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Posts posted by xhurtfulpurplex

  1. Oh pish POSH!


    I'm only ONE year older than you and I only JUST turned 14 and I'm getting amongst it! :D


    I had a teacher tell me off for my racy art (my poetry about a burlesque dancer and the pictures to go with it) and I told her "I'm a person miss, not a number"


    So if you're comfortable with answering any of the questions then by all means do :o

    Also, you're more than welcome to add your own :)


    How about...


    Give Mika a book of all your artwork and songs, poems, stories, photos etc and have him absolutely TREASURE it...


    Be a lollipop girl and get a signed poster and a little basket of those big lollipops???


    Haha! Your teacher...

    BE A LOLLIPOP GIRL!!! That looks like...so much fun.

    To hell with age. This game is funnnnnnn:boing::woot_jump::surfing:

  2. :shocked: what a pornography!!


    Answer on the second question : I choose the 2nd option

    Answer on the third question : I choose the 1st option.:wink2:


    You lot are very strange... im too young to answer any of these :thumbdown:

    Your answers are really funny though!

  3. Hi! The site is really cool! I'm glad your parents let you come. My mom doesn't really get Mika either, but she knows I'm crazy about his music. lol! Welcome from a fan in the USA! :)


    Yup. My mum hates him but made the mistake of letting me buy the album a year a go....

  4. Thanks again for all your nice messages.


    Guess what...


    I just found out about chicken!! I'm abusing it in my school work. Its great as nobody knows what im talking about. :punk:


    Its way fun!!

  5. Hiya!

    Well..It says to introduce me, so i will.

    I'm eleven years old. I've been a Mika Fan for a looooooooooong time now, ever since my friend said 'I hate this song! Dont you?' and played me 'lollipop' for the first time nearly a year a go, but I had to get my parents to agree i could come on here. My Mum can't stand him and my dad is new to the fact that Mika's a man. Then, once my parents had agreed I could make an account here, I had a problem with activating my account. Recently, a very amazing person called Sarah sorted that out for me.So i'm going to reside most of my life here now i can!:wub2:

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