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samantha who?

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Posts posted by samantha who?

  1. no, no esta nominado. Esta nominado para los vma pero los europeos.. No se porque no hay nominacion, el año pasado no estuvo nominado y tendria que haberlo estado por lo menos en la categoria de nuevo artista.


    hey gracias por sacarme d la duda!

    hahha si lo d los vma europeos si lo sabia...hahahha ya vote como veinte veces:naughty::roftl:

  2. holisss

    chicas.. estuve averiguando lo del blue-ray y si es en ese formato estamos en el hornooooo

    aca no se hacen esos reproductores aca, son carisimooossss

    50 gb de info! una bestia


    lo quierooooo :tears:


    hola chicas tengo unos dias d estar perdida del MFC!! como estan!

    hey q es eso del blue-ray?? no m digan q mika va a lanzar el nuevo album n ese formato!!??:blink::boxed:

  3. I never saw this thread before! I started high school this past month but Im not worry because is in the same school of my JuniorHigh! here in Honduras we start HighSchool in 10th grade, and my school is not like the normal school in honduras, it is private and bilingual school so that means my classes are in English , there are like only two classes I receive in spanish but we always speak spanish when we are not in English spoken classes:bleh: the only thing I hated from my school are some girls that they think they are the sh*t! because they have "money" stupid girls:thumbdown:

  4. Im Black Tea:mf_rosetinted:... but why!! if I love Green tea:sad::naughty:You Are Black Tea


    You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself.

    You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.


    You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.

    You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!

  5. Holaa !!


    De ahora en adelante me van a ver por acá como antes.



    12 semanas para que terminen las cases !!

    60 dias !!


    Mañana voy a Clarín con mi colegio.

    Me voy a embolar de lo lindo

    40 minutos de viaje. ¬¬

    Pero seguro llevo música.


    Una vez en primaria fui a pepsico !!

    Nos dieron una bolsa llena de papas fritas, palitos, etc.

    Y era la época de los tazos !!

    Asi que nos pasamos juntando tazos de pokemon que estaban tirados en el piso !!:bleh:.

    También fui una vez a una fábrica de lápices.:bleh:.



    hey!! hola ana!

    eso suena super divertido

    tengo dias d no ir d excursion con mi cole:thumbdown:

    supuestamente vamos al teatro n octubre:bleh:

    ash pero lo q se acerca son las marchar del 15 d septiembre

    el dia d la Independencia, no soy muy patriotica q digamos, no kiero recibir todo ese sol:thumbdown::naughty:

    y q cuentan alguna novedad con Mika!?

  6. Well...

    (This has passed three threads by now:roftl:)

    Me and my bestfriend, Sam, got together yesterday at my bday dinner... he kissed me, then at the train hugged me, and told he loved me.

    Today we went to the movies, and we woldn't stop acting like cheesy lovebirds... Haha, my girl friends were discusted, dunno why.

    And today he leaved after the movies, going out of town until school starts, about more 15/16 days from today...

    I just miss biting his lipring and we just got together yesterday... :tears:


    oh youre so lucky! I have a story kinda alike to yours but the difference is that he doesnt love me :thumbdown:that's why your so lucky!! my best wishes for you and sam!:thumb_yello::bleh:

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