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Posts posted by macboll

  1. When I watched the episode on TV last Saturday I also thought "it seems he is unsure of himself, always asking the other coaches how it is" :aah:


    But the truth is that during the recording I really didn't have this feeling: I think he is always very sure of himself, and this "asking" is more for fun IMO.

    Exactly like when he seems desesperate to discover that the talent he didn't push for are very young :naughty: He likes to play and make the show :naughty:


    I think it's also because, as he got so many contestants from the beginning he had to be very carefull with whom he was choosing. You can't know it from the TV, as they changed the order: on TV it appears Jenifer is the one having all the contestants but the reality was not like that :wink2: Mika had to be carefull with whom he was choosing already from the 2nd or third recording, as he already had too many :teehee:


    The Truman Show part II :fisch:


    I didn't have the feeling his asking was more for fun but if you say it seemed so during the recording, that's good :thumb_yello: I like these "behind the scenes" anecdotes :huglove:

  2. Why is Mika always conferring with the other coaches instead of just picking who he wants to (or not)? I can see there is some strategy going on if the singer is more suited for Florent or he thinks maybe Jenifer should take them...especially if no one has buzzed them yet. But I don't get the taunting or when it looks like he's seeking some sort of assurance from the coaches who have turned around already because he's not sure based on the voice. Garou is just as bad. If I were the teacher I would separate these two to different sides of the room. :shun::naughty:


    I would also separate them :fisch: I share your views: Mika seems unsure very often but he made up his mind very quickly when he chose the two friends singing together.

  3. Je n'ai encore regardé que la deuxième émission... j'en ai trois de retard maintenant! :aah:


    Je vous expliquerai comment ça s'est passé demain :wink2:


    Dalcroze est une méthode qui part du rythme et de l'improvisation pour aller vers la partition, c'est ma méthode d'apprentissage, c'est super!



    J'écoute la radio et c'est un mix des live du PDP et de l'Olympia de Mika!!!!! :wub2:

  4. Bon déménagement et bonne M**** pour le boulot, Marie-Eve. :thumb_yello:


    Ha ben vous avez trouvé la définition, oui, j'étais plongée dans mon cours d'anglais, je fais un mikabreak puis j'y retourne, je présente mon powerpoint sur la méthode Dalcroze demain :nervous::nervous::nervous:

    J'aime bien le mot jouette, j'aime bien dire de Mika qu'il est jouette, surtout avec les filles, c'est mignon :wub2:


    J'ai raté une offre d'emploi pour maître spécial d'Anglais :doh: j'ai appelé 5 fois l'école: directeur déjà parti, pas encore là, occupé, occupé, je l'ai enfin eu au téléphone, il me dit qu'il vient juste d'engager quelqu'un :banghead:



    Bonjour Hélène! Je ne connais pas la méthode Dalcroze. Tu peux nous en dire un peu plus? :wink2:

    Bonne chance pour ta présentation demain!


    Bonsoir à vous toutes! J'ai loupé The Voice hier car je travaillais de nuit. Je regarderai le replay probablement mercredi ou jeudi :mf_rosetinted:

    J'espèer que vous allez bien et que la vie est douce avec vous toutes/tous :hug:

  5. I've been watching the 3rd show and have to make a pause (I'll have to fetch my daughter from school). I've watched 80 minutes of the show and think Mika makes relevant comments. He plays his role to perfection. Hats off, Mika!, you're not a fraud, you're a legitimate coach :thumb_yello:

    I like the concept of this show. It's got none of what I hated about Star Academy: there's just a brief summary of the candidates' lives and their vocal performances are all that matter. We don't care about what they eat, what they were.

    Among the candidates who joined Team Mika (Quentin, the cello player, Elodie the 18-year_old guitar player and Fabienne, the vocalist), I really like Elodie. Fabienne was great too and I wished she was asked to sing another song. She's definitely an 'exotic' choice as Mika put it. She could become a favourite.

    I was very surprised to see among the candidates former famous singers like Douchka. Her song choice startled me ('Ave Maria') because she stayed associated with Disney. She was one of the Disney singers like Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus and I used to love her when I was a young girl.


    I'll watch the rest of the show and will have to watch the second show too :wink2:

  6. I know they do it for continuity but the price is too high. If they want to mix it up so you can't see they chose Garou 6 times in a row then just mix it up. I'd rather see them in different outfits from one singer to the next than to see them wearing the same things for weeks on end. Before the Voice even started airing I was thinking that Mika has been wearing that blue suit every single day since October. And that was before it was on for 3 weeks. :shocked:


    I have to catch up the last two shows. Hubby doesn't want to watch The Voice. I don't mind the coaches wearing the same outfit every week, but it's maybe because I wear a uniform at work :teehee:

  7. About his French, as Guylaine said, he doesn't have any foreign accent to me, British or other, he sounds 100% French from France, the only thing is that in a way you can hear like a child speaking, not because the sentences are too simple or something like that, but in the tone he uses. If you notice his voice is generally lower when he speaks in English.


    And about mistakes, there are some grammar ones (which generally make him super cute to the ear of French speaking ppl), sometimes he doesn't know a special familiar word used by others, but really there aren't many and there are less and less with time.


    I totally agree with you Camille :wink2:

  8. "Régional (Nord, Nord-Est) ; Belgique. Se dit d'un enfant, d'une personne qui ne songe qu'à s'amuser."


    Ca colle pas mal à Mika, n'est-ce pas?


    J'aime bien ce terme (qui, il faut le préciser, est utilisé couramment en Belgique), car à ce que je sache il n'a pas d'équivalent en France...


    On aurait un équivalent dans le Nord de la France, ce serait "jouasse" ou "amusette" :wink2:


    Bonsoir à vous toutes (ou bonjour :wink2:)!

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