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Posts posted by krjsantos

  1. I have always liked rap :biggrin2: , Beautiful Disaster takes me high, there's no other way to describe it  :fangurl:

    It's goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood  :yes:

    I want Mika and Fedez to make more songs together :thumb_yello:

    And I'm so happy it's number one on the day it' s out :woot_jump:

    Thanks  a lot for the lyrics and the translation from Italian to English girls :hug:


    Yeahhh I like rap and I love it :yes:

    • Like 1
  2. "An artist should never worry about what the public wants, what the public thinks. For if it falls into this trap, it will bend to anything but his instinct, his art. And it will not be a shadow of itself. Rampant wreck who almost apologizes to exist, begging its purpose, knocking on doors to determine the wishes of one, likes the other. A species of mutant cross between roaming and insurance salesman. The artists are the soul of a people, its roots, especially its heart. They see and hear things that few people take the time to observe. Their antennae capture sounds, words, phrases, images, ideas, dreams, visions.
    We must learn to stop, to take it easy in our crazy lives. To witness the art around us. Often we love. And just as often, we will be disappointed. And that's okay. It is even desired. Unanimity is often suspect. When an artistic gesture is made, we must be there to welcome it. If it resonates in us, it will mark something, forcefully enroll a key moment in our lives. If it does not, it's not a crime. Perhaps he will be in a few years? A few centuries? Never? We do not know. One should never try to find out.
    The artist is not a worker. He has no boss. Yes, it is a craftsman. He works tirelessly to perfect his art, but he does it for him, for his pleasure, happiness, to make sense."


    I love it  :yes:  Thank you so much Charlie and Cathy  :thumb_yello: 

    • Like 4
  3. New article L'album de la semaine: Mika avec "No Place In Heaven" :wink2:

    Après deux albums très teen pop, puis un troisième plus mature, Mika revient dans les bacs avec son quatrième opus intitulé "No Place In Heaven". Il va encore plus loin que le troisième et nous propose l'album de la maturité.

    L'album est composé de mélodies bien soignées. Les sonorités se rapprochent beaucoup des Sixties et Mika vacille entre émotions et chansons plus entraînantes, en français et en anglais. On retrouve une sorte de mise à nue vocale dans le titre "Les Baisers Perdus" ou beaucoup de sensibilité se dégage. Il assume désormais son homosexualité et le fait sentir à de nombreuses reprises à travers ses textes. La pop est vraiment son domaine de prédilection et cette nouvelle facette nous le prouve bien, car elle est moins commerciale qu'a ses débuts. En sortant du cadre "émotion", nous avons des morceaux pêchus comme "Boum Boum Boum" qui sont entêtants. Le tout est de bonne qualité, le seul bémol reste la langue ou la musique se démarque beaucoup mieux sur l'anglais que sur le français.

    En résumé, ce nouveau disque plaira aux fans et particulièrement à ceux qui ont apprécié son dernier opus auquel celui-ci s'inscrit comme un prolongement avec encore plus d'exploration. Très personnel, il est intéressant pour ceux qui souhaitent découvrir le chanteur et en apprendre plus sur lui.

    Je vous propose de découvrir les clips "Boum Boum Boum", "Talk About You", "Good Guys" et "Last Party", son nouveau single "Staring At The Sun" et les titres qui m'ont le plus marqués, "All She Wants", "No Place In Heaven" et "Les Baisers Perdus".

    • Like 2
  4. Festival de Jazz 2015: Mika, bête de scène à paillettes (VIDÉO/PHOTOS)

    Huffington Post Québec 05.07.2015



    Rarement on a pu voir le public de la salle Wilfrid-Pelletier de la Place des Arts aussi fébrile que samedi soir, en pleine attente du spectacle de Mika dans le cadre du Festival International de Jazz de Montréal. Et la patience aura valu la peine.


    À 21h pile, Mika - veston et souliers à paillettes-, est débarqué sur la scène pour entonner No Place In Heaven, pièce-titre de son cinquième et plus récent album. Derrière lui, un joli décor cartonné haut en couleur. Enthousiaste, en plein contrôle, l'auteur-compositeur-interprète-pianiste -qui s'est récemment illustré comme juré àThe Voice 3 en France- a vite enchaîné avec Toy BoyPopular Song et Grace Kelly. C'est à ce moment que le public, comme pétrifié de voir son idole si près, s'est réveillé. Certains tapaient du pied, d'autre ont commencé à suivre le rythme de la tête...

    Et c'est là que la star de la pop ultra-vitaminée s'est adressée pour la première fois aux spectateurs: «La dernière fois que je suis venu à Montréal, je devais être plus attentif à mon temps. Disons aussi que le public devait être très calme. Cette fois, je vais prendre mon temps et faire tout le bruit que je veux!» Il faut dire qu'entre la série de concerts qu'il a donné avec l'Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal en février dernier et ce spectacle explosif, il y a une marge.

    Mika a ensuite enchaîné de sa voix haut perchée avec les dynamiques Blue Eyes etTalk About You. La gêne des festivaliers a fondu comme glace au soleil et bientôt, unfun fou s'est installé à la Place des Arts. Ça se dandinait, ça sautillait, ça chantonnait, ça criait... Des enfants excités accompagnant leurs parents eux aussi exaltés aux jeunes professionnels en mode party, l'ambiance était au plaisir. Rien n'a été mis de côté pour faire passer un bon moment aux spectateurs: se mettant à genoux pour prier Dieu avant de chanter Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), lançant des ballons bien dodus dans la foule et l'invitant à danser comme si «personne ne vous regardait», lumières, paillettes, mimiques, pas de danse, blagues... Mika a le tour et il le sait.

