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Posts posted by _v3_

  1. he lives in Madrid now, he stole my sister from me:mf_rosetinted:, joking, they live happily in Madrid :wub2: *I guess*


    and I wanna go to UK too, if you work there they pay you a lot of money when you retire, I want money!!:mf_rosetinted: my mum get's money from UK Gov, and my aunt!! I wanna live in Glasgow, my mum is from Glasgow, ya know??!!:blink:


    I promised myself to go to England before i start working as a lawyer so i still have some time to save money :biggrin2: , is my dream to go over there most of the bands i love are from England :wub2:.


    Glasgow really? like Franz Ferdinand :aah: how cool :teehee:.

  2. awwww


    my brother-in-law- were born in Chile, but raized in Argentina!!! :thumb_yello:


    wow that's cool , i'm born and raized in Chile :mf_rosetinted: but someday i'll go to England.. someday :roftl:


    yeah, :sneaky2: i loved uni. for that too... had to write endless essays, but at least no homeworks:sneaky2:


    The only thing i have to do at uni is read ( i'm in law school) but some days i just get tired of it, too many books :boxed:.

  3. SUMMARY: ehem :mf_rosetinted:


    We all want chicken *sorry just Jonah*


    We had Jeannette, and Kat again, Hannah is doing homework, but then took a shower, Roxy speaks spanish, and Mike and ... I think we all speak spanish


    French is Sexy, Beyoncé too:wub2: David Tennat :wub2: MIKA:teehee::wub2: mmmm


    Mike goes around the world touring, he don't wanna come to Majorca*donno why*.


    Moses and Jonah go to Oslo, to meet Jeanette and see Mika:wub2:


    and I can remember more bunnies sorry, DYSLEXIA ...and ah! Marian is not that old for been 29 ... no bunny mama :mf_rosetinted:


    hope you understand :blink:


    i'm a couple of hours away and this moves foward like maniac.


    yo tambien hablo español :thumb_yello:


    Let's just say we were talking about the gig yesterday & Roxane posted d/l links for tiibet's vids, Kat has two guinea pigs at her place, Ant has one :naughty: And Kat's going to do an audition for YMT in 2 days :boing:

    Marian and me figured the aim thingie out...and more random stuff...I think Valentine's Day greetings were in the last ten pages too :naughty:



    Kat and DoodleMaster both have two guinea pigs at home, both Marian and laymay are born in 1980, which is apparently the good years, Kat has gone to dinner, doodlemaster keeps logging on and saying hi but leaves very soon (but from now on im staying!) and there has been a lot of video watching happening from the new tour.





    nice summaries :biggrin2:

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