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Everything posted by Malenou

  1. I'm very touched by all your comments and your mobilization to help me in this project which is so important for me. big thanks to you...
  2. Hi! Mathieu is a French 5-year-old kid who is a big fan of MIKA. He knows all his songs and sings them all the time. Unfortunately, he is also a victim of cancer, and he is now spending a lot of time in hospitals and in a lot of pain. We'd like to offer him, and his family, a few happy moments in this stark period for all of them. So when I saw that MIKA was coming to Paris for two concerts in june, I started having that dream - of him going to that concert, and of him being invited by him. As the mother of a little boy who also had cancer and is now no longer with us today, I can personally attest to how important such moments can be for ill children and for their families. And I know that my little boy left us with stars in his eyes... So, if I could now help Mathieu fulfil his dream, it would make me - in addition to them - so happy! Thanks for anything you may be able to do to help me... With kind regards,
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