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Oakie Doke

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Posts posted by Oakie Doke

  1. On 4/12/2020 at 5:25 AM, silver said:

    It's silly really - we have to go out to the shops much more often now, whereas before it was once per month, simply because we can't buy anything in bulk. 


    Yes, exactly, I am a massive bulk shopper usually! They have just re-opened delivery and click and collect shopping here, but luckily before then I qualified as "priority" for being pregnant/having a newborn, so we haven't been inside a shop in more than a month! 


    And on that note - here is that newborn:

    93136251_10158235646771602_1735631550290067456_o.thumb.jpg.d8529f99c571f42c9d0a58b16cd3e7d7.jpg  92469768_10158235646931602_1948001138863243264_o.thumb.jpg.cc11a461dbd5f1df473de151b87f0515.jpg










    Bryn (not putting the rest of his name because I'm not sure how open this forum is anymore) was born on Saturday 11th April at 9.25pm. He is already long like his mother, 55 cm and 3480 g at birth. The dogs have been very interested in him, especially Willow, but also suitably gentle. We've made exactly two excursions outside since coming home (to walk around the block with the doggos) and he has only met his extended family through the living room window at this stage. It's a weird time to be born in, but I'm reasonably happy to have an excuse to just hide away and wear pyjamas all day every day :bleh:


    • Like 2
  2. On 2/5/2020 at 6:37 AM, silver said:

    And just in case she looks in,


    Happy Birthday OKD  :hug:




    Thanks Silver :blush-anim-cl:


    Hello from my two idiots:



    Who actually made it to a gig in the end? It looks like only about three of us? It sounds like they were still well attended - do we know if the shows were sold out? 


    I don't understand how. I have been trying to buy his last CD but no where sells any Mika CDs anymore. There is no Mika section at JB Hifi?

  3. Four shows in our neck of the woods and three in Australia. What has the world come to? I can't go to any of them because I won't be able to fly in February :lmfao:


    For the last few weeks we have actually become a bit of a Mika household by chance - John started listening to my Mika CDs, we even just went out and bought the new one! 

    • Like 2
  4. Thanks Silver! :biggrin2:


    Ambrose and Zen are twins!

    929524770_IMG_20190808_105705692(2).jpg.a4a5a0448f8eebd54b2e65a9d877892b.jpg  787716963_IMG_20190906_161726890(2).png.1c088ca6384e844dd2b9b6697cf16694.png


    Ambrose had surgery to repair a skin tear in the same area. He also has fat lumps everywhere and he has another little shaved patch on his chest where he had a biopsy of one of them.


    His hair was shaved over 4 months ago and still hasn't grown back properly! Just a fuzzy undercoat has come back. I guess this is just what he looks like now. Willow had her belly shaved 3 months ago for her desexing and it grew back fully within a month? The hair length difference isn't as dramatic as it is for your doggos though! :wub2:

  5. Happy birthday for last week Tegan!

    Hello everyone! :biggrin2:


    Looks like the thread has been its lively self since I last visited :bleh:


    How is everyone going? How are your doggos Silver? I will always welcome photos!


    In my news, we got a new dog a few months ago - Willow, a presumed greyhound cross, probably greyhound cross dingo? 


    I can now relate to your comments about living with two dogs, Silver, and I regret everything. She is young (1 or 2 years?) and sooo much more energetic than Ambrose. She has a 'too much' gene and doesn't understand that Ambrose is an old man who doesn't want to play with her 24/7. But she is also an adorable cuddle monster and I love her very much. She is convinced that she is a lap dog, depsite having extremely long legs and pointy elbows and ankles.


