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Posts posted by Etoile2roses

  1. Je lui ai donné mes dessins qu'il a eu l'air de beaucoup aimer, j'étais ravie. Il m'a dit que ça lui plairait bien de ressembler au mec que j'avais dessiné :blush-anim-cl::aah:


    ah, Mika :wub2:


    Comme tes dessins sont très ressemblants c'est plutôt une bonne nouvelle pour lui alors :biggrin2:, il sort de ces trucs des fois :roftl: - Je suis contente que tu es enfin pu lui remettre tes dessins ;):wub2:

    J'espère te voir un de ces quatres en tout cas :thumb_yello:

  2. Please, DO NOT comment on something that you don't know, didn't see or hear, and based on second or third hand information. I had a chat with this particular lady as well, and it turns out that (due to her poor english and my barely there spoken french) she totally misunderstood what I was saying and changed it to a very different thing.

    Please, let's not go there again :wink2:.

    EDIT: and let's keep this thread for reports :original:



    Thanks to have express yourself ;)


    But I expressed myself in the fact that I am not agree with this system also and I have the right to say what I think :thumb_yello:


    So before to let the reports, post of picture and video clear here I will make a translation (with my poor english) of what Sushigang said in French:


    bon je crois que c'est a mon tour maintenant de m'expliquer parce que je crois que l'on parle de moi....

    tout d'abord en aucun cas j'aurai dit qu'il s'agissait de sariflor d'avoir tenu ces propos!

    mais sachez qu'il sont bien vrai et que ce n'est pas a cause de mon anglais moyen ou du fait qu'elle ne parle pas bien français, car cette phrase m'a été prononcer en français :"il faut que tu choississes !" et si la personne est honnete elle pourrait au moins se manifester ce serait plus simple.....

    ensuite sariflor a ajouté:" Our husbands do not come here " avec un geste de la main pour me montrer qu'ils fuyaient!

    excusez moi de vivre mes delires en famille je pensais que c'etait possible....

    tout du moins pour eviter ce genre de problemes j'ai inscrit mon mari hier sur le MFC, malgres qu'il a deja fait de nombreux concert avec le systeme de numero, on sera tranquille par la suite!

    car il ne faut pas oublier que le but de la manifestation est quand meme de venir passer un bon moment, en garder que le meilleur, et retourner a une vie NORMALE après ....!

    j'espere eclaicir un peu les choses et profiter du prochain.......

    excusez moi de ne pas m'exprimer en anglais mais je ne pourrai pas m'expliquer clairement autrement .........................................................................................



    So I think it is my turn to express myself as some are talking about me here :)


    First in any case I said that it was Sariflor who told me that but be sure that it is true and it is not from my poor english or the fact that she did not speak french but this sentense has been told to me in english: "you must make a choice" and if this person is honest she must simply said that it came from her.


    After that Sariflor said: "Our Husbands do not come here" with a movement of her hand like if "their husband ran away from Mika gigs"


    I am sorry to live my passions with my family but I really thought it was possible...


    But to do not have any problems in the future I register yesterday my husband on MFC...


    Because to go to Mika's gigs it's first to have good moment, and share the best, and to go back to a normal life after that...


    I hope to clear up things here and to enjoy the next show...


    I am sorry to do not be able to express myself in english there it's difficult to explain things that are out of my natural language...


    Thanks sushigang I enjoy comes to Mika gigs with my family also my cousins, friends (that are not register in any forums) and my mother who are an huge fan of Mika... It warms my heart to know a lot of people like this incredible artist full of talents and generosity :wub2:

  3. Hi everyone ;) Thanks for report, pictures and videos...


    Ok, so, the queue. John first came out around 10.30 (totally looking like he'd just rolled out of bed :roftl:) and we asked him if we'd have a special entrance, he said it was too early to know yet, but he asked about the numbers. We told him that it was the same as always, and we showed him the list. Then around lunchtime he came out again with some security and other types, who said that the MFC would have priority over the rest of the queue. We'd enter first, in the order that we'd arrived, and then everyone else, in the order they arrived. If they wanted to do that then why didn't they tell us first thing? Those 2 poor French girls who were there before us, I felt so sorry for them. It really wasn't a nice situation to be in, and I still feel uncomfortable about it.



