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I <3 MIKA!!!

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Posts posted by I <3 MIKA!!!

  1. haha really? thats funny.

    when my friends and i kept doing that, they would just sing like one note, and laugh. lol


    lol oiii ALMOST DONE WITH MY ESSAY WOOT WOOT!!!!! i probs wont finish it cuz its a draft ill just end in it like in the middle of a sentence hahaha

  2. I know hahah. It's very convenient. Or learning a word and then you hear it all over the place later.

    This is kind of random too, but sometimes you just see or hear the same thing everywhere, and you feel like you're going crazy! Do you guys have a number that clings to you, or that you just get assigned to or see all the time?

    For me (its weird) I've been seeing falling calculators everywhere. At school, I'm walking and someone randomly drops their calculator right in front of me and it makes a big noise, and then I go upstairs and someone else drops their calculator. And everywhere I go, I keep on seeing falling calculators! And the timing is perfect. I feel like I'm going crazy! :teehee:


    hahaha i know what u mean! or u keep hearing a song over and over again like its haunting u lol!

  3. yeah im gonna miss them

    haha yeah, actually, i feel bad asking them for rides though. haha

    o nice! i love cold stone w/ a burning firey passion!


    o yeah, but i dont want to do the training. haha. and the ppl that pick them here always pick crappy ppl. lol


    lol not to mention the songs u will have to sing every time someone puts a tip in lol! one time i had a bday party there and me and my friends kept putting in coins and in the end they kicked us out lmfao:roftl:

  4. haha yeah, we have wierd clubs like that too

    i can only come up w/ a few right now

    nap club

    lumberjack club [they eat waffles basically. lol]

    fly fishing club

    there are others.

    o yeah, we have the car crash one, except its not a club, its a thing they do every few years, they had one this year. it was really depressing, i was crying. :P



    year, im like the last one of my friends to get it.

    well a majority of my friends are graduating this year, which is depressing, but the ones my grade. haha

    im so stoked though, lol.


    umm idk, probably some place like baskin robins, or something in the summer. i want to work at this one golf club, but i dont think theyll hire me for another 2 years or so haha.

    i have a lot of options to choose from, but i hope the economy gets better, so i have more of a chance to get a job. lol

    yeah that was the car thing we did probably it was like a surprise event that the club ran and they do it like every 4 5 years so no one knows about it it was really sad... when they were sawing open the car especially to get the kids out :sad:


    that sux that ur friends are graduating this year... do they drive u around though lol thats a plus hahaha my friend worked at cold stone creamery and i always went and got free ice creams from her so i recommend that job or ben and jerrys lol u could also try being a life guard since u swim...

  5. Never thought of it that way before, but it's true! :naughty:


    hehehe yup yup yup and he is giving back to us by giving us delicious if i may so myself :das: pics of the stuff he is getting now i wooooonder what kind of boxers he is getting i def think he should take a picture for us to ummmm inspect? :drool::naughty::naughty::naughty::naughty:

  6. Not to mention Spock is, um, kind of a beast. :drool::teehee:


    No, it's a really good movie though. I'd seen one of the old ones (Wrath of Khan --"the best one" according to my dad) and was not too excited, but it turned out to be really good! It was almost a comedy at some times. I definitely recommend it. :naughty:





    omg i cant believe i just said that:boxed:

    he looks EXACTLY like this kid in my school NO JOKE EXACTLY i mean when i saw it with my dad i practically shouted it out hahaha

  7. yeah

    o ya! i remember about that! thats amazing! but id probably be a little frightened, also. but excited xD.


    im going to do Enviornment club, COC (christians on campus), and Nap Club next year (for the very least), but for some reason, they are all on tuesdays x(

    i was in envio. club this year, we didnt really accomplish anything we planned on, and our meetings just kinda stopped. haha


    and i cant wait, i can take drivers ed in the spring next year! and then i can get a job in the summer! i am stoked!


    hahaha we have the most random clubs at our school including: cranium waffle club, sodoku club, sleep in late club (i am being serious hahaha they never meet cuz they sleep in late lmfao) the list goes on and on haha im in saddd (students against drunk driving and drugs) but havent gone in a while cuz now my band lesson is during the meetings :sad: but we actually got some stuff done we did this whole simulation thing where they brought in a car from a drunk driving accident and got some kids from the school to pretend they were in it and act and everyone thought it was real it was really cool


    ahhh LUCKY U CAN TAKE DRIVERS ED!!! i couldnt take it since i turned 16 in april and the drivers ed thing already started... so i would have to take it next year but im not gonna be here anyway so i probably will never learn how to drive hahaha


    what job will you have?

