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Posts posted by Tayler

  1. I'm looking for a gorgeous curly haired boy, 6'' tall and a bit, who plays the piano and has been singing the same songs for 2 years now and recording a new album for ages...

    Can anyone trace him, wrap him up as a Xmas gift and send it to my address until Xmas?

    I'd appreciate it ;)


    sorry i would love to make your day but im afraid i asked santa first :bleh:

  2. i know you've only just joined but i've loved mika deeply for a whole year & even if you've loved him longer i love him deeper & stroger I know what love is i've been there twice before missy


    I'm an old fogey compared to you, I know about all that kinda thing


    you're just a 12 year old & unexperienced :naughty:


    I'm only 2 years younger than he is your 13 years younger & also you're not legal If you know what I mean :das: so you couldn't have :chkn: wheras I could hehehe




    :chkn: hehe:naughty: i woulnd't want to get him into trouble lol


    you're a bad girl! you're going to mislead me and im gonna become a chickeny chav :naughty:


    p.s i didn't really get the email, i was just a guess :naughty:

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