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Posts posted by LucyPenniman

  1. I really love him in this picture. His hair is all wild and in his face. Simply amazing. :mf_lustslow:




    Oh my, Amanda!! That pic is soooo beautiful! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:


    btw girls... OH MY GOD! You so gotta watch this! it's AMAZING!!


  2. Wow I hope it goes well I admire you very much! What faith are you?


    Oh it's nothing, I love doing it! the people who lives in that town is lovely, besides I had sooo much fun the last 2 years I went, and I love doing it :wub2:


    I'm catholic, how about you?? :thumb_yello:


    to Nago, I dunno anything in euskera :thumbdown: but in catalan I do :D

  3. I'm fine thanks are you going to celebrate the end of your exams tomorrow?


    I'd loooove to celebrate it lol but on sunday I'm going to spend one week in this stuff for my church -mission- don't know if you know somethin about it?? me and like 15 more people are staying for one week in this little and very poor place next my city and make some stuff... dunno how to explain lol xD but we have soo many stuff to prepare :naughty: so I can't celebrate that much yet :mf_rosetinted:


    yesss!! is "euskera".. hehehe...As you know?


    you see... I like and know Spain pretty much xD

  4. basque country... I live in basque country! ("bilbao" to be more exactly!)

    I love barcelona too.... I´ll go in june, to bon jovi concert! :D


    OMG you're so lucky! I envy you so much lol :naughty:


    what was the lenguage you speak? besides spanish and english of course


    was it euskera ? or whaaa? :blink:

  5. HOT!! HOT!! HOOOOTT!!!!!!


    bLACKqUEEN.... for you... crazy!!!!!!







    it´s similar, not the same!






    OMG! you gotta be kidding me! he looks so hot! I'm telling you, this man can't be for real! he's way too SEXY!


    Oh...wow. I'm so glad I decided to check out this thread today.



  6. OHHH! We should bring whip cream and cherries as well. I mean if he happens to be real I would love to eat of his chest. :naughty:


    God, I should not be thinking about that sort of stuff! But it's so hard not to. :blush-anim-cl:


    Mohahaaa :das: I thought on so many things too :roftl:


    Yeah, if he happens to be for real, we can't lose our time ! I mean, you touch it then why couldn't we eat the man?! :roftl:

  7. I live in Spain ... I speak Spanish! but, I like english... and I like speak it, So practical and not forget seme...

    you spoke in the lenguage that you want... I will answer equally! :thumb_yello:


    Awwww Spain :wub2: :wub2: I love Barcelona !! Maybe I'll move over there the next year :mf_lustslow:


    which part of Spain are you from???

  8. :shocked:


    My mind is mushy after this. But the only way to find out if he is real or not is to touch him. :das:


    (deep in my heart, this was the reason I was sayin' that :roftl: :roftl: )


    We need to make sure ourselves he's for real... I say we go and touch the dummy :mf_rosetinted::das:

  9. por cierto!!! me encanta la animacion de tu firma del chubby bunny!! ;):roftl:


    Siii, yeah we call it SPANGLISH :mf_rosetinted:


    but I'll try to speak with you in english, so the other members can understand us xD anyway, whenever I don't feel like talking in english, then I'll just talk in spanish lol :naughty:


    welcome sweetie :wub2:


    by the way, I love my siggy tooooo!! it's gorgeous <333

  10. hiii!!! I´m spanish... but I don´t know, if I have to speak in english!

    I have anecdotes with the chubby bunny... hahahaha.. :roftl:

    I´m a friend of luna... & these latest vacation, we play with friends to do the chubby bunny.... hehehehe... Laugh a lot!!

    Attempts to pass through here often! I love this thread! :wink2:


    welcome here!! y sí hablams español, de hecho las 2 mamas del grupo ! puedes ser hija mia o de Ceci :thumb_yello: tu escoje!!


    Hello! Mine starts friday! So are we using this thread as the new chubby bunny family thread?


    this is the first and only Chubby Bunny Family Thread I've ever met :naughty:


    It's the best show ever!:mf_lustslow: And Eduardo is so hot:das: (enriqe)


    hahah he's ugly xD!! btw, do you know the name of the actor??


