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Posts posted by BangBangLou

  1. I think the movie was really good. I was afraid it wasn't going to be 3D where it pops out at you, but it sure was! I loved it when they threw the guitar picks at the camera. I'm surprised but three of my friends actually went with me to the movie. It originally was going to be just me then one friend really wanted to go and two of my other friends randomly showed up just because they knew I was there. I still have the 3D glasses. I kept them as a prop for a photo shoot.


    I saw the South Park clip online. It was quiet... uh... disturbing haha.


    We had fun with it. Like when the sign exploded all 3D and stuff, me and my sister would yell "OWWW im hit im hit!" and i think there was 3D fire id yell "ahh! HOT! HELP! IM ON FIRE!". Everyone probably hated us.



    Oh, i watched the SP episode again today. I love it. The jokes about the "hot white foam" they shoot out into the crowd...was horrible yet awesome.:naughty:

  2. I went to see their 3D concert yesterday, it was cool.

    I like Nick and Joe, I've never really liked Kevin, idk why, lol.


    I saw it the midnight it came out!

    It was pretty awesome. Especially when they went backstage and joe and kevin got naked...well almost. :thumbdown: I melted out of my chair.


    I find myself liking Nick, but he's a baby and it feels wrong. So i go for Joe, he's my age.


    Anyone see the the South Park Jonas Brothers episode?....epic.:naughty:

  3. Wow I haven't been in this thread for ages :wub2:


    Thought I'd share some stuff I've been up to at the moment. I'm doing this project for uni which involves A LOT of painting. I love it :wub2:


    It's not finished yet but I will upload more pics once it's done. This is what it looks like so far :biggrin2:










    oooooo....that is going to look freakin' amazing!


    Cant wait to see it all donnnne!

    I cant paint to save my life.

  4. i love the new song.

    But not until half way through it. But now im obsessed.


    I want the box set so bad. I'm selling some of my AFI collection to get it.

    And a nice placebo-fan friend is donating money to the cause! Such a sweetie! :wub2:

  5. Are your spams from people called Jason, Jessica and Kelly?

    They are doing my head in!!!

    Every night I have to clear their spams!:sneaky2:


    I got a katie Andrea, jen and steph so far...:thumbdown:


    What's the dif between that and a normal one ??? :shocked: duuurrr:naughty:


    a maine?

    I held a baby donkey once...cutest thing ever. Then they tried to charge us $10 for the donkey hug. :shocked:

  6. So I ask again...would u please be so kind to tell us what is a lion donkey please lucy??


    THIS is a Lion-Donkey!...duurrrr =] idk, i thought it was a mane.





    I had to run to the store with my mom, and when i came back now i have hella spam accounts following me on twitter. haha ek. *block block block* But i added the few mika fans too.

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