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Posts posted by Rowayda

  1. So the justification, if it exists, is "falsetto-voiced". O.o Right.


    Not only is his inclusion in an "anti-icon" list stupid anyway (I can mildly understand an "annoying" one, since some people just don't like his singing), but to be ranked above ultimate celebrity-wannabes like Ziggy and the self-obsessed Jeremy Kyle is ridiculous.


    This sort of stuff annoys me even more than ignorant YouTube comments >_>

  2. so he ran to the toilet where he keeps his autograph book for Travolta to sign while he also lets him sign his Grease LP which he kind of stole from his auntie who is an invincable cat from the kingdom of kitties which he intends on visiting after converting his songs into kittie- language which Kittie88 helps him with as she is perfectly fluent in the language of kitties, so anyways it was new years and mika got drunk and went to his bed which had a chair with aspirin on top and a glass of water and he took the aspirin and randomly started thinking it looked remarkably like a shoe and he wondered if it would grow to fit his shoe size since it would make a nice shoe since he collects white shoes, and since aspirin is white, it would be like a white shoe, but then suddenly it started to shrink and he started getting very sad and he said "no i want it BIGGER" until finally he threw the aspirin/shoe at the wall and it shattered into tiny pieces so his aspirin was lost and he still felt horrible but suddinely he looked back at the pieces and saw that they where back together and he got scared because he was sure he saw them shatter and he backed up and fell on his bed when he realized his bed was a flying carpet and with a puff of smoke a golden egg fell out and it hatched into a pheonix and as he was flying on his magic carpet with his phoenix he saw a rainbow which infact turned out to be a multi-coloured sheep that by accident head-butted the pheonix which made it loose conciousnes and fall onto Mika which ment he was pinned onto a large pink cloud of cotten candy which felt uncomfortable when it started to melt because it was sticky so he decided to begin stuffing it into his mouth

  3. Nothing to lose by starting a thread, I guess :D


    I've been lurking around here for a while, and it's a great place, which I think is partly due to it being focused and specifically geared - everyone's really friendly, and I can discuss Mika with people who actually care! (unlike family members, who keep rolling their eyes and changing the topic :mf_rosetinted: ). Simply trawling through YouTube videos he features in isn't quite enough, so I'll get the full fix by being able to join in some of the topics :P


    Hope to see many of you around.

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