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Ju-Ju Lea

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Posts posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. Artsy, Mulholland and I approached the farmhouse stealthily. Mulholland had grudingly trusted us with weapons. After all, he had just broken pretty important orders for us, what was a weapon or two.

    It was pretty soon as we got close that people had been there recently. There were fresh footprints and the door was unlocked and slightly ajar and there were noises from inside.


    Carefully we moved around to a window, trying not to be spotten. We had no idea who was in there. As we looked in the window a face looked back out at us, causing both the face and myself to give a little shriek.

    Mulholland raised his gun at the sound, and it was only a restraining arm from Arts that prevented him possibly using it. I had already taken off at a run towards the door and running footsteps could be heard inside.


    Meanwhile the rest of the group in the barn had come out at the sound of my squeal, concerned that we were in danger. They were suprised to see me running towards the door, but equally suprised by the sight that came next.

    From out of the house came a familar face, as Nico ran up to me. In baywatch beach style we hugged.

    "I can't believe its you. We couldn't make it to Glasgow - the bubble" she gushed out as I was saying something similar at the same time.


    The rest of our group inside the house were soon drawn outside as we had a large hugging reunion, each side glad the other group had managed to escape the bubble and get across the border safely.

    "Of all the farmhouses" began Arts

    "Lucks always been on our side" replied JJL

    "More like destiny" added Nico

    "Look can someone tell me whats going on" interrupted Mulholland loudly. We all turned to him

    "Ah remember those friends we told you about?" I asked. "The ones we were to meet up with? This is them" I said, indicating them

    "And you are?" Cal asked threateningly "We're not going with you anywhere if you want to know"

    "His with us Cal" Arts defended. "He helped us get away from the anti power task force or whatever they're called when Mzee set off the bubble"

    "I didn't mean too" grumbled Mzee

    "We know. But things need to be kept downlow till we get out of the bubble"

    "are we still in it" I asked Mulholland

    "Yes. Hopefully the task force won't catch up with us tonight. Now I want some of the answers I was promised" he replied.

    "And I said you'd get them when we were safe" I stated simply.

    "Isn't this safe enough?"

    "Its not the safe house you promised"

    "Soa if you promised the man answers give the man answers" Nico interrupted. "But can you do it inside while someone cooks. I'm starved"

    "Besides" added Mickey "You can always wipe them away later right?"

    I shot Mickey a brief glare. Of course Mulholland knew we had powers, but he only knew what Mzee's was at the moment.

    Meanwhile Mulholland was looking at me thoughtfully "Of course, that explains the flat tyre and how noone could tell how it happened. Is there anything else you've wiped from me?"

    I sighed "No. I don't make a practice of wiping. Its not my preferred side of it, but I use it when I have to" before glancing at Nico "Alright we'll go inside and I'll give him his answers. Lets get this over with"

    "Good." Nico answered, as Kelz piped up "Shotgun not cooking"

    Soon the others were racing inside to check out the food and debate over who would have to do the cooking itself. I walked in hesitantly, followed by Mulholland, almost dreading giving the answers. Sure, I wished I could trust someone with our secrets, hoped for it even, but at the same time I was still reluctant to give them up. But Nico was right, I had promised the man some answers, and if he was to continue helping us get to safety it was probably time he got them


    Once everyone had settled down with their dinner Soa began to recount their story, right from the beginning, "Okay, basically we're this group with superpowers..."


    Two and a half hours later

    "...And so that's how we ended up here." Soa finished up, Mulholland was gaping at us all with shock. While the rest of the PPR's were looking around with sleepy eyes, with the exception of a few.

    "You're kidding right, no one can actually live through all that. And how the hell did you always find good accommodation for such a huge group?"

    Nico grinned at him. "You betcha we did, although, it does sound a little bit unbelievable at first..." She ignored his comment on accommodation, like everyone else did, it's not like that had any clue how they always ended up getting lucky with it, it was like a bunch of people were out there just writing these places into existance. ((Dammit. Where's the strikeout button.))

