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Posts posted by mamacatt

  1. mikaaaaaaaaaaa.png


    Yup, the flock is back with our fearless leader in camo...:naughty::thumb_yello: ... and ...Huh???... velcro running shoes?!?! :roftl: I think he'd not be caught dead in those runners! And, is that a twig and vine head adornment a la Caz script???? :shocked: Nice piece of work, Alex!


    Anyhoo, so glad the MFC is back & that Mika really does care. Thanks to everyone involved, small kitchen appliances and all!!!! Love ya!

  2. I saw Elsiane live a few weeks ago! She was Robyn's supporting act in Montreal! She's really good! Her voice is so great live!


    Aww, glad you got to see Elsiane live. I am hoping that they will play closer to my home and I will be there front row, centre!


    Yes and another Swedish group, BWO!

    This is their latest video:


    Interesting... they put me in mind of .... ABBA.

  3. hi Patty!

    doing pretty good....until yesterday, I rode on the subway about 15 minutes to a Dr. appt., every time the train slowed before a stop-ouch! it's amazing what a little bit of difference in pressure does.

    so I've just been resting since then.

    how's your knee?


    Yikes.. you take it easy, give yourself healing time.

    Have a good rest!

    As for my knees, I should take my own advice...:naughty:






    You've had to wait even longer for the answer


    GB has a higher number of votes, but Mika has a higher percentage vote (on his way to 84%) in his section of the poll (and second highest number of votes overall).


    Strangely GB never gets a high percentage of the votes - I think the highest was 75% (but not for long ).

    Hi Silver! I believe that is our Alice at work - she keeps the laggers pretty much in line with each other, but by voting for them, it takes %age away from GB. :naughty: She's a smart cookie, that one!


    Good afternoon Oldlings :biggrin2:


    Raining here - but the ground needs it!!

    Hello Wendi! It's been bitter cold here at night - hope it warms up soon.


    That's so kind of you weealx

    Weealx, you old softie, you! :thumb_yello:


    I'm here ... ..... & don't you gals even think about lecturing me about bedtime ... :naughty:

    Good day/good afternoon/good evening to you, Happi!

    No Weely didn't turn up today... lol

    Hey Laurel - glad it was a good day for you. Hope your mama survives the washing machine fiasco ok.

  5. lol good on ya girl i've mad e somewhere over a thousand votes (and that's just today) I must have voted 6 thousand times or more in total since the bginning (well we can't let Gary Barlow win now can we??)


    It's official I have NO life!!!!!!! PMSL:roftl::naughty::punk:


    you know when i looked up at my tv during a brief pause in voting I saw they were playing lollipop on the hits (they haven't to my knowledge played that on there since b4 xmas) that's the reward lol : )


    BTW do you think if we end up with severe repetitive strain injury Mika will kiss us better??? (we can dream huh)


    We have all been sucked into the Mika=vortex...real life passes by while we powervote and do other important shtuff on MFC!

    Good work, DarkLight, and keep hoping for special Mr.M. healing treatments for our strained body parts. LOL!

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