  8. I haven't seen the movie. To be honest, I'm not such a fan of Star Trek but the only reason why I want to see it is because of Chris Pine. :teehee:


    omg i have never watched star trek in my life and i only went cuz my mom was away and my dad wanted to see it and she would never see it with my dad so i went with him and OMG IS IT WORTH IT TO SEE IT CUZ OF CHRIS PINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: i could quite literally eat him up in a bunch of seens:mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow::mf_lustslow:

  9. o gosh, really? insane! im sorrryyy!!!

    i have no easy classes next year. i am taking


    AP Soph English

    AP Euro History

    Enviornmental Studies

    Music History




    and something else, i cant think though

    well i guess PE and Geometry arent hard, but no 'fun' classes. lol.


    woahh ur taking pretty advanced classes! they dont offer ap english for sophomores only juniors and seniors in my school although i probably wouldnt get in even if they did have it i suck at english and havent gotten above an 88 on any essays...ever lol this year i take




    english 9/10

    yoga/pilates (pe)


    drawing 1




    but i have no clue what i am taking next year cuz i am switching schools and the school i am going to next year is completely different cuz its in paris and international so they do things way differently there... i am so nervous

  10. Isn't that cool how that happens?

    How you learn something or find out about something just in time for it to be mentioned by someone or shown somewhere. And then you think "Oh! I just learned that yesterday!"

    Or how you discover a musician the day before Mika puts them on his blog or something :naughty: Very cool.


    YES that is my favorite lol! i get so excited when that happens or when u hear of a singer and u tell ur friends about them and they are like o she is horrible... and then 2 months later they are singing all the songs at the top of there lungs lmfao i love i told you so moments hehehehe:roftl:

  11. o really?! im so sorry!!

    you dont have to take a test for it here, because no one wants to take it lol.


    yeah its not a test... its like u have to get an A+ every quarter except we go by 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 and 4.0 being the A+ and i got a total of 3.7 in total cuz my last quarter i got a bad grade on one of the tests :tears:

  12. Magic. :kaf:

    Of course.


    Mika's got some taste there! I do like a lot of stuff on the website, though--



    --TOO BAD! It's all so expensive! :shocked:


    I KNOW!!! good to see mika spending his money on important things that he earned from us:roftl::roftl::roftl::roftl:

  13. omg it is terrible. we read the odyssey in 6th grade, then i was in Anthropology in 7th grade, and we did a big mythology unite. we read the Illiad, and the odyssey and all this other crap. it was nice sleeping time xD


    and now we are reading the odyssey again, and all this other crap. ugg



    omg, i am taking AP Euro History next year. its the hardest course at my school . grrrr


    omg i was literally .3 away from EHAP (euro history AP) and i was so pissed that i didnt get in i got 4.0s basically every quarter except last:sneaky2::aah:

  14. o yeah. we do that


    hera, goddess of birth and marriage

    we are starting our mythology unit.

    god its like 7th grade all over, but easier. haha


    UGHHH OMG I HATE MYTHOLOGY!!!! omg that was my least favorite unit ughhh trust me u will do it again sorta in euro history in 10th grade ITS HELL

  15. my happy moment actually it was more exciting and ironic then happy but it related to mika nonetheless lol:naughty: well it wasnt today but it was yesterday and but it really started a couple of days ago with mikas twitter update:

    Off to see the finest tramp of them all; Godot!

    11:18 AM May 9th from Tweetie




    Happy Calvin Harris day. It's official. I'm standing in a security a ray que at heathrow, waiting for Godot

    1:43 AM May 11th from Tweetie


    so i had no clue what waiting for godot was so i researched it and read the wikipedia page and everything then yesterday in euro we were learning about ww1 and everything and she was talking about phsycology and stuff when she had a slide with waiting for godot and i was so excited cuz i just researched it and it was on mikas twitter and i never heard of it before and all of a sudden it comes up twice with in a week:naughty: any way that was my happy moment lol

  16. idk myself actually lol



    o man! get going girly! lol


    o man! english! i have to do a powerpoint on Hera


    haha i know lmfao oiii i dont think we're gonna even hand it in though cuz its a draft but i think we're gonna peer edit so ill just give it to my friend wholl just think its less work for her lmfao


    and hera???:boxed:

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