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Posts posted by riverstwilight

  1. How will you still be sick enough in a month to make everyone else sick? Unless you've got ebola I wouldn't worry about it. :naughty:


    I'm pretty sure I got Mexican flu at the LA gig, but I survived.


    I was sick for a week. I was well for a week. Now, I'm sick again. So, I'll definitely be over this bug before the gig, but there's no guarantee I won't catch another.


    Normally, I wouldn't worry about it, but I only ever get sick once each winter, so being sick multiple times has me all freaked out about it.


    I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm just a worry wart :blush-anim-cl:

  2. Thank you, Christine. I was starting to worry too...but only because I just woke up from a dream where I was getting to ready to ride the bus to Seattle and my tickets hadn't arrived yet and I got to the venue and they wouldn't let me in :tears:


    I think I'm just worried because I'm sick again and I really don't want to be sick on the night of the show. I don't think I would go if I was sick because I'd be too worried I'd make everybody else sick.

  3. Dear Moderators and Site Designers for the MFC,


    The new website design is lovely in its intent to make us feel more integrated with the official Mikasounds website while celebrating the launch of Mika's new album. However, many of us are suffering eye strain and migraines as a result of the new design.


    This physical pain is preventing several members from participating in the ways that they did before the new site design went public. This is not merely an inconvenience for those who suffer pain, but also a sadness for those who miss the people who have had their access to the site limited by their physical pain.


    As a member of the group, who is suffering physical pain because of the new design, I am submitting this letter requesting that the site administrators consider making the site as accessible for its members as it used to be.


    I have done all I can to minimize my suffering by dimming my screen as low as I can without making it black, making sure that my display settings are as gentle on my eyes as they can be, and typing my posts in a text editor before opening the site and pasting my posts into the form that will post my text onto the forum. Despite these actions, my accessibility to the site is still limited by the physical pain caused by the new design.


    I humbly request the aid of the moderators and site designers to make this site as accessible as it used to be. Can the colors be adjusted to be less neon in nature? Can the old design be re-instated until the kinks are worked out of the new design? Do we have any options that would make everybody satisfied with the outcome of this request?


    If the site cannot be made more accessible, my participation in the group will be limited to the point that I may have to cease participation entirely. Please, help me avoid that outcome. This community means the world to me. I don't want to leave if there is any way to avoid that outcome.


    Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

  4. I have since added rhinestones and colored candy trim to the dress, unfortunately I don't have any recent pics of the costume, but the unders light up lol! Actually, I got quite carried away with that costume. My choreographer at one point had to tell me to stop!


    It's AWESOME! You should totally wear it! :wub2:

  5. So all 3 of us have seat A1. :roftl: At least we know we'll all be in the front row!


    I starting to worry that they may have booked everybody in the front row! Then, I went and checked the seating chart and saw that there are three A1 on the front row and two more A1 in the box seats. :roftl:


    I'm so excited that it's going to be a big MFC party in the front row. Right now, it's looking like I'll be there by myself, so it's nice to know I'll be surrounded by friendly people :wub2:

  6. yeeahh!!!!! when we're sad, or something, here, in Uruguay, we use to say: "abrazo de oso" that means: hugs of bears (and all of us, come togehter in one hug, we say "bear", because of the teddies bear, which are very sweet and cute..)


    That is the sweetest thing I have ever read!!! :wub2:

  7. [/font]


    Actually I might be!

    WAG & the 30 second audio clips of all the tunes on The Boy Who Knew Too Much.

    The sneeze comment comes from living in North America where all we hear about H1N1 is sneezing.

    They are even teaching us to sneeze into our elbows now.:boxed:


    Most of my friends have had swine flu this year. We're all trying to figure out why everybody is so freaked out because it's just flu.


    I'm old school. I still sneeze into tissues and dispose of them in the trash and followup with a good handscrub.


    Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. :biggrin2:

  8. Mika has been on my list of People to Buy A Drink For since I first heard Big Girl, which is the first thing I ever heard by him.


    There was something about that song and that video that made me think, "Now that's a person I'd love to buy a drink for and have a conversation with."


    Even if I never get the conversation, I'd totally buy him a drink.


    The only other people on that list are close friends of mine, so he's in good company. Someday, I'll have to take a trip to London so I can buy drinks for all of my London friends.

  9. :jawdrop: Daaang. Even if I had 40k I'd still be 20k short paying off my loans for one year of school. :boxed:


    I went to a small school, paid in-state tuition, and had some grants, so my original loan amount was $12,000. It's almost quadrupled since I got out of school because I have to keep getting it deferred when I go back to school or have really bad jobs.


    The biggest reason I want to get out of this town is so that I can get a real job and pay the blasted thing off before it swallows me.


    Of course, that isn't stopping me from applying for school again so that I can finish my Bachelor's and have a shot at a real job :naughty:

  10. I've got one of Mana's seats. So we're in the front. Just have to figure out if we're on the left, right or center. It's looking good either way!


    We've got front row center for Montreal too. :biggrin2:


    I'm finally going to meet you!!!! :biggrin2:


    Then, we can argue in person :naughty:


    Seriously, I'm REALLY quiet in person, so there won't be any heated discussions about the nature of language and love and all that :wub2:


    I'm most likely going to be bouncing around and stifling my squeals of glee (more likely failing to stifle.) :biggrin2:


    Oh yes, it's going to be AMAZING! I don't know how I'm going to make it through these next few weeks...


    I'm going to get through them the same way I'm getting through the wait to find out who will win the video competition: lots of focus on life as it is right now and plenty of random glee for no apparent reason. :wub2:

  11. RT, you bought tickets right after I did, because I got seats 1-4! Awesome!:biggrin2:


    I was SECOND!!! :biggrin2:


    I will totally see you there!


    Actually, I'm hoping to see lots of people there because it's looking like I'm going alone. I bought an extra ticket in case my mom ends up with an extra day off, but right now, she's saying she doesn't want to go and will probably have to work. So, I'm making all of my plans like I'm going to be there solo.


    I'm definitely booking a room for after the concert. I'll probably book it for Sunday night too so that I don't have spend Monday traveling and be all tired when I get there. I don't drive, so getting to Seattle is a pain in my whatsit.


    Several of my friends live in Seattle, so I'm hoping to see them while I'm there too. I think Sunday night and a good portion of Monday should be enough time for shenanigans.


    Then, I'll float home on a cloud some time on Tuesday :biggrin2:

  12. A5 and A6, front row center. My first concert ever. My favorite artist ever.




    I would be running around my room, while screaming and jumping up and down if I wasn't sick as a dog right now. Still, this news is the kind of thing that entirely makes up for being sick. Oh, I know what I can do:


    Today is:



    The concert is:


    :woot_jump: <--I'm the one dead center!




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