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Posts posted by weealx

  1. You're right there Wendi, and my other customers don't hassle me like that, and one of them I have to do pick ups much further away.

    Anyway got to run have to get back and switch vans for the morning. At least the van I'll have tomorrow will have a cd player, Mikatime!

    Back later;-)


    GO RAK1, and wendi, now it's cheeky time, your advanced drivers - should that not read; advanced years driver. lol just teasing. :thumb_yello:

  2. Yeh!!!! Thanks for that :sneaky2: bet its still in my head when I am trying to

    get to sleep :roftl:




    Aww - "Relax" Rose - hopefully you can get your van back soon!!

    Nothing worse than being on a deadline with traffic the way it is!! :thumbdown:


    bet there is a woman at the font of the traffic jam. ooooooooh, weealx being controvercial. :thumb_yello:

  3. HIYA to each and everyone of you, especially the one with a split personality. lol


    as Joe Pasquale sang;


    I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves.


    I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get , get, get on your nerves.


    that'll stay with you if you know the tune. :thumb_yello:



    keep repeating until everyone is sick of it, then keep going.


    for all you who know the tune, bet you sang it instead of reading it.


    better still if you didn't look at it. :thumb_yello:

  4. ACK!!! Not what I had in mind! :sneaky2: That little girls voice gets stuck in my head! "I went walkin' with my Momma one day...." Now, both songs are stuck in my head and they have merged. :naughty: Yeah, try singing that!


    HIYA to each and everyone of you, especially the one with a split personality. lol


    as Joe Pasquale sang;


    I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get on your nerves, get on your nerves.


    I know a song that'll get on your nerves, get , get, get on your nerves.


    that'll stay with you if you know the tune. :thumb_yello:


  5. Just finished work for the day, my first pupil even bought breakfast, a nice big fry up, still I had to be up at 6am.

    browsing through what has been happening, I notice there is a lot of talk about a singer with big hair, is


    making a comeback?


    talking to someone today they described MIKA as another Freddie Mercury, I don't get that at all, but good luck to the man if he achieves half as much as Freddie did.


    How many oldlings going to hamsterjam now?

  6. TMI Carri :naughty: Sweet dreams hun xxxx


    We are quite quiet tonight weealx - wait for Friday - it goes

    so fast its really hard to keep up - and its LOUD!!!! :roftl:


    well that gives me a good reason to get to bed early, have to be up at 6am, pupil has test first thing.


    I shall bid you all sweet dreams, when you waken you will be 1 day closer to hamsterjam.


    nite nite all


  7. Hi Wendi!!!!



    mmmusic :) I like music :)


    I can't really play any instruments. I can pretty much make most of then work, but what I get out of them isn't anything very interesting. But I carry my instrument around with me wherever I go, and unless I have laryngitis, I can pretty much use it all the time :) I'm a singer :) Well..I sing to myself, and maybe with a friend sometimes. I don't actually go out and have people listen to me. I'm far too shy for that. But I enjoy actually singing just so much :)



    I think I would like to be tour manager of MIKA busker,


    could recoup everyones hamsterjam expences. lol

  8. Hi Hev - I teach Body pump & Body comat at local gymes / health clubs - BTS / Les Mills Group excercise classes.

    thats my part time on the side job, main one is town planner plus mummy and wifey!!


    all that and time for MFC, you must be a youg oldling, or are you undercover for the middlings?


    All the oldlings are recovering from a hectic weekend juggling home life and MIKA life


    Should be intersting tomorrow morning if the weather keeps up, I had to wait in the lane whilst on of the farmhands cut up a fallen tree, no room to do a turn in the road, so watched mika video on ipod classic, gave mikalings time to prepare dinner, aint life sweet?

  10. well another fine day, though reading all posts not everyone has had a good week end, I am popping on and off all night, but will try to keep up with topics.


    Is anyone else blaming me for HAMSTERJAM, and how many petitions have I been named in, lawer is already looking at exotic holiday brochures, lol


    sounds like no happy ending for Bexy, unfortunately not knowing the circumstances, I would not let anything come between me and my family, talking to each other and sorting out any differences is the best way possible, but if they wont talk it is their loss, if their son turns against them, as he thinks about what happened resentment comes into it.


    if the bins have to go out, do it quickly, before the real storm comes along, though it wont be as bad as 1987.



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