    I snorted, "Yeah, sure it does. It sounds just as incredulous the fifty-thousandth time you hear it too."

    "Don't listen to her." M said shooing me away whilst grinning. "She was only with us for less than a year before we got frozen."

    "Yeah, but it means I have more experience with the adaption from normal to PPR."

    M let out a bark of laughter. "HA! You're as insane as the rest of us."

    Artsy threw out her hand, signalling everyone to be quiet. "There's people stamping around outside."

    A voice rang through the room they were all in, "Come out with your hand up."

    "Ahh shoot." A voice hissed out, obviously annoyed at the idea of being captured yet again.

    Everyone kinda started to rub their heads, now what... Normally they'd be confering via Kelz, however the damn bubble made that a little difficult, they could try and wing it, however, having powers didn't actually do much for the fitness side of things, and it wasn't like they had many weapons apart from blunt knives they'd used for dinner.

    "Guys. We're screwed."

    "Understatement of the century."



    Hm... How'd I go? I think I'm a lil bit rusty. :\

  2. Firstly..


    :groovy:HELLO JU-JU LEA!!!:groovy:


    I have to give a 5-minute presentation in my Studies of Religion II (I go to a Catholic school) class tomorrow. It's about the commandments and beatitudes of Christianity and I will be speaking about John Lennon, as an example. :wub2:


    Heya! *huggles*


    That sounds way better then the one I had to do this term. We had to do it on prophets from the Old Testment.. In groups of three. (I was with the guys I liked, the guy that liked me and they were mates. So that was fun!)


    But anyway, if worst comes to worst at least you can drabble on a bit... Right?

  3. I was so incredibly happy to read Mika's shout out to Tegan. It was such a kind thing to do, and I hope it helps her to get through this tough time with a smile on her face. She deserves to be happy. :wub2:


    Thanks Mika, and get well soon Tegan!


    Why, oh why, did I leave this religion speech until the night before?? :doh:


    Religion speech?

  4. OMG! I'm so glad Mika did the shout out. Awwwww :fangurl: I'd love to see Tegan's face when she finds out.


    JU JU!!!!!!!!!! *straps down to thread*


    Mphf mmfp mooph muk (Was the gag really necssary?)


    Not to mention the random straitjacket... I mean seriously, how the hell did you get your hands on one of them?


    Silliness aside. *huggles*

  5. Have you read back 10 pages? If so, then that's it.


    It's your turn to tell us wtf you've been doing? :sneaky2:


    Hmm... Well... I got suspended. For yelling at a teacher that was totally picking on me. So that kinda got a lot out of control. I'm currentally in a money bind. So I'm job searching... Uhh... What else. Oh. I'm doing a few year 11 subjects, and they cout towards my OP so I'm working pretty fooking hard at that. CS has finally gone down. *does happy dance* I'm still having realationship problems... But hey, I'm a teenage girl. It's to be expected.


    *yawns* I'm always really tired nowdays. :S


    And I feel terrible about ditching you lot for RL.

  6. We're waiting to hear why he's here. Not sure if it's business or pleasure yet.


    It hopefully has something to do with the petition, and checking out venues for his upcoming tour.


    Or he's come to steal Johnny Depp from your chocolate factory.

    Either way, keep your eyes open!


    He's... Going to... Steal... MY... Johnny!?


    ...He could just come and play around in my factory office for awhile. :das:

  7. *peeps in for half a second.*


    Hey girlies... (Yes, you're all girls. I'm too lazy (And my room as no a/c, so I'm passing out and sweating from the stupid heat.) to include guys.


    I just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year briefly, I havem't forgotten you guys, you do mean the world to me. But there's this guy... And not to mention work. I barely have time for a social life let alone anything else.


    Also. NYE with friends is always fun. As well as getting a phone call from a sorta tipsy friend... Total highlight so far! Lol. No, I was on top of a dogpail, then I fell on the sharp corner of my friends laptop. It f*cking hurts!