    Pourtant, Mika ne réinvente pas la roue en spectacle. C'est parfois un peu prévisible, souvent très léché et bref, le résultat manque un peu d'éclat malgré tous les efforts de Mika et ses complices pour que la salle Wilfrid-Pelletier brille de tous ses feux. Si l'invitation du roi de la pop sucrée au Festival International de Jazz de Montréal a pu en laisser plus d'un perplexe, il va pourtant sans dire que l'artiste britannique d'origine libanaise a amplement livré la marchandise à la foule en délire.

    Mika offrira une deuxième représentation à la Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier de la Place des Arts dimanche à 19h30. En première partie, Charlotte Cardin.

    Le Festival International de Jazz, du 26 juin au 5 juillet. Pour plus d'informations,c'est ici.

  5. Jazz fest review: Mika stays forever young

    Review, video and gallery photos :wub:




    It’s reassuring to see that Mika hasn’t completely grown up.

    The British-Lebanese singer-songwriter’s last two albums have shown some confident steps toward maturity, but at a packed Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier of Place des Arts on Saturday, he wasn’t reluctant to be the hyperactive imp who came to international attention in 2007 with the cheerfully demented cabaret camp of Grace Kelly.

    The backdrop of a playful cityscape was the first clue the Montreal favourite still resides in a cartoon universe. After an elegiac No Place in Heaven took the temperature of the room, the deceptive gaiety of Toy Boy provided the second clue. Done up in a patchwork jacket, Mika could have passed for a rotating music-box figurine.

    The irrepressible showboating kicked in with Popular Song, given a dramatic makeover with honking sax. He quickly turned the stage into his playground, swinging himself up onto his grand piano and high-kicking as an interlocked quartet of backup singers cheered him on.


    If there was any doubt the 31-year-old is one of the most fearless pop stars of the last decade, Grace Kelly scampered into the set after just three songs, rather than being reserved for the encore. It sounded as audacious as ever with that slippery falsetto. Vamping on its opening notes at the piano, Mika recalled his OSM concerts from February (the basis for a soon-to-come live album): “The last time I was in Montreal, there was a box on stage for the conductor. Now I can take my time. … He can’t shut me up.” After the extended intro, he levitated from the bench. His audience followed suit …

    … and then plopped into their chairs as his sophisticated five-piece band sprawled out in the calypso-flavoured Blue Eyes. Whether or not the 110-minute show was intentionally sequenced as a series of teases, that was the result. One or two foot-tappers would get the full house standing, then an artful ballad would send everyone back down.

    The latter weren’t without their charms, particularly the incurably romantic Underwater, which climaxed with a dead simple but genius bit of theatricality as Mika turned Wilfrid-Pelletier into the world’s largest sensory deprivation tank. “I want everyone here to trust me for two minutes,” he said. “Close your eyes.” The lights went off, and fans were instructed to “sing as if you were the last person on Earth.” The end-of-the-world longing couldn’t have been stronger.

    Still, much of the crowd (including a notable number of primary-schoolers) came to dance, and got another chance with the empowerment anthem Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). It was a case study in Mika’s ability to expand a perfectly sculpted three-minute pop song into an event, ending it with a which-side-is-louder crowd competition and prefacing it by shuffling into the spotlight on his knees and offering a prayer. (“You made a lot of skinny, skinny people like me. Judging by the people who are happiest in my family, all you need to do is make everyone just a little bit bigger.”)

    He could have prayed for a different venue. Wilfrid-Pelletier’s famously muddy acoustics turned the impressively tight band’s bottom end into a bolt through the head, and the falsetto in Billy Brown vanished into thick air. Less problematic was Love Today — vivacious on album, even more so in concert, with unstoppable disco bass, crazed glam vocals and giant balloons sailing across the cavernous room.


    Mika looked knackered by the time he got to the aspirational We Are Golden, but one gets the sense he never gives it all away. He seems to live for the stage, for the connection (fluent French didn’t hurt), for the chance to be hard at play. If any recent pop star has a chance at staying forever young, he does.

    Mika performs again Sunday, July 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier of Place des Arts, with opener Charlotte Cardin. Tickets cost $61 to $86.50 via montrealjazzfest.com.

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  6. Thank you and agreed - the review felt like less of an informed review and more of the reviewer just whining about the past because they can't roll with the present. Quite unprofessional. That's what I take the most issue with I think, not that it's a bad review, every artist gets those and we all know Mika doesn't seek validation from everyone, it's the way this one was written. If you don't like something, that's fine, but try and be intelligent about getting your opinion across, at least that way even if people don't agree with you they can still respect you.


    Exactly!  :thumb_yello:
    and well said Mary Elisabeth, you rocks  :wink2:  :clap:
  7. Well Done!


    And about awful review :angry:  my comment there:


    "You can make his review, like or dislike the album but what was extremely disrespectful: "'you should have probably stayed away from the UK for a little bit longer". SO RUDE words.
    "Mika tries to become Robbie Williams" ?? Really??  
    OMG you know nothing about Mika ... 
    Mika is an amazing artist with incredible talent, I think NPIY is a remarkable work.
    Go study and learning more ok."
  8. There isn't any reason why he can't continue to sing the falsetto in songs, he just needs to get his vocal coach back, and do the exercises he is set. Jimmy Sommerville who was in Bronski Beat, has just bought out a new album, and he is still singing purely falsetto, like he always has, because he keeps on top of making sure his voice is in good condition.

    Yes! I think the same  :thumb_yello:  I love higher vocals, of course his lower too, but higher vocals is like a pepper sweet lol I love so much :wub:

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