    I am very surprised about the final decision of John (the second time he went back to you) I mean I don't think it's really fair to have accept this system... You had the right to say no if you wanted to... So because we are from MFC it gives us the right to go first of the queing ? :blink: I don't get the all thing, everyone pay the same price for their tickets, the first arrive is the first serve, it worked like this before... and I don't want to take advantage of me being on MFC to do this kind of thing. If the management would like to make a list for aftershow or for special event only for MFC that's ok but not for a gig... The problem is if we accept this situation one time it will be the same after... and if we are 50 from MFC ? Some will arrived at 4pm and will go in the special list made for the MFC and will go in front of the people that waited since the morning :blink::aah: ? I am not agree

    I heard that a woman (who is on MFC and wrote on a french forum) went with her husband and her daughter earlier in the morning and had good numbers, they went out of the queing to go to eat something and when they came back they learned that the organisation changed, the person in charge of the list told her: you stay with us alone because your husband and daugther are not register on MFC, or you stay with them with the others behind... it's not a proper answer :sneaky2:, this attitude really shock I am sorry...

  4. Hello tout le monde, moi j'etais au concert de Lyon et c'etait du grand art, en plus j'ai été lollipop girl :wub2:

    Pas le temps d'un CR pour le moment malheureusement, mais j'espere bientot.

    Bonne journée à vous toutes!


    Oh super contente pour toi Elise :wub2: je ne savais pas que tu avais été lollipop pour Lyon :mf_lustslow: je suis trop contente pour toi, tu lui as parlé un peu, remis un dessin ?

  5. I haven't pics of this but even if the sounds is awful (sorry) I have the intro of LT from my seated place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc7Akd2JmUg


    I have also Lolllipop (with a bad quality) but I'm downloading it..


    Thanks very much Laurence to have download it so quickly :wub2:


    I feel very proud of ourself on this part :blush-anim-cl::thumb_yello: when I saw the ceremony the 26th april I was very impressed (I love how they mixed the universe of Mika and others sacred symbols) it's very beautiful :wub2: and now that we took part also of it and were on stage it touches me more and more :teehee:

    Thanks Laurence and Lucinda to have record this part with your camera you're the best :wub2:




    It was really nice meeting you again and sharing the amazing experience with you! :huglove:



    I feel the same Bianka it was a pleasure for me also :huglove: Hope to see you soon for another Mika show :)

  6. So I don't know where to start...


    We were waiting for Mrs Penniman and her assistant outside, they finally arrived and asked for the lollipops but we were too much people and they were very disapointed because they did not want people to be deceive so they asked who wanted to be big girls then few girls were taken to play this role... After that as they were only one guy (Vincent) they asked if some girls wanted to carry things on stage (like the madone) and Maria asked to me if I wanted to, I said that I was agree of couse :).


    Then they choised some lollipops and we went inside bercy...


    There we started to repet our march and we stopped a few minutes the times for Mrs Penniman and Maria to see how things could turn... They decided that I could be the bride and then I was very scared and happy at the same time because it means that I was the first one on stage and that I did not have place for any mistakes...


    We want inside a room where few sisters of Mika were taking care of things with dresses and others stuff, they were very beautiful and people who were taking care of us very kind.


    I tried the bride dress and Mrs Penniman said it was ok. Then others girls were trying their costumes of big girls, it was so amazing to see everything behind the scenes, how people managed things, I was very impressed.


    Then after that we went back to our room where sandwichs and drinks were waiting for us.


    I will stop to give too much details because I will write all this evening :D


    The show was amazing, people were on fire during all the show, beside few problemes with the circle in the middle of the stage and a hole in the back of Mika's jacket in the beginning of the show it was perfect - He kept his smile as always and made me laugh few times.


    So we were in the crowd during few songs (Big girls went backstage earlier than us to wear their costumes), we were on the right of the stage second row with Mellody, Graciosa. We meet Louiza there also :)


    I forgot to say things sorry there is so many things that I saw and felt during this evening :)


    So after I see you we went backstage to make our costumes, the bride's dress at my size and I put an under dress also (I did not try it first few hours ago) it was very short but just right for me :). So we went on stage to make our march and I thought before to go on stage "Ok Virginie do as if you are going at work with costumers"

    And it was ok, I wasn't scared at all, I thought (think about the rythme, think to stay serious but it was difficult because I had few friends on stage that were screaming my name as I was walking in front of them, and I wanted to laugh but I kept my self control :D), I have a friend Laurence who is an mfc user who had taken this part with her camera I will ask her if she is agree to put it here when she will have the time :). We were all in the rythme that was great :)


    After that we went back to the crowd with our clothes of every day to enjoy the show again.


    In the end we went on stage for lollipop and kick ass, and I was very desapointed with my under dress because it felt on the floor as I was dancing on lollipop (I had only my bride's dress but the effect was terrible, my under dress on the floor and my bride's dress too skinny but I continued to dance anyway but I did not enjoy this moment as I could normally do if everything had been with any problems.) - Sorry for my english it's difficult to explain this part in english.


