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About B!anka

  • Birthday 10/25/1992


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  1. Well just one simple way: you like him cos of his music (count in voice there) aih? Some i have to remember all the time i think... If it wasnt cos of the dude i support and promote from Guns N Roses then i donno where i would be today. Ive been through some very hard times (anorexia, open and closed ward ect) and i always had his music by my side... even on closed ward thx to my mum. His music have helped me in so many ways and can relate to it a lot too (Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal) But things has kinda changed since the past few years with things with him... i have "the hots" for him now too and he knows. He knows... a lot about me. We are talking and are going to meet up someday soon. I canceled dinner with him and his wife but that something else. But cos i have supported and promoted him so much he have started givin me "xtra" things for free... like his last album, more signed things ect. I have a lot with him now. more than 17 Gb on my comp. pics, songs and vids. from him im not allowed to share with others ect. But back to what its all about and who we are "dealin" with... Mika... his music have helped me too... to find out more about myself kinda... Have helped me find the "inner" me and Happy Ending have made me face and remember a few things too. Im a rock person but theres just something with his music that makes me LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it! and "off topic" again.... promoting... just remember what its all about really. I bet theres some who have been consider doing it to get his attention? Think its like that with most artists. Some wanna help... some wanna just get "attention" from the person. (btw. i have the hots for mika too :lmfao: ) But understand if you wanna do it for your gratitude. One of the reasons for why im doing too with him and bumblefoot and im then forever greatful with what they have done to me!!!!! :)

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