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Posts posted by CalicoSkies

  1. I always hated the clothes :puking:


    No, I need to get my hands on Sims 3...:wub2:



    I always end of filling my hard drive with user content. I'm unable to make anything but there are several people who make things that suit my tastes in clothes and hair. I wont admit to how big my download-able collection is for sims things. XD.

  2. Hah! That's genius! :lmao:


    Do you guys have the newest sims? It looks very exciting. Making sims is my favourite part, and now there's limitless options!


    Yeah but I don't have as many pictures. I've not settled with a specific family yet. I've only had the game since july. Takes me a whileto bond with a specific family the nI take pictures of them to death.


    My first sim that I made though in sims 3 is here...



    She's ridiculously happy cuz she's cheering her son as he ages up to a child.

  3. That's B R I L L I A N T :lmfao:


    You can make vampires too can't you? Well..something of the fair skinned variety, I made it one time.


    I remember with Sims 1 i bought the magic expansion pack, that was a hoot and a half.


    And the Hot date :das:


    Frank is just a normal sim.. he's got custom skin tone and eyes thoguh. My game is 95% user made content.


    LOL I loved Hot Date Yup in sims 2 it converted to Night Life, Vampires, Werewolves, Aliens and witches and zombies.*sigh*I'm really a sims geek. I've been playing it fooooorever thoguh I've only had sims 2 for a year. I had sims 1 for a really long time. LOL>

  4. and its all real! :sneaky2:

    :naughty: im such a fat kid



    the corners are my fave too! but you can have one =P



    oh god, i never had the patience for an Easy Bake Oven! I'd just eat the batter. Which is weird since i want to be a baker now....i've learned to wait.....even if it means in anger! :aah:


    Tank yooo. I just liked to play with flour and make playdough I never baked much unless my MImi was 'round for christmas.

  5. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v48/Melaniemonkee/sims/


    Yup print screen works best for all the sims games.


    I have paint shop pro so I crop there.


    There are more screenies than you could ever possibly want XD. I got to a forum and post them which is why I have them that and I like to keep record of my legacy family.




    Frank E. Stien .. cooking franks. *dies* I still can't get over that one.

  6. Mmm I do that too but there ar fan made modfications to the structure of the game. I have to keep copies of everything cause sometimse the modifications are buggy but most of the time it's fun cause it gives me a lot of control and makes somethings eaiser and other things harder. I've basicaly tweaked it to my playing style. Course nwo I need to show my kids of my favorite sims 2 family XD



  7. I remember I bought a massive house and I had a couple with twins and it always took like 7 years for them to find the twins and they ended up being taken away by a lady in a van.

    Ever had that happen?

    It sucks.


    LOL yeah. baby caring is freaking hard. and the nannys are worthless. My game is a uhhhh on the cheaty side thoguh. My game is more souped up than a tricked out car. ... I've always wanted to say that XD.

  8. I feel very powerful when I'm speaking to a large group of people. :teehee: Presentations are great for me. But when it's lots of friends/other people together.. not so much.


    And me too, me too.


    *nods* I work in a call center. Which is hysterical cause in my personal life I do not like to use phones much especially calling people I don't know. But I'm fine at work. XD it's very bizarre. IT depends on the situation really.

  9. :lmfao: :lmfao:


    Best thing I've heard all day.


    My first family...oh my gawsh, mom and brother died, dad was depressed and refused to get job so we had no money and daughter was sent off to army camp or something? There was pee EVERYWHERE, dishes EVERYWHERE it was just bad.


    haha they do pee a BUNCH in sims 2. You knwo there is MIKA downloads for Sims 2



  10. Isn't it, though? Horrible!


    I hate it when sims randomly die! I remember one of mine was swimming in her pool, and her energy bar was really low, so she fell asleep and drowned. It was stupid. :bored:


    mine never die.I've had maybe four or five die. They died more in sims 1 for me than in sims 2 and 3. LOL I'm tooo controlling. They only die if I purposly make them die or from old age. I like making little business and building houses. XD. If figure if I can't spoil myself as much as I'd like I might as well spoil my sims.

  11. It's hard when everyone else has Halloween plans and I'm...sitting here at home.


    I'll make a note of it the next time I'm in the area. :roftl:


    *shrugs* Some people are social butter flys and some are Internet Muppets. I for one and a Internet Muppet. XD. I don't do well in large groups. groups larger than 6 makes me twitchy. I do well at concerts fortunately

  12. hehe, me too.

    The only time I really get to come on here is the weekends. It's always quiet.


    It's always quite when I'm here. I always toss it up to time zones cause you guys usually post a BUNCH when I'm off at work and in bed. <3 I'm on a lot to cuz I be a internet nerd :mf_rosetinted:

  13. Could a native speaker please explain me what those two lines mean? I don't understand:

    Wasn't I allowed three strikes and out__> Base Ball reference a lot of times. In base ball there's a batter gets three chances then he's out.


    No, but you said I could, said I could just one night

    I think narrator is saying the person he is singing to told him he could have one more chance. It does not directly say so but I think he's saying that He wished he had more chances (for example the three chances but he was only allowed one) I still think the person he is singing able did not let him have the chance he asked for.

  14. How exciting!

    I got a hamster yesterday - which was kindda exciting,

    because he's a hamster I'd babysat before and he's an absolute sweetheart named George Lucas.


    Right now I'm super excited for Michael Jackson's This Is It and my brother made uberly awesome snickerdoodles- And he can't even cook in the least!


    Tank' yoo. Awww hampsters are cute. Mine were all evil though. I still love small fluffy things which is why I have birds now :)

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