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Posts posted by thetricktolife

  1. I heard about this this morning..

    He was so young and so talented.

    has you seen all the nasty comment sent to our sites

    a church has issued a leaflet saying he's going to hell for playing a gay in brokeback mountain. He's an actor for christ sake.

    I deeply hope its not a drugs over dose because then all these evil malicious people will be all "I told you so"

    If it turns out to be SADs or something then its so much worse, but will highlight SADs to the public.

    My uncle died of it and he was only 28.

    Rest in peace Heath

    Hopefull the media will ef off for a while and leave his family to grieve

  2. wow... we don't get this on the Hoosier one... I make sure Im the most up to date on all the posts!

    Where should I start? Im a bit of a novice when It comes to Mika

  3. Hiya!

    I'm Emma, I'm 17.

    I found this place from recommendations on the Hoosiers fan club.

    I heard Mika on the radio and love his upbeat and uphigh vocals.

    I've got his album and love Billy Brown.. What a sweet yet sad song!

    I love the whole album really!

    sending my Love today (couldn't resist a cheap pun)


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