    **commencing dog spam**

    IMG_20190731_170052560.thumb.jpg.ddc1415f0d0065752bfd6e7249e5eda8.jpg   IMG_20190825_093514887.thumb.jpg.bac59d1856bda942917445c4e6b6376f.jpg






    And then in other news, this thing is growing in me and will also be joining our family in April next year :shocked:





  6. I love the reindog, Silver :fangurl:


    I had no idea there were such a thing as "Mika pens" :fisch: 


    Several years ago I was all about the Frixion pens, but then I realised that in heat (ie. left in a car) the writing of Frixion pens on paper disappears, permanently! :shocked: So then I moved to Stabillo fineliners, but then I spilt a glass of water on my notes and the writing disappeared again! :doh: Now I exclusively use Sharpie fineliner pens, they are 100% waterproof and car-proof. :naughty:  But John HATES the Sharpie fineliner pens, and he exclusively uses a particular style of Uni-Ball pens (which I hate), and we both refuse to even write a shopping list or scribbled note with each other's pens :shun: "I need a pen! Why can't I find a pen!!?" "There's three pens right here!" "NO, I need one of MY pens!" :lmfao:


    This has been a condensed history of the pens in my household (with illustration). You are welcome :pinkbow:


    We watched Bohemian Rhapsody (the movie) and went into a bit of a "Queen phase" afterwards, bought the 3 disc "Queen greatest hits" album and listened to it non-stop for a few weeks. With so many Queen songs I am struck by how it could just be Mika singing. Crazy. Obviously mostly a different style of music, but they just have the same voice :dunno:


    • Haha 1
  7. On 8/31/2018 at 4:14 AM, silver said:

    Nice to see you again, OKD :wub2:


    Just for you, the dogs realising they'd gone on different paths on their walk


    and back together again




    :wub2: :wub2: :wub2:


    On 9/17/2018 at 8:06 PM, nico_collard said:


    Okay, I just saw this post :facepalm: Yep, that describes Orange well and truly :lmfao: I swear a good number of people in this town go on a Facebook page called Spread the Word in Orange - there's no admin so of course any posts aren't watched and there's rampant bullying but occasionally there;s some amusing stuff. Oh, and every public holiday people have to ask what shops are open and when it snows people have to ask if there's snow on the mountain/the roads are open/complain that the gates to the mountain are closed :facepalm: 


    As for Banjo Patterson's birthplace, there's no hard evidence that he ever lived there, but surely there's some truth to it. Maybe he lived there as a child or something :dunno: (it took me forever to remember what the shortcut was for that, all I thought was :smth: )


    I follow many, many facebook pages just to giggle at the kinds of things people post there :lmfao: 


    On 9/26/2018 at 5:52 AM, silver said:

    I see you Aussies have managed to lose a beach! :teehee:



    :blink: ???

  8. I love the soggy doggos Silver :wub2: and congratulations on the new baby Tegan! I've been following your pictures on Instagram as well, he and Sam are very cute :biggrin2:


    I was watching a show on Netflix yesterday, "Restoration Australia", and there was an episode set in Orange which painted a picture of a town full of people with a little too much time on their hands :lmfao:

    Do you have any input for the possibly-Banjo-Paterson's-birth-house-but-also-probably-not debate?

  9. Yesterday I discovered a new album and it's all I've been listening to on repeat since yesterday because I quite like it. It's called "No Place in Heaven" by some guy called Mika. Maybe you've heard of it, apparently it came out in 2015?  :dunno:


    I like your new house and garden Silver, and congrats on the upcoming new baby Tegan! :yay:

  10. Tegan, you look so damn different! I can't believe how interesting Darwin actually is, too! How long were you there?


    News: Petra is coming to Australia in July/August! She's currently deciding where to go so she can book the flights. Do you think Darwin is worth it? I think flights are quite expensive, right? I think her plan at the moment is Sydney - Canberra (I tried to talk her out of it!) - Melbourne - Adelaide - Perth (to see meeee!).

  11. In my experience, most students dedicated their spare time to drinking :mf_rosetinted:


    Yes, well you can dedicate it to whatever you want: drinking, hobbies, dogs, Mika forums, you name it!


    I am currently binging through Gossip Girl on Netflix and Mika (I see you) featured fairly heavily in the episode I just watched! They played the whole song through  :)

  12. Omg really :o So they still have time to pursue drama as much as drama students despite such a heavy course? May I ask, in the Bachelor of Science as an undergrad, how much time does it take up, doing coursework and homework and all? A rough idea? 


    They say that a full-time course load should take 40 hours a week of contact hours and private study. However, the actual time that you spend studying is highly variable - depending on how good you are at studying, how fast you are at learning things, how well you want to do, etc.


