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Posts posted by Sparkstatic

  1. I'm glad that you like it here !

    Feel like your 2nd home !:wink2:


    Really ?what do you know to say in romanian ?:cool:


    yEP It already feels like a second home..


    Ehm I speak it fluently haha so I guess I can say a lot (I don't write it very good though and if you want to have deep (science) conversations in Romanian then I'm the wrong girl haha).

    Btw I also speak English, Dutch and Arabic (not very very fluently though).



  2. welcome!! it must be cool to be a mutt! have fun here! :wink2:


    Mutt? hehe nice one:wink2: .

    It is cool most of the time, but at sometimes I get identitymad I even wrote a song about it :naughty: (called 'identity' - how original huh) a couple of years ago when I was 17 (identitycrisis fase haha). But I think I'm not the only lonely one. Ok I'll stop quoting Mika all the time haha!!


    There are a lot of mutsss everywhere even here I think, but fullbloodies are also freakin' cool. Muts arent cooler. We are all human at the end of the day :D..


    Hows Luxemburg, you speak French or Dutch there?

  3. Hi you guys,


    As you can see I'm a new member here :). I heard Mika's song 'Relax' more then a half year ago (I think) and I liked it instantly. He's so fun and crazy. I think he's a great artist, very talented. I'm a musician...so I know :P (I guess).


    I live in Holland, but I dont have a bit of Dutch blood in my veins. My parents are from two opposite country's lol (so im half arabic and half latin if you'de cut me in 2;))...I also have a bit of english blood (haha that sounds very dracula like) thats why my lastname is very englishhh..



    Anyway. I speak alot of languages so I can communicate with most of ya!

    Hope the ride with u guys will be great :roftl: .




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