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Posts posted by faballa

  1. @lostandfound: d.h. du bringst schon eine mappe mit zeichnungen mit. Und vor Ort musst du wahrscheinlich schnell eine Skizze, einen Entwurf zeichnen. Wann hast du diese Prüfung?


    @cassilda: bin für heute mit all meinen Aufgaben durch, kann bis zum umfallen hier herumhängen ;), muss auch mal sein :). Will damit sagen, dass es mir gutgeht! Was machst du eigentlich beruflich? oder ist dies eher PM-Sache ?

  2. Weil meine tochter auf diese geht und ich mir einfach dachte, du könntest auch dort hingegangen sein.. habe auf deinen Blog geklickt und eine Aktzeichnung gesehen. Sie hatte nämlich voriges Jahr Aktmalerei in eben dieser Schule und da kam mir der Gedanke!


    Was musst du für die Aufnahmeprüfung alles zeigen?

  3. Hello - my first impression when the performance began was that I hardly missed David, the "Sunshine" within the band, he really deserves this nick-name;). There was another musician at the keyboard, Marcus was his name. And it seems also Mika has missed him a bit – you will see at the LL vid that he had done (at the drumming-part) all the commands for the move-changes by himself.


    In Sabine' s opinion this missing of David could be a reason for Mika's quick run through his performance and his not so good mood at the beginning. This shouldn't be a bad critic on him only an objective observation but I couldn't felt that connection to the audience which I'm luckily felt in most of his gigs where I was.


    So I was very positive surprised that he changed the setlist at the end and gave us 2 songs extra as a great bonus… IAOW!! and KickAss


    Two remarkable tings – the bad one first: At the middle of DrJohn a "funny" person of the audience (I assume a drunken one) attacked Mika with a small, but bit heavier object cause it has a fast speed and hit him on the left arm. Mika winced to the side but didn't lost his countenance and continued singing (but before the next song he took a very sharp look to this object!). I don't think it hurt him but it was clearly a bad critic on him in an aggressive and primitive way, I felt extremely ashamed by this!


    But I'll end my report with a more lovely one – Lollipop! and the guy in BG-costume, very funny! – cause this one "flirted" with Mika in a real funny way and Mika giggled so much, esp. when he was carried away by him! (and came back after this ;) ). So sorry, that the memory card of my camera was full just at the end of LL (typically!! pfff), only can show you the first part of the song.


    Ok, I'm at work now, at evening I'll upload my vids – KickAss, WAG, IAOW and first part of LL. Till then have a good day :)

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