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Posts posted by besha@vodamail.co.za

  1. oh yes, and just be aware that he has a habit of staring directly into your eyes making you forget everything you were going to say. write it on your hand or sumthin lohl.

    you see now i am even more convinced that he is an amazing soul.. if he stares right into your eyes..thats good,beautiful soul!! but oh my hat...I just know I would turn to jelly with those eyes!!!

  2. Oh, yeah. Laura's right. I met him after the concert in L.A. It was really controlled though. Security was moving people along and everything and the whole thing only lasted for half a minute. He signed my cd, I gave him my drawing, he said thanks, it's amazing, it was very sweet of you yada yada, gave me a hug, and that's all. Not much at all, but the fact that it happened with Mika makes it unbelievable.:naughty:

    mikafreaka we will have our turn!!!!

  3. Our Vix showed me him singing GK on Sat Night Project all excited saying "this is that guy I saw on tv the other day, this song is brilliant" then she decided he was really really cute and loved his flopsy hair (she goes for that kinda hair on a guy). I didn't pay too much attention ( I don't like that kinda hair on a guy...lmao :naughty:I DO NOW!!!). So yeah it's HER fault I am here now cos she kept playing his song and then I think we both started looking for things about him on utube, I have no idea why, I think I wanted to know more about what the song was about but ended up really fascinated by his personality, he was not like other musicians, he came across as genuine, kind yet a strong character, and his snese of humour I found very attractive.


    When I first saw him I didn't think he looked gay either, I still don't think he LOOKS gay, he does however have some characteristics that are a little more feminine, maybe that is one of the reasons why so many women are drawn to him, I don't care what he is he has the most amazing personality that intrigues me immensely, I think he is a beautiful and exceptionally talented human being, simple as that.


    One of my bosses at work is gay and really a bit camp but he is really funny and open about it (he thinks it's funny I go swanning off to Mika gigs and once mentioned how young he is (well compared to me he is lol) and "isn't he gay?" and I said, "yeah he is young isn't he and I don't know if he is gay or not, but he is sooo dam pretty" lol and my boss agreed lol.


    I love the way you describe Mika-I so agree- he is a beautiful human being!

    I am a newie MFCer, and I just think all you original? first MFCers deserve a 'hats off and bow' for all your loyalty and huge faith in him!!:thumb_yello:

    I think you guys are awesome! i wish I had been an 'original MFCer'!:groupwave:

  4. actually, I'm not so sure about that. As much as I adore Mika, my husband had a go at me one day cos I'd finally heard the original of "Hips Don't Lie" and said "Oh, Shakira's version is much better, he really needs to choose his covers better", and I'd said similar things about Sweet Dreams and I Want You Back. Anyway, hubby said "Maybe he's picking these songs because he likes them and not necessarily because they are perfectly suited to his voice. Just because you don't like his versions..." For one thing you could have knocked me over with a feather that DH was actually defending Mika, but secondly, I'd never said I didn't like his versions (except with I want you back cos I don't like his version, but I don't like the original either). It's just that I thought the original's were actually better. And now that I've just (last night) heard Same Jeans original version, again I think that his version is good, but the original is better.



    I hear you! I'm so totally wacked out of my mind over this beaut man , he can do no wrong!!! he he! :wub2:

  5. :lmao: or when you see it and go up and move it to maore obvious place, so that you can see the lovely colours more clearly:naughty:


    oh and when you buy all the singles even though you have the album, just to get the extra songs, and to help Mika work his way up the charts:naughty:

    or when you actually do buy them again-just in case the ones you have get worn out from being played too much!! yes did it!

    or when you want to post 'yet another' comment on Mika's my space about how awesome he is, and they tell you that you are 'flooding the comments, give someone else a chance'!!!-no way-how rude!!

  6. Mika knows he's got love in South Africa. Last February at the LT signing, I gave him cards from Nel and he was really impressed by them (they were gorgeous, I still have mine) and was bowled over that they came from there. Maybe I should have reminded him of that at Brixton, will remember next time.

    thank you!! yay!!Yes pleeze remind him of how much he is loved in South Africa! much much loved!





    V O T E !


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    ooh my hat!!! thank you for that!! didnt need reminding..but what a way to be reminded.. Mika you are beautiful!!!

  8. You know you're a Mika fan when...

    -You say “brilliant” far too often

    -The rest of the world seems quite monotone in color

    -Lebanese men just got hotter

    -You keep talking about Mika to random and often uninterested people

    -You've passed the Mika fever to at least on other person

    -You dream about him

    -You get defensive when someone says something mean about him

    -You know you're a Mika fan when your friends tell you you have a dangerous obsession and you start singing

    -Any second of the day you do not have access to the MFC you constantly text back and forth w/ your MFC friends to keep track of what is going on

    -No man appeals to you unless they've got curly hair.

    -You're afraid you'll never find anybody as amazing as mika

    -When the MFC is down, you're about to have a panic attack.

    -When you see something in a store, you're like:"That is very Mikaish."

    -You open your chem notebook to see the top of every page of notes covered with doodles from the cover of LICM

    -Your computer runs so frickin slow because it's filled to capacity with Mika pictures

    -When you yourself play piano or keyborad for hours annoying everyone around just because you are trying to play grace kelly which is absolutely technically impossible when you basically dont play piano,lol

    -You ask your friends if they can do the mice stuff with their voice to see how high their headvoice is

    -You bark with him on a certain demo song (haha but wheres the meow?!)