    Oh, and i'm not sure if anybody here is interested in my sort of music, but seriously, youtube 'The Academy Is...' they are one of my favourite bands at the moment. (The lead singer is kinda cute, in that nice girlish sort of way.)


    Lots of Love to my MFC-er's.




    P.S. Factory open all morning, free booze and chocolate. Sleep with whomever you please. Don't crap in the hot tub. and my office is out of bounds!

  8. :groovy:JU-JU LEA!!!:groovy:




    I'm pretty sure it never will be. I've seen enough of that movie to last for quite a while. You can keep hoping though.






    That's gotta suck. You don't have much luck around there

    I have no idea, tbh. I googled and found smth called "Runaway" that was recommended. Maybe we have it here, maybe we don't.. I haven't heard of it though. I also saw a page that recommends two teaspoons of vinegar in one litre of warm water. *shrug*


    True. It wasn't the most amazing movie ever. But in 45 minute Xena version, it's damn good. *is biased*




    Definitely. Here he is, I trimmed the pic - it was huge.



    And, looking at him now I'm thinking shiiiiitttt!! half my age lol!!

    But he is soooo pretty. Powerade bottle ft. him looking at us oddly.


    Perv alert!! *Fluffy handcuffs you to thread.*

    That doesn't surprise me at all.

    Were you in IRM?


    Good fangurl!! There will be lots of pictures.. And video on youtube :das:




    Speaking of Christmas rushes, did anyone hear about the security guard that got trampled to death in a Walmart the other day (Black Friday)? Sick.. Sick sick sick.. And so, so sad.



    Of course it doesn't surprise you :D


    What's IRM??


    Yay! I'm a good fangurl! (I call dibs on them, first out of everyone)


    Death... *shudders*

  9. A writing site you say? Well at least you're back now.



    If being chopped up and dissolved isn't bad enough having it done by the Jonas Brothers would make it the ultimate form of torture. :mf_rosetinted:


    A writing site... :das: (It's MA15+... and no one who writes on there is even 15...)


    If I was going to be chopped up and dissolved into acid, couldn't I at least have it done by somebody I respect?


    I can think of worse punishments, but that one is pretty horrific..



    Goodnight!! If you don't return we will not name something in your honour at GC and take advantage of "you". *shakes fist*


    I returned :naughty:


    P.S. when that happens... I want pictures... lots of pictures!!!


    Have a great time!




    Crap! I thought they were tomorrow night.....I really must take more notice of those signs when I seem them.








    Wow, now there's a blast from the past....welcome back! Does that mean the chocolate factory is open for business again?


    You make me feel old! The factory is under construction and will be opened again within the next 12 and a half hours in time for the Christmas rush!


    OMG! - JJLLLLLL! *handcuffs to thread*


    OkD!!!! *gets bobby pin from out of hair and opens handcuffs*



    *does not take responsibility for any distress the following picture may cause*



    Wow... I wonder what flavour the chips are....


    I wish so too!!!



    I hope lots and lots of pics find their way back here...




    Oh, I did!


    The only thing that wasn't so great was one of the grocery guys was seriously hitting on me... he was a wee bit young for me, and I wasn't drunk enough to be lowering my standards...


    and he kept talking about how he's been cheated on twice and the last girl that cheated on him was bi, and he didnt like that...



    Though, if the assistant manager wasn't engaged I totally would've been all over him... :das: He was f**ked (his words, not mine)... he was quite touchy feely with the girls I was with... and kept resting his head on my shoulder :wub2:...




    OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I have the work camera!!! Yay!





    JULIA!!! *huggles*


    Teegs!!! *huggles to death*


    I'm not going to say anything about the guys... you should know me enough by now to guess :D

  10. Where have you been, missy? :shocked: Welcome back. :yay:


    So the Jonas Brothers didn't chop you up into small pieces and dump them into a barrel of acid either? :naughty:


    I have... had my net taken off me for a month... forgotten that certain places exsisted on the web with the start of me and my friends writing site... I strongly advise against going there...


    Thanks :wub2:


    Jonas Brothers... *shudders*

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