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Posts posted by Mika_Addiction

  1. Vlaamse TV-zender

    Jullie kunnen hem niet ontvangen denk ik:blink:

    Ik ben nu dus aan het hopen dat ze de Brits uitzenden, die shows zijn nooit rechtstreeks die ze tonen(meestal de volgende dag), maar dan kan ik ten minste toch de awardshow zien:bleh:



    Ik moet er vandoor




    Ah ok!

    Nee ik denk het niet. :blink: Nah, misschien wel iets online ofzo, komt goed.:naughty:


    Doeg! :wink2:

  2. There are some ways around it. If you can register with different names and email addresses, those votes will count. Also, if it's a shared computer you are using, all of the people who use the computer can vote.

    But I do think it's better when it's one vote per person. Who remembers the fiasco of the EMAs, when we all voted 24 hrs straight (almost) and Avril won, or the disappointment of ROTY, when Leona kept (magically) jumping ahead every time the Mika and Take That fans, got within smelling distance of the lead. At least this way, it SHOULD be a fair fight!

    Also, it's not a good idea to diss Leona Lewis on You Tube. That's not doing Mika any favours. besides, I'm not happy that Amy Winehouse won five Grammys, when Mika was denied even one, after he's worked so hard!!!

    Hmn, there you have a point. I won't put hate comments underneath the video's of leona anymore. :wink2: But I'll do keep spamming to vote on Mika!


    And that thing with amy winehouse..:thumbdown:

    Mika is working his ass off, and she's only drunk all day long. :blink:

    Ok, I have to say she is a amazing artist, but I think Mika indeed worked so much harder than her, I think.

  3. Omg, jij hebt dezelfde naam als ik xD Yadayada, the world is small..


    Anyway, ehh..hii! ^^;; Ik ben dus nieuw hier, al ben ik al heel lang fan van Mika (en ben hier ook al vaker geweest, heb al boeken en shirts en tekeningen gezien :3). Sorry als ik tussendoor half Engels praat/typ, gebeurt als je een stuk of 10 vensters tegelijk open hebt staan : D;;

    Haha, daar heb ik ook last van. Om de ene keer Nederlands te praten, en dan weer Engels. :blink:


    Maar anders een topic aan om jezelf voor te stellen! :wink2:

  4. I once was in trouble at school because of Mika! :bleh:


    I was singing Love Today during a test Maths. But I didn't even realized it! I was just singing, I didn't noticed myself! And then the teacher said: Barbara! Why are you singing? I was like: uuh singing? You know what I'm talking about! And I looked like: :blink: ? And than he said: Go away!


    So I kicked out of class because of Mika. :naughty:

  5. Haha. I'm spamming youtube! Many comment when I'm asking the people for voting for mika. But they all are marked as spam. :thumbdown:

    I'm also spamming comments with movies of Leona Lewis, like:


    "I'm wondering how she's doing it at the brit awards. I think she has a little chance for wining a award. But I also think Mika is going to be her big concurent. He's also a very very very good singer! And he's so much more original than her. We'll see!"


    Haha. I think there's going to be so much hate-mail in my youtube inbox. :naughty:

    I don't care. Everything for Mika! :wink2:

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