    Honestly, 90% of students would spend about 5 hours a week in private study for the first 10 weeks of semester and then 20 hours a day in the two weeks before exams  :teehee:


    To give you an idea, at my uni for a student in their first year of Bachelor of Science in Psychology (they recently changed the name of this course, it used to be called BSci Cognitive Neuroscience and Health Psychology), the contact hours per week are: 6 hours of lectures, 5 hours or tutorials and 2 hours of laboratories. So, all up only 13 hours of class. Depending on your living situation you would definitely have time to dedicate to hobbies. 

    • Like 1
  13. OMG your PhD idea of identifying plankton in the Swan river using that Flowcam :o Now that is so freaking cool! You must be so smart!! I watched the video and the Flowcam software is impressive, and the way it freezes the particle and you can fully analyse the particles is so cool! I hope your PhD goes well ;) What are you studying in uni may I ask? And you'll be one of the few people who know how to use it so that is admirable


    I actually want to do neuroscience when I leave highschool :) If I can help in the research of mental illnesses, although I do know that I also want to be a musician and an artist so I need to figure a way to juggle all these things :lmfao: But yeah, I have been doing psychology research and studying thesis' about curing depression and I am starting to form ideas on how it could be done :D I chose my subjects for the HSC and its all the science ones XD


    Thanks, I think it's pretty cool too! I have a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Marine Science and Conservation and Wildlife Biology.


    I think it's great that you already have a pretty clear idea about what you want to do after school. It's also impressive that you have been reading research and forming your own ideas - it sounds like you have a level of critical thought that most uni graduates haven't got! 


    While it would be possible to study both creative arts and science/psychology I think it would be pretty hard to succeed in either if you did that. You would be much better off studying just psychology or psychology with some kind of medical science (if that's the kind of treatments you are interested in), and focusing on music and art as extracurriculars/hobbies. For example, I know plenty of science students who have been just as if not more involved in uni drama productions as actual drama students! 


    (Sorry for giving so much info, I'm work as a course counselor at my uni and I can't help it!) 


    *continues to complain about life*


    Anything you want to share?  :)

  14. OKD, he has two dogs now - Melachi and Amira




    Oh my goodness! Yess!!! I especially love that they are on stage with him, how cute are they! I also love how obvious it is that he is holding food for them in that picture.


    Hi :bye:


    Congrats on the new house (hope it has a big garden for Ambrose) :thumb_yello:


    What exciting subject have you chosen for your PhD?


    Yes, of course! The block is 720 m2, it has plenty of space for Ambrose and his chicken-sisters  :thumb_yello:


    In the Opera House too :o I cannot handle myself if that is true sjdhkjsadhasjakjs


    I guess you're right about it being unlikely he will come due to expenses :mellow: How awesome would it be if all us Aussies went overseas to one of his shows as a mass movement :floor: The guy said he will gain $50,000 profit in his hands from each show he does in Australia and it would be advisable MIka does a show in Melbourne and Sydney and the guy said he thinks Mika can easily get that many seats :dunno: It seems he will get an alright amount but I aint an adult yet and I dont know all that much about money XD The guy gave me a full budget sheet and Mika's team received it and will look into it as Deb said ;) Let's see haha. 


    and YEES isnt the Mika and Mel gif so adorable!! As Silver mentioned, he has 2 now and they are the CUTEST beings :wub:


    A PhD :o You are so smart!! I'm also interested in knowing what it's about!! I have my yearly exams for year 10 and the fact that you're doing a PhD motivates me to give it my all! 


    And congrats on gaining a niece and buying a house! :cheer: Also, the name Grace is so beautiful :wub: She must be adorablee


    He played outside the Opera house, but only a couple of songs: 


    My PhD will be about using a particular machine to monitor plankton in the Swan River (the main river which runs through Perth). The machine takes photos of the microscopic plants and animals in the water and then you can program it to automatically identify them. There's only a few of this machine in Australia and I'll be the only person in WA who knows how to use it! This video shows the machine: 


    Good luck for your exams! Do you know what you want to do when you leave high school?


    Grace is easily the best baby I've ever met, and she definitely has the best name too.


    As we're moving house soon I'm trying to clear out everything I've been hoarding. Would any of you like my Mika posters? I'll take some pictures when I get to pulling everything out of the basement.

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