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Posts posted by Mafaaaa

  1. His poor brother. :naughty: I heard one of them (Liam I think) offended Michael Hutchence and his music on the EMA awards,idunnowhich year... :mf_rosetinted:


    Liam is always offending every one . LOL

    Liam hates almost every band in the world... I have no doubt that he hates Mika and probably Noel does as well... as he hates Scissor Sisters he probably hates Mika too . :lmfao:


    I don't reall care . . . but I would love to know what Mika thinks about thembtw... I dunno who's that michael is.

  2. Basically...Oasis. :naughty:


    Don't tell me you chilled out of Mika?? :shocked:


    Well... I didn't chilled out of Mika (OF COURSE)


    But... for me... Oasis are better than Mika .

    The thing is... until a very few time ago I though they were just arrogant fools and not even cute .


    But now I'm realising they are f*cking funny and cool... and they are HOT ! Noel it's just... :drool: I love that man . . . he's very funny, he has their own personally opinions, he's charming, he's a rock 'n' roll star and he can be SUCH a cutie ! (and he's hot :mf_rosetinted:)


    I just have to quote him:

    Journalist - What do you think about the global warming?

    Noel Gallagher - It's brilliant.


    I laugh my ass off with that **** . :lmfao:

  3. oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I nearly wanna cry omy ****ing god!!!!!!!! :shocked::shocked::shocked::mfr_omg::jawdrop: Mafa that was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sat here like this:




    pleeeease go on! I wanna know what'll happen next!!!!! :mf_lustslow:


    I wanted someone to take it . It's cooler when it's not just you writing .

  4. Catharina was in London by herself, she was travelling alone. The experience was being good, she was happy around there. But there was a day, when she was walking around, that she got lost. She couldn't find a tube station, not even a bus... she was walking in some streets and all she could see was houses... she didn't know if she was still in London. It was getting darker and darker and she getting really scared. She was afraid of talking to strangers so she tried to look relaxed and not scared, cause she didn't want people to notice her.


    By the time it was already night and she kept scared, lost and now she was cold to. It seemed to her the darkest night ever and she was controling herself cause she didn't want to cry. "Why the hell all people seem weird at night?" she kept thinking. She couldn't get it anymore more and so she sat down near to street lamp and she started crying.


    "Are you ok?" she heard a voice of a man talking to her... something in his voice was familiar to her and his voice was calm so he didn't scared her.


    She tried to hide the tears but her eyes were rather red of crying and he listened her crying so she couldn't hide it. She was embarrassed so she kept her head down.


    "I... am... am... ok." she lied.


    "No, you're not... you're crying." he told in the sweetest way ever.


    "I'm... lost..." she has still the same sensation that she knew his voice, but she was so shamed she didn't want to look at the man in front of her.


    "It's alright... sometimes people get lost here but the metro stacion it's 5minutes far away from here." he kept talking trying to help her.


    "Oh... thanks..." she should ask him where was the station but she was to shy.


    "Hey... look at me. It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you little darling."


    When he said "little darling" she understood everything... she reconized the voice. She was petrified... oh God... it was impossible... it couldn't be him... not HIM! She stop looking at the floor and looked at him.


    "Oh my... f"$$(/#!%#$$&"!%$"&! GOD !!! :shocked: MIKA?!"

  5. jus for fun :naughty::das:



    What should you know about her to make a daydream?

    You don't really have to make it,i just need help,I'm out

    of ideas.

    I haven't daydremed here for...for...forever:blink:


    Well... I don't where she's from and stuff . But well... let me think ...










































    IDEA ! :D


    Let's make something like... "God! I'm lost in London" and then it turns nigh and she gets scared and THEN (I have no idea why) Mika appears .

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