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Everything posted by StutzK

  1. Sweet, eu já fucei no fórum e no blog brasileiro algumas vezes. Mas como eu ando meio arredia, eu acho que vou acabar nem comentando muito. Mas vou me registrar lá tb. Ah, eu entrei na comunidade do Orkut tb =) (estranho me meter na conversa "alheia" rs) Eu fico pensando se eu só estou empolgada, e se isso vai passar tb. rs Já gostei de outras bandas. Quer dizer, disso pra entrar pra fã-clube e tals, só uma vez (err... era o Linkin Park rs ) No show eu até cheguei onde eles estavam, só não consegui falar com eles. Deu uma certa esfriada, mas mais porque eu passei da minha fase de adolescência-revoltada-tardia, digamos. Mas ainda gosto deles, tenho último cd, etc. Será que acontecerá o mesmo com o Mika? eu não sei, foi muito amor à primeira vista. Acho que só o tempo pode me dizer neh hehe
  2. Thank everybody! wow, it's really nice to be received like that!!! =o) I am already MFC addicted - but I have a problem... Before I put some comment I want to read aaaall the answers. hahaha Oh, My God, I'm gonna spend my entire day here Hey, your welcome! I'm sure you would love to visit Brazil! I can be you tour guide here
  3. Obrigada!!!! Já até postei no thread brasileiro! Depois vou dar uma olhada no português! bjs
  4. Olá pessoas! Mais uma pra ficar aqui sonhando com um show dele. E pensar que tem gente que vê "o" cara e reclama que ele não tirou foto. Só de respirar o mesmo ar que ele eu já estava beeem feliz... rs *momento drama* =)
  5. Hello, everybody!!! My name is Karol, I'm a 28 yo girl, I live in Sao Paulo. One day I was watching tv when I saw a video with an amazing song. So many colors, so funny... but... I didn't know who was singing (well, it was Relax). And how I was so down lately (several months treating a huge depression), I didn't look at internet to find out more about it. One week later I saw another video, Lollipop. Well, I didn't know it was the same "singer" (wonderful, cute, perfect)... My mother loved that song too. I still didn't want to use internet too much, or even talk with many people. But when I saw Grace Kelly video... I though "OMG this guy is so really wonderful.. I have to find out more about him!". Well, that's when the addiction begun. For a loong time, like months, I wasn't in the mood even to listen music. But after I started listening Mika, I also start feeling happier, and then wanted to listen music again. Bought some online music and even got an iPod! lol So, I spent daaaays searching for Mika'stuff. So, I found all the videos, the pics. And I realized that he wasn't just a brillant musician/singer, but he was gorgeous too. And I found this forum. I've been around for days, just reading. I was kind afraid of getting in a fan club. But then I saw there are people my age, or even older than me here, and people here seem to be very nice too. Well, I am here =) I really hope he comes to Brazil one day! Well, I think I talked too much. lol
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