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Posts posted by harlequeen

  1. i don't get this tweet, could someone please translate that in more understandable words? :blink:

    i understand the nervous drunk suicidal elk though, that made me lol too! :roftl:


    ha! nein! Denn auf 'nem Fahrrad in London seh ich aus wie ein nervöser besoffener selbstmordgefährdeter Elch. Das erste Mal hat mich dabei ein Range Rover erwischt.

  2. Yes but it resulted in people moaning to Mika on Twitter. I don't see the need to hold him personally responsible for everything that happens and go bitching to him when we don't like it.


    He's got staff and in this case a third party who has been hired for the purpose. It was hardly an emergency situation that required his immediate and personal attention.


    We need to pick our battles and I think people should be careful about abusing the unusual access we have to him.


    I agree.


    Using Twitter allows fans to voice their frustrations without any further reflection and without a chance to filter it. But I'm sure he is aware of this and can tackle being the front figure that has to weather the storm for his people publicly. As long as the spokespeople for MFC i.e mods are reasonable and don't add to any harassment it'll be o.k.

  3. I do agree with what you say, but when they have known for a few months what the lyric is, and only now, after he performed the song in LA, ask him to look at changing it, it seems very unprofessional on their part.

    Why is it only now they are having a problem with it?


    my guess would be that certain decision making people first take notice of things when it comes up to their desk. Like, now they have finally decided what the next single should be and the big boss now has to sign it so that the money for producing and distribution can be assigned. And suddenly someone who sees it for the first time due to working routines takes offense. Can't tell you how often things like this happen where I work. You learn to shrug it off eventually :wink2:

  4. This whole thing is ridiculous!

    On what basis are they saying this?

    Did they do some "focus group" who they think are the people Mika should be attracting to buy the album? And did they say that they find it offensive?

    Well then they are clearly asking the wrong people then, because they should know by now the type of people his music attracts and that's who they should be marketing it at.

    If they think they are going to try to change him now, they'll have a fight on their hands, and I don't mean from just Mika!


    don't be angry :). I'd guess this is quite normal. This is a huge company, with lot's and lot's of people who want to have their say. Or should I say mark the territory around their desk ...;). And in the end you sit there with really ridiculous suggestions just because someone wanted to single himself out with pointing out a 'very serious issue'! Very tedious but that's what happens with corporate dinosaurs. Just recently one of the big producers/entertainers said no to a big deal with one of the biggest media-groups in germany. Reason he named was: decision finding is way to complicated with you, not my thing to lose my time on this.


    If the word 'dead' is the only issue they have with Mika they are happy people over there :naughty:

  5. I hope my favorite radio station will pick up the EP and start playing Blue Eyes soon. It's a major radio station for western Germany. They play Mika quite a lot. Today we got to hear Any other world, and Relax, Big Girl and Happy Ending (album version as always) were on the last couple of days.


    guess why it's my fav station! :wub2:

  6. How come we're talking about Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis and all that jazz...when this is a thread about Mika's Biography? LOL! Dearie me we certainly do go off-topic a tad :roftl: :roftl:


    you are right! :blush-anim-cl:


    back to topic: I agree with dcdeb and Sariflor. He should lose the 'racially mixed'. He has a culturally mixed background and that's about it. As much as he flirts with being a bastard, he is not :naughty:

  7. I'm afraid that in the medical field, many would disagree with what you said here.

    There are very clear differences between races when it comes to medicine, in the sense that some races are far more prone than others to certain disease (like for example thalassaemia and sickle cell anaemia).

    Certain human races are predisposed to certain illnesses, and these differences are important to the point that the race of the patient will dictate the treatment that they receive.


    don't want to go into detail here, but such differences don't qualify for a classification as a race. This is rather a question of adaption to certain parasites of a geographical population of humans (the area where malaria occurs). There is a genetical difference, but it's an answer to certain geographical/environmental issues, and not 'typical' for a genetically homogen 'race'. For example the people that live in Himalaya are not a different race just because they have adapted to high altitudes and are not as prone to any altitude related illnesses as other 'asians'.


    Other examples of race/origin determined disease could also be: Cystic Fibrosis in Europeans, and Tay-Sachs disease in Jewish people.


    as an exapmple for origin related... yes, but not race. Neither europeans nor jewish people are a race. They both fall into the same race, if you take the classification that was used up to the 1990s, before the 'races' got sacked.

