welcome to MFC.


    This site should come with a warning: VERY ADDICTIVE!!!


    Have fun!!!


    Liz x x x



    Totally agree with kittie88,once you're in, you can't get out!See,i'm a new fan and i already visit this site in minimum twice a day!Maybe i'm a special case, but still, this is the very best about mika.


  8. wel_ani4Tay.gif


    Wow...your 2nd post and you're sharing great news with us...thank you!



    it is said that mika don't give a lot of interviews anymore (i'm absolutly not sur about my source!) because he actually didn't say anything yersterday in this show, just a little "Merci."I guess it's probebly tf1's fault..:sneaky2:

  9. Gneheh, bien sûr qu'il a gagné :mf_rosetinted: (M'enfin une récompense de TF1 je sais pas si ça doit être bien pris ^^) Il a chanté Big girl, et si je n'm'abuse il s'est pris les pieds dans le fil de son micro :roftl:

    Tu devrais regarder Next, c'est instructif, on en apprend beaucoup sur le monde exterieur xD

    Y'avait Kylie (on devrait ptétre organiser un plan entre elle et Mika :naughty: ), et y'avait même Lorie qui nous a dansé un peu de Tektonik parce que "cet album est très personnel je fais de la musique qui me ressemble, j'ai 25 ans, j'ai grandi". Hmm... ;p


    Ohhh oui Lorie nous as toujours éblouie par sa maturitée...:naughty:

  10. :lmfao: connais même pas la version américaine!

    Mais rien que de voir des extraits ds le zapping sur canal,ça m'en dit pas mal...

    Mais tu c ce qui c passé sur TF1 ? ^^ Il a gagné ? :biggrin2:

    Sinn j'ai vu que y'avait Kylie sur le plateau :naughty:



    C'est sur j'ai ete carrment décu on lui a juste accorder quelque merci, alors qui l'a gagner ce disque de diamand ds leurs emission de me*de!

    Bref...tf1 pareil a lui meme...:thumbdown:

    Mais au fond voir mika chanter enchante tout de meme ma soirée!:mf_lustslow:

  11. *cough cough length cough cough cough* (i'll measure it :mf_rosetinted)

    ok i'm sorry i think i'm taking this too far :roftl:




    definitely the great minds one :bleh:



    Since we're in the subject...i know that we can mesure the size of the "hum hum" of a man by looking at his hands.The size is the distance between the top of he middle finger and the end of the palme (of the hand..i don't know if it's clear but...).

    Well thats what i always been told!

    ps:I'm not a pervert,YOU started it !!!

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