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Posts posted by Marjolein

  1. Dit noem ik een eis :wink2:


    Zolang er zo over gepraat wordt op dit forum tot daar aan toe. Maar ik kan me heel goed inbeelden dat er genoeg mensen zijn die ook zulke hyper mails sturen naar sandbag, en als er binnen het uur geen antwoord is, terug maar een mailtje sturen. Als ze niet antwoorden, dan worden ze overal bestempeld als onbeleefde boeren... Hmmm... Welke kant kunnen ze dan nog op :wink2:



    Zo'n hypermail was het helemaal niet, gewoon een beleefd mailtje :) en ik heb zeker niet na een uur nog een mail gestuurd. Ik was gewoon nieuwsgierig waar ik zit, maar ik denk niet dat het zo zwaar opgevat moet worden dat ik dingen van die mensen loop te eisen en alles, want zo was het niet bedoeld ;) ik hoorde alleen dat er mensen gemaild hadden en hun plaats te weten kwamen dus ik dacht, ik probeer het ook.

  2. My thoughts?


    First, the "regular" fans, the "meh" fans -the ones who bought the vast majority of LICM's five million copies sold - are not going to "get" a lot of this album. In fact, I think even a lot of MFCers aren't going to fully embrace it like we have LICM.


    As for the wider audience, the unwashed masses want Grace Kelly and Love Today. They want hyperactive, happy, radio-friendly bubblegum pop. They do not want Lady Jane and Lonely Alcoholic.


    For regular fans who loved Grace Kelly, this EP is going to be out of left field. Think about it. If you only casually followed Mika's career, you'd be shocked that the guy behind the LICM hits is now singing songs like these.


    That said, I think this EP is Mika's sandbox. He got this idea for "Songs for Sorrow" and created these little stories. This isn't a commercial foray. Mika doesn't expect to sell five million copies of this EP. Especially when you consider songs like Lady Jane. That's not a pop song. That's never going to see radio play. The only one of these that has any chance whatsoever at radio play is Blue Eyes, and that even depends on what the actual EP version sounds like. In fact, against the other three, Blue Eyes is the one that doesn't quite fit.


    Then you've got the whole artwork thing. That again is totally self-indulgent play; this whole project is Mika playing around and spraying his brilliant, quirky artistic mind all over in the form of four whimsical songs and some star-studded artwork. He has all these amazing, colourful, wacky ideas, and this album affords him a platform to share these ideas with his fans without the pressures associated from the commercial expectations for the actual second album.



    It's actually this side of Mika that made me appreciate him so much more! He is so much more than a regular pop singer. I also love his colourful artwork. When I first discovered he did the artwork himself I was amazed :)

    The wider audience might not "get" this but he gained me as a fan :thumb_yello:

    I'm going to buy this EP for sure.

  3. Hello everybody!


    I'm Marjolein, 24 years old and I'm from Holland. I know his music from the beginning and I liked it, but I really became interested in Mika when I discovered that he is such a great live performer and plays piano very well! In a few weeks I'm going to see Mika live for the first time and I'm very excited about it! I thought it would be nice to read a bit more about Mika here and "meet" some other fans.



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