  8. 2) What does "racially mixed" mean? Is Lebanese a different race? I'm being

    serious. I'm only going by what I've seen when I've filled out census forms or other forms like that, and the only races I know of are: Caucasian/White, Hispanic, Asian, Black, American Indian, Pacific Islander... and I think that's

    about it. Is Lebanese or Arabic or Middle Eastern considered a different race in other parts

    of the world? I'm genuinely curious. :blink:


    biologically spoken, there is no longer a classification of races or subspecies for the human species, because of the lack of measurable genetical evidence. All humans are genetically too mixed up to actually have enough differences to work upon, since there's just as much genetical difference in what was perceived as one distinct race, and boarders are too fleeting between these 'races'. Such classifications are outdated, on the scientific level :wink2:

  9. Oh BS. I can't believe this. After seeing your picture, all I can imagine is that Lady Jane is not a fish, but a prawn :crybaby:

    He should really change the lyrics to "Lady Jane, the river prawn..." :roftl: Doesn't the song sound better already? I think so :aah:.


    I don't get the aversions against fish! Is it just that every proud MFCler is convinced that there's only one proper animal that should be featured in a Mika-song: :chkn::chkn::chkn:?? :naughty:

  10. In fact, Neil Gaiman said it better than I ever could:


    (Scroll down to the bolded paragraph, which is the reader's question, then read his response and replace "George R. R. Martin" with "Mika" and replace "books" with "albums".)


    Hope that helps ease some of your frustration.



    thank you for the link, it sums up my thoughts exactly (well maybe a bit too many words to call it a 'sum up' but anyway :teehee:)


    for many, it seems, the songs of the EP are unexpected and not their type of songs. But we should know by now that there is more about Mika than just pop, and that he has and will explore other genres and throw it in the mix. If it's not what is deemed popular with the masses, he will release it non-commercially, and most likely with a little extra spray of glitter like we see with the EP :wink2:


    but I want to add one thing: from all I see about Mika, he IS passionate about his music. He will not release stuff that he is not altogether happy with. I fail to believe, that what we don't see meaning in, or believe awkward or cheesy, is a carelessness on his side. So there is no reason for disappointment, it's just the fact that we don't swing in the same rhythm there. Nothing wrong with that :)

  11. hm as long as he does not come up with terms like 'he's like a hard candy with a surprise center' I will not call his lyrics awkward :wink2:


    but on the other hand english is not my native language, and I often wonder wether some line that strucks me as a bit weird is something he made up all by himself or just a usual phrase I just never have heard before :teehee:


    regarding the songs of the EP I must say that I do like them, especially Toy Boy and Lady Jane. I guess it's because story telling songs had a huge influence in my life as there is a big history of this type of songs in my region. There's even an extra word for them in my dialect. You have to keep in mind that story telling songs often are aimed at an audience of all ages, coming from a background of traveling singers/comedians who traveled from village to village entertaining people on their way. So usually the lyrics are written in a way that every age can get something out of it. The kids get a easy to understand fairy tale, and the grownups get the twists of the story and what is written between the lines.

  12. Don't forget it was Mika aged 6-11 on that album...:mf_rosetinted:

    (:naughty:) ... as we have just learnt



    maybe he was talking about the EP and they misinterpreted it


    but anyway, to begin with he's stated that LICM was sort of a coming-of-age album, but not all of the songs fitted into that either, and there are some songs on LICM that very well might fit for younger age experiences and emotions too.


    I think we shouldn't overreact to this sort of things. Even Mika develops like everyone else, as does his work. He might look at his past work from another angle now, or want to set it in a different perspective with the newer songs. It doesn't make older statements untrue just because there's a change of mind when looking at things from a greater distance. Our 'truths' change with the setting all the time :wink2:. Mika is no exception for sure :angel_not:

  13. ich komm aus der Köln/Aachener Gegend :wink2:


    and since I should practise my english: I live in the region around Cologne and Aachen (I don't know if there's a english name for this town? It's right on the boarders to Netherlands and Belgium)

  14. Hi everybody,


    my 'Mika-career' started in may 2007 when I bought 'Life in cartoon motion'. I'm in love with Mika's music ever since. Listened to some of his new songs and it seems to get better and better :thumb_yello:


    I've read on the MFC forums from time to time as a guest in the past two years (have to cut it down sometimes due to work), but thought I could register now just as well as a 2-year celebration of my Mika-mania since it doesn't seem to subside anytime soon :mf_rosetinted:


    so a lurker is exposed! :fisch::naughty:

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