    -Your family members have Grace Kelly and Love Today stuck in the heads at 3:00 in the morning as a result of your non-stop singing/ blasting of his music.

    -You become more attracted to colorful clothing.

    -Whenever a word that remotely sounds like "Mika" is uttered, the source immediately has your attention

    -You can't stop having dreams about him if you tried. (By why would you want to try...?)

    -You know you're a Mika fan when your family is astounded because you seem to live a seperate life.

    -EVERYtime you see a guy with curly brown hair, "Love Today" automatically starts playing in your head

    -You have a box dedicated to all things Mika.

    -His music plays (no matter where you are and who you're with) you sing on top of your voice while doing a little dance

    -You want to cheer yourself up at work - you constantly sing his songs at the top of your voice…and get things thrown at you in reply

    -You start grinning insanely because Mika comes up on random on your computer so you start singing and then your Mum shouts at you becasue she's watching telly.

    -When you start making tons of sub-folders for all of your Mika pics so you can find them easier - oh and have about 5% of your memory left because of all the Mika pics.

    -People ask you if you own any other cd's apart from LICM

    -You spend all day searching for new pics that you haven't seen before

    -You go to bed with him on your mind and wake up with him still there!!! (bloody Mika!!)

    -Your kid's even know all the word's to his song's as they hear them so much

    -You incorporate Mika song lyrics into every day conversation.

    -All you most listened too songs on you ipod are Mika, and when you print off pics of him to stick all over your room

    -You can't seem to live a day without stopping by the MFC

    -You check all the magazines in the shops and newspapers at home, to get your little snippet of news about him

    -Your parents ALWAYS need to mention how obsessed you're with mika to their friends or my friends

    -You always look at men with curly hair.

    -People have an urge to send you to a mental hospital from your reaction to hearing him on the radio.


    i have mika fever coz all of the above happened to me! :roftl:

    this is brilliant!!

    me tooo! all of the above happened to me-now I'm forever lost in Mika!!

  9. you know your a Mika fan when you nwant to change your 17 year old cats name from Widget to Mika...and the dog and the parrot..my 8 year old is starting to worry that I love Mika more than her- I've even chnaged the pic on my desk topfrom her to Mika- ok now I'm even worried!:shocked:

    and clearly I can't even spell anymore!! Mika what have you done to me!!!? I love it!

  10. you know your a Mika fan when you nwant to change your 17 year old cats name from Widget to Mika...and the dog and the parrot..my 8 year old is starting to worry that I love Mika more than her- I've even chnaged the pic on my desk topfrom her to Mika- ok now I'm even worried!:shocked:

  11. I agree with that, a lot of "macho" men are really FAAAAr from macho after all as they can see just how much of a threat Mika and men like Mika are to them, women (and men) these days don't want, need or appreciate the macho types like they used to, they want emotion, love, gentleness etc so the days of macho man are numbered and they are cringing and squirming trying their best to hang onto it for as long as they can.

    (well thats how it seems to me anyway).

    nod nod nod yes yes yes! exactly! we dont want those macho bullies- bye bye- Mika is what it is all about, and those little 'men' are sooooo threatened! I luv absolutely everything about beautiful Mika...he can giggle for me any day!

  12. i suddenly feel like the only mika lover in South Africa :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:


    and you know what! im proud about it!!!!! i will continue to love Mika and play his music wherever i wanna play it! you dont have to like his music! but you really dont have to get so mean about it!

    mika-freaka we have a humungous job to do!!! we love Mika, we need him to come to SA- do you think he will come just for the 2 of us?!!1 oooh imagine- I could love that! but really I play his music ALL the time- I work for a magazine and I have spoken to the editor to get him in the magazine!!! we will do it!! we love him- dont know about you , but I have NEVER in my life been so bowled over by another human being .. he has given me a new lease on life & everyone around me thinks I'm having a mid life crisis!!! hee hee- I'm just in love ....yipeeeee

  13. Mika must take his time-he is a perfectionist...when he releases his new album it will be mind blowing:thumb_yello: I have absolute faith that he will show his brilliance again..and again...and again:wub2:

    he is so wise ,so smart....I will wait patiently(hee hee!) well try to anyway for his next stroke of genius...luv Mika FOREVER:wub2:

    ok so i'm getting carried away..so what ! he's worth it!!!:mf_lustslow:

  14. Hey Christine and all who adore this beautiful, talented man.. I am a South African(not so proudly at the moment!) and I absolutely adore and am besotted with Mika!! Pleeze dont tar us all with the same brush! I absolutely agree with you ,these complete excuses for men saying these awful things about our gorgeous man are quite obviously jealous of him-who wouldnt be!!

    so sad that they have nothing better to do than slag Mika off-pitifull!!!

    - shame we should really pity them!!!losers!!:thumbdown:

    I as a born and bred South African humbly apologise for these pathetic spineless, fleas of men!!!(hey maybe this explains why I am still single!)

    I think Mika is the best thing since...EVER!!!- I adore him, I am in awe of him, so talented, so unique, sooooo beautiful!!! I love him enough to shadow out all those who simply do not understand!!! xxxxxxxx sucker4mika!!!:wub2:

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