    Then in the end of lollipop I took my under dress that was on my feet around me, and run behind the stage to give it to someone because I did not want to damage it.


    Then I went back with the other to thanks the crowd and Mika left us danced on Kick ass.


    Mika signed our tickets but we did not saw him do it, and after someone of Mika team asked us to make three groups of people to take a picture with him, I was in the last group with Scheerazade, Celine, Caro and another girl. Here is our picture :)




    I am the girl on the right.


    So many memories for me last night, I enjoy this show as much as the first one I saw the 26th april, and we were very lucky to take part of this the 27th :)


    Thanks Mika and the Mika team for all those moments you share with us :)

  7. Hi everyone :)


    So I took part of the show last night, it was amazing, I don't have the time to write a long comment because I am at work now, but I will try to do the best when I will come back home tonight after work :)


    It was the first time I went on stage with the mika team (everyone there were really nice, thanks to them for their kindness :)), I was the bride

    so I was really scared in the beginning because I was the first one on stage, and I had a problem

    with the dress during the lollipop song :( the under dress (a skirt under the bride dress) felt when I was dancing, I was very upset about it

    but no one really saw it (lucky me :P)...


    I will coming back tonight to make a little comment :)


    Happy to have seen Bianka and others mfc users there, it was so great, and the show was amazing :)


    I will post my group picture when I will have it :) (someone will send it to me)

  8. There is always a lot to do in small countries where internet and others medias are not really developing yet :thumb_yello:...


    A little question: No one here from maghreb area ? Or who are really in contact with those countries or who are speaking their language ?

    For the students in marketing it could be a really good challenge to do little things like that :biggrin2:


    Why do not try to contact artistics schools also (or schools that have artistics sections: designer, painters, drawnings etc...) and talk about the mika artistic world to the teachers and if they like it maybe to propose ideas to their students, and make a project (as it was organised in Corea, I think it was in a Corean school sorry I don't remember :teehee:)... it's a way of promoting this artist also and to let people discover him and how he works. Just an idea :teehee:

  9. Very good idea for Axie that's very kind of you to have done it :thumb_yello:

    Hope everything will be ok for her, I don't know her personnally but I think of her ;)


    I wanted to thanks MFC to have let us being able to see this show, without you it would be impossible to be there... I will try to do my best to make my report with my english :aah:


    So we were in front of the 1515 during the afternoon and we discovered that people with red invitations would enter inside one hour before us, most of them were people invitated from the company record and Coca, and most of them did not really care about the show I guess :(... Few fans had red invitations (good for them :thumb_yello:) and went inside first, they had some drinks and food. We entered around 10 pm and find places in front of the stage... good suprise for us :roftl: We did not expect so much :teehee:

    The show was good, but Mika felt upset with the concellation of Lisbon... He made his best for the show, danced and sing (as you can see with the videos that were posted), it was good but too short :shocked:


    Thanks everbody for the pictures and the videos, good memories for me to have seen my mika friends and to had seen this show :wub2:

  10. Thanks for vid, comments and pictures, I really love his voice in the beginning of love today :wub2:


    Security guys were not that nice… I had some swiss chocolates in my bag, a present for Mika at the M&G, and that woman opened my bag, saw them, took them and threw them away without even telling me anything :shocked:… I could have given them to a friend’s parents waiting outside during the show… but that woman didn’t even told me she was about to throw them away… I was kind of disappointed about that…:crybaby:


    That's not really kind :shocked: It was not possible for you to get back your things after the show ?

  11. Clara has already find a ticket for the gig for the 26th april :thumb_yello:


    So I still have one ticket for the gig in Paris on the 26th april it's a seating ticket that I sell the same price that I bought it 46 euro... if you are interest or you know someone that is interest don't hesitated to send me a private message :)

  12. It says on the first page here, to click on at 3pm (UK time I assume), and start mixing, so I guess that it'll accept everyones registration then.

    It was a bit like when the MM Numbers started, everyone tried to register before the time it said, and got frustrated when they couldn't get through.

    It gave the time for a reason, just wait.



    Thanks to say that, I was a little bit "seething with impatience" there :blush-anim-cl: and so frustrated :blink:, ok wait and see tomorrow so ;)


    That's really cool, I like this little music game :biggrin2::thumb_yello::wub2:


    By the way does someone knows when the enter will stop, I mean it will start tomorrow but then when it will finish ?

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