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Posts posted by kiwipop15

  1. Well I already made an introduction post so I`ll just say hi again! Grrrr, I hate being a newbie but you all seem very nice and I have been on other forums so I think it will all be okay. Oh yeah, one question. Don`t laugh at me but in a way I`m computer stupid but for sigs and avas, are you aloud to take pictures from say, google or yahoo? If you can, do you have to ask for permission to use it from the owner of the picture? Always wanted to know.

  2. I`m kiwipop15 and I would like to say hello to the other MFC members!

    Hmmmm, what to say? I found out about Mika earlier this year when I was watching random Tokio Hotel videos one boring day and I stumbled across a video clip from the TMF awards where Mika was nominated for Best Male International. When they called out his name and Lollipop turned on, I thought it was cute song. And so, I got curious and decided to check him out and well, now I`m here!:thumb_yello: I hope I can make interesting memories and have fun at this forum and fanclub!

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