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Posts posted by Tatiana_tlt

  1. For once in my life I am actually looking forward to MONDAY!!!! Can't wait to get Mika's new DVD of course!!!!! One more sleep....... just one more sleep........



    And I'm looking forward to spring.. may be at that time we get new (new...) DVD here in Togliatti.. :naughty:

    And I can't wait too.. :)

  2. Hey, you look familiar...


    Edit: Now I know it! We were discussing where Togliatti was when we saw a comment of you on MS!:naughty:


    Yeah, Togliatti is in Russia.


    yup that would be me:naughty:


    but then i welcomed her in here. so we are all good:bleh:


    Thank you one more time, dilek! What would I do without you? :original:


    i'm sorry Tati, sometimes we go crazy when we find out someone on the MFC who speak the same language that us :bleh::thumb_yello:


    I understand, Lollipop Love. I just said that I liked your language. I really do. I like how it sounds.


    You have?

    I'm going to demand them until we get them. He needs to learn to fulfill promises :sneaky2:


    I hope he's fine. Because it's really strange that there're no news for long long time and no update of last blog for a few days.

    What do you think what happend with him?

  3. ele nao disse numa entrevista argentina . . . Ele disse numa entrevista espanhola . Pelo menos tenho quase a certeza que sim .


    Eu perguntei se ele chorava porque via sempre filmes triste ou porque tinha medo.... Porque andou a comentar-se muito isso pelo mfc . :lmfao:


    elas falavam espanhol mas acho que era argentina...ele temmedo de andar de aviao??? Onde consta???


    Как же я люблю португальский язык. И имею ввиду, языки с испанским звучанием. Подучу английский, потом буду испанский изучать. Я просто балдею от звучания, мне правда, так нравится. Могла бы слушать и слушать. Серьезно.

  4. So anyone who watched the EMAs online tonight, will have seen Perez say he would like to present them one day.

    He did such a great job backstage tonight, I think he deserves a chance.

    So, let's get MTV Europe to get him here next year!

    Anyone who's in, sign up here.

    And it might be a good idea to use your real name as they won't know us by our user names:wink2:

    #1. Rose Knighton.


    I'm supporting you Rose.

    #3 Tatiana Fedorova

  5. oij, spacibo tebe! :wink2: A ja octavlju etih bukv ok? Mne trudno menjat nih na russkij jazik..

    A v kotorom gorodom zhivjosh?

    Mne horosho, izuchaju anglijskovo jazika tjeper i slushaju muziku!:thumb_yello:


    Конечно, пиши латинскими буквами, мы все понимаем.

    Я живу в городе Тольятти. Это где находится завод АВТОВАЗ, где производят автомобили Лада. Возможно, знаешь такие. Гордиться этими автомобилями я не буду, но хоть что-то известное.

    Я так понимаю, что ты у нас будущая полиглот? ;)

    Ты из какого города?

    Тебе кроме Мики кто еще нравится?

  6. Privet, kak dela?:wink2:

    Ja iz Latviji! Izuchaju toljko:naughty:


    У тебя хороший русский! Ты молодец!!!

    У меня все отлично, ездила на праздниках к друзьям в другой город. Как у тебя дела?


    hi im from latvia, i am STARTING to learn russian but i dont know the letters on computer so i guess i cant write anything here :emot-sad:


    Hi! Of course, you can and, like Lena said, you can write in english. I think we all understand. Welcome!


    Čau! :bye: Tu nesaproti, vai vnk nezini kur viņus var uzlikt?


    Здесь был вопрос про буквы??!?! =)))))))) ;)


    Привет! Меня зовут Никки. Я английская студентка, и я изучаю японский язык. Когда-нибудь я буду выучить русский язык =D


    Aaaand that's about the extent of my Russian XD I must learn more! (Is what I've written correct?)


    Привет, Никки!!! Welcome!!! Your Russian is great! I think that Japanese is more more more difficult than Russian. And if you have any questions about Russian, just ask, ok?

    Is what you've written correct? Everything you've written is right. Only one little thing about the future tense.. "я буду выучить" is more correctly as "я выучу". It's easer, yeah? And the rest is perfect.


    PS btw, how's a wasabi tea?



    Микушенька - лапушка ! Whether the sense is clear?:wink2:


    :lol3: I understood.. It's interesting how is it in English?

  7. privet!!! :welcomeani: Zdes!

    Kak nravitsja v fan-klube?:wink2:

    I vobscje kak dela?



    Я только пока изучаю всё, лазяю везде, по всем веткам, смотрю, какие темы есть..

    Ты как? Для тебя русский является родным языком или изучаемым?

  8. Thank you all. You all here are so friendly.



    Welcome to MFC!






    It's because of you. You are really careful. :)



    Welcome! Have you met Lena, our resident Russian?


    I know her, she's really helpful, we communicate on our russian forum :)



    PM me if you want anything! ecept for a foot massage. or a personal audience with mika. and no, i'm not a moderator and i dont want to be but i like helping. :bleh:


    racinghorse83, thank you.

  9. Hello!


    This is my first comment here. And I wanted to tell that this site is really great. And I'd like to be a part of your big nice family.


    I know Mika not so long, since this summer. And I just like everything he does.


    I'm sorry for my bad english and some mistakes I do sometimes. Anyway..

    Thank you for this forum. For me it's an honor to be there.


    With love. Tatiana, Russia.

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