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Status Updates posted by Nadine

  1. No problem at all! I'll have my results at june 18th, so I have a lot of spare time now.

    I got my exam signed, because I didn't have anything else with me to sign, I went to the gig straight out of school. You should bring something funny with you to get signed, just to see Mika's reaction xD

    I heard the new tour will be autumn/winter, so...

    I'm sorry, I don't have twitter. If I decide to make an account one day, I'll let you know ;)

  2. Hi Elise! I'm sorry I was so excited about the Amsterdam gig I totally forgot to tell you about it. Maybe you've already read about it in the thread, but I'm just keeping my promise here xD It was great, as you must have assumed! The venue was beautiful, very baroqueske (is that a word lol?) but my seat wasn't great. I had seat 21 row 1, but I could only see Mika's piano. So I decided standing the whole gig. The new songs Mika played were Lady Jane, Blue Eyes, Toy Boy, Blame it on the girls, Good gone girl. And he played Over my shoulder, which was wonderful.

  3. No, I don't have a twitter account, so I'ts not me I'm afraid!


  4. I'm 18, you?

  5. I definitely will! I hate exams, there's a big festival in my country atm (Pinkpop) I love going to, but I can't go because of my exams. At least the weather's lovely xD

  6. Jeuj, ik zat eerst nog te twijfelen of het patrick wel was xD ja, echt iedereen heeft er last van.

  7. Oh, I feel sorry for you. I've got my exams as well, and my last one's on Tuesday the 2nd, but I'm going to Mika's gig in Amsterdam that day (: You're right, Elise is also a pretty common Dutch name, but I didn't think you were Dutch somehow x3 Good luck with your exams! I've got my English exam today..

  8. Ahh, I assumed you where French, because of your name! But no, I'm from the Netherlands. J'habite aux Pays-Bas (je parle un petit peu de francais, haha) There's different pronunciations of my name, most people pronounce it like it's French, whilst actually I pronounce it the Dutch (and also German) way. But I don't mind. (And I'll stop bothering you with this boring stuff xDD) So.... are you going to any of Mika's acoustic gigs?

  9. Np! My name's Nadine (as you must have assumed...) Where are you from then?

  10. Hi, how are you? Thanks for adding me to your friends!

  11. Hi, I just came here to tell you that your avatar is /emoticons/default_thumbyello133.gif" alt=":thumb_yello:" /> Ok, keep up the good taste (I'm sorry for spamming your profile :roftl:)

  12. Hi there! Lang niet gezien zeg.Mando Diao komt in november naar tivoli, zag ik net op awf :3

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