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Posts posted by sm09

  1. I also posted the videos in each song's thread, but that's a good idea :)

    we have 3 videos so far, will open a 3d about songs' explanations listing all the links together so that we can find them more easily :thumb_yello:


    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:


    I think it would be good to hear or read explanations about old songs too... I mean, about "Grace Kelly" would it be no necessary... :naughty: Aber what about other ones? :wink2:

  2. Great!


    I'd always like to have this explanations all together, about every song... Wouldn't it be anything for a special thread? :blush-anim-cl:


    Because it's not so easy to find them...


    Or does anybody like to write it down, what he explains? Because it's not so easy (for me, und for many of us :blush-anim-cl:) to understand every word that he says... and I find it soooo interesting!



  3. No, just heard it again and he said: wrote the lyrics, left them on the table, left the room and never came back..


    Weird! :aah:



    I always thought, his girlfriend (boyfriend) was the one who left??? Does "the letter" nicht say: "you are leaving me with words unspoken..." ?

  4. Well, we now know what club he's talking about, don't we? :aah:


    OMG this Bronski Beat story is becoming more ridiculous with each passing day and now somehow it has merged with the Rain breakup note story. First his mates dumped him in a club one night where he danced by himself, now we've got him deciding he wanted to write Rain in La Scala at the age of 15 :lmfao:




    I don't understand...:sad:


    Could anyone explain?

  5. As promised, here's my transcript of the WDR2 Video available here http://www.wdr.de/radio/wdr2/westzeit/524707.phtml

    I hope it helps. :wink2:




    Oh, Mariposa, you are sooooo assiduous (I don't know if that's the right word in english... I'll have to ask Freddy in his english-course-thread :blush-anim-cl:) I mean "fleißig" (german) "aplicada, trabajadora" (spanish).


    I wish I had somebody who would transcript some parts of videos which I don't understand...:blush-anim-cl:


    "Spoken English" is very difficult to understand... and I think, I miss a lot of things about Mika, because I don't understand what he says...:sweatdrop:


    I wish there would be a thread, where volunteer MFCers transcript some videos, as you made it, Mariposa. I think, it could help lots of Mika-Fans.


    Thank you again very much

  6. Here are my recordings of Radio Hamburg from yesterday (good quality)

    couldn't post them sooner as my internet connection was down


    Everybody's Talking http://www.sendspace.com/file/irprva


    WAG acoustic: http://www.sendspace.com/file/v8lvsj


    Complete interview with songs: http://www.sendspace.com/file/t128ut


    sorry I'm not able to cut the ads in-between

    I'd be grateful if someone could do it for me




    Thank you! Radio Hamburg would not put it in internet (because of rights..., they told me per mail). So I'm so glad you've recorded it.

  7. this interview was recorded the 21st july and was broadcasted on 22nd on wdr!!!you can find a link for download the interview + WAG and everybody's talking on member audio section

    the questionnaire and the prisoner pic was on another radio "eins" yesterday afternoon!!!


    Where is the "member audio section"?

  8. Hello you all,

    nothing new, but I wantet to try it myself... I've just called Radio Bayern 3. The man told me, MIKA WAS ALREADY THERE. He doesn't know, "when" we kann hear him, he just told me to hear Bayern 3 the hole time... I also asked him, weahter it would be today, and he couldn't tell me... He was very kind, and I told him, we should hear "day and night" Bayern 3... :naughty:


    (I'm going to sleep with headphones...:naughty:) (Oh, no, I don't think so... :roftl:)

  9. Ok, I can't get this player to work:


    How are you people doing it?? I tried Firefox and IE, and nothing. WMA, MP3, external player (Real), etc etc...

    But I can hear the http://www.wdr.de/radio/wdr2/ one

    So which one will it be? Is it just the one, or are there two, the 3.30 local time one on einslive and the wdr.de one now?




    I also think it will be http://www.einslive.de/


    It works for me. I went to the webside http://www.einslive.de/, then click "webradio", then click "mp3".

    I think 15:30 for you in London it should be... 14:30

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