    HIIIIII :roftl:

  11. I was really boring on my antropology class, and then in laws I started to philosophy and I was thinking about the meaning of life, etc...


    then I just realized Johnny Depp couldn't possible be truth. I mean, he's fiction! HE CANT EXIST! HE CANT!! 'cuz that way there'd be more incredible hot men like him, and there aren't! no other men like Johnny. I mean, Holy Johnny, he's a dream... my dreams usually are perfect (happyness all around) including Mika sometimes, but Johnny is ALWAYS there, and if we all agree dreams doesn't exist, then why, for God sakes, would Johnny be real? He's perfection.




    So that's why Johnny CAN'T exist :mf_rosetinted:

  12. Hhaha lol ! I know it's the hardest stuff!! that's why I just decided to let it be and keep the 3 men for me (Johnny, Mika and Freddie lol)


    btw, I gotta go ladies! It was very nice talking with you :D cheers!

  13. Welcomeee! oh my, another Johnny/Mika's lover! that's awesomeee :punk:


    you'll love it here, and have the greatest time ;) !!


    btw, yes I've heard of that... Amanda, right?? :blush-anim-cl: just kidding, we have the best time in the Johnny Depp's thread :bleh:

  14. I loved Johnny ever since Pirates 1 came out. All my friends were like OMG ORLANDO! And I was like OMG! JOHNNY DEPP IN MY PANTS! I'm sorry but Bloom looks like a lady. :roftl:


    My parents say the same thing. And I'm like THEY ARE NOT GAY! It's mad annoying. But even if they turned out to be gay, I would still love them to death. :wub2:


    I discovered Mika almost a year ago. My best friend told me about him and she said that she regreted it because of my big obsession. But that day changed my life forever.


    OMG! :roftl: it's exactly the same!! hahah I liked Johnny way much before Jack Sparrow, but then Pirates came out and when I watched it, I completely fall for him while my friends were like "ORLANDO BLOOM IS BETTER, HOTTER, YOUNGER" , but it was ok, Johnny's just for me that way :naughty:


    Oh my, and Mika is exactly the same! I discovered him on my b*day (what a bday :wub2: ) one friend from US called me and she told me like.. hey listen this.. so I listened him on youtube, and the same day I bought his album... Rachel hates Mika 'cuz he's a bit more important than her to me looool :roftl:

  15. Well I'm 25 and that is one older man I will gladly take. If anything ever happened between him and Vanessa, I'll be there in the blink of an eye:mf_lustslow:


    LOL I bet he has like 25,000,000 girls in the wait, just seeing what's the next move and how their relationship is going :roftl:


    but I so wouldn't mind being one of those 25,000,000 girls :bleh:

  16. OMG I KNOW!!! It's exactly the same for me!! I wouldn't mind dating Johnny's lil son, too bad he doesn't know he exists yet :roftl:


    oooh and it's the same, my parents thing I'm weird, 'cuz according to them, both Johnny and Mika are gay... so I'm like the girl who likes gay guys?? haha however I don't mind being that girl :naughty: I love them sooo much!!


    and I have this crush on Johnny since I was like 9 - 10 years old, then I met Mika 1 year ago :wub2:

  17. Oh dear I so don't mind about him having 44 years old, or the fact he could've been my dad lol I'm only 18 but I sooo want him! he's like... PERFECT!


    (and btw, I don't like Vanessa thaaaat much... I just authorized her to be with my man 'cuz of their children)

  18. bueno me voy acomer y dormir un rato (a.k.a grafield), veré si me paso después, besos Ana, haber si hay alguien por ahí después!


    adios anita! descansa y dichosa de tiii jajaja quien como tu!! come y duerme x mi tmb :mf_rosetinted: jeje


    Estoy bien!

    Jajaja, no soy ninguna celebridad! La verdad es que me paso poco porque no tengo mucho tiempo.



    para mi sí eres :tears: jajajj :blush-anim-cl: ntc... fuiste a Londres x un concierto?! de Mika?! oh dios... creo que para mí sí que eres una celebridad!! :roftl:

  19. OK Amanda :wink2: I know! It happens exactly the same for me, that's why I pretty much hate every girl who has kissed him, maybe except for Vanessa lol :naughty:


    @ Lissa:

    Johnny Depp is bad in bed - so says Vanessa Paradis


    OMG! are you serious!? I wouldn't care how good or bad is he in bed, I just want him (in the bed or not xD) :roftl: :roftl:

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