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Posts posted by pinkcell29

  1. Hey peeps from France! :D

    I’m not from France and I don’t speak it fluently AND I have a question.

    Somewhere in April I’m going to Lille with my school and we have to interview people on the streets.

    Now I need to translate some conversations into French conversations.

    And my question is if you want to help me with this one. It is ‘dans la pharmacie’:


    1. How many different medicines do you sell?

    2. What is the most sold medicine?

    3. Do you sell homeopathic medicines? If yes, against which illnesses?

    4. What is your opinion about homeopathic medicines?

    5. How many types of painkillers do you sell?

    6. Did you follow any study to do this job? If yes, where and how long?

    7. How long have you been working in this pharmacy?

    8. Do you like working here?

    9. Do you have a nice boss?


    If someone wants to help me, I’d be very thankful!!!!



    ok , j'essaie!!


    1 .Combien de sortes de médicaments vendez vous?

    2.quel est le médicament le plus vendu?

    3.vendez-vous des médicaments homéopathiques?

    4.quel est votre avis sur l'homéopathie?

    5.combien de types d'anti-douleurs (ou analgésiques) vendez vous?

    6.avez vous fait des études pour ce travail , si oui , combien d'années?

    7.depuis combien de temps travaillez vous dans cette pharmacie?

    8.aimez vous travailler ici?

    9.avez vous un bon patron?



    y'a peut etre de meilleures traductions ?

    avis aux personnes bilingues! ( ce que je ne suis pas vraiment:boxed:)

  2. bonjour tout le monde,

    j'aimerai avoir des conseils pour les concerts.

    fosse ou gradins????

    je vais à anvers en place assise mais je ne sais pas si il est possible d'aller a un concert de mika sans gesticuler partout!


    faut dire qu'il nous donne un bon exemple.:wink2:


    je suis allée seulement à paris en novembre ( jam session ) pour le moment,

    mais je m'imagine difficilement assise alors que Mika chante!( et saute partout)


    faut que je me décide rapidement sinon anvers sera complet si je veux une place en fosse.


    merci de me donner des conseils.... suis pas encore habituée comme vous:mf_rosetinted:

  3. i dont' really trust in God but i'm sure there is some angels who care for us .

    my dad is dead long time ago and i still believe he cares for my child and me every single day...

    my daddy is my God.

    i don't know if somebody understand me !


    it's my belief...



    in parc des princes,during Ring Ring, when he had problems with his trousers .

    he sings and laughs , around 1.40


    and he explains at the end of the song.


    i have no video , only the audio.

    in the others videos in YT, we can't hear like in the DVD. Priceless:roftl:


    never heard this in LICM !:wink2:







    "*starts playing My Interpretation, but screws up* Oh my God! Please Lord, can I get it right once?!... -to audience- That never happened, understood? Shh! Here we go! Ah! *starts playing it again, but screws up... Again* -laughs- ... I feel like a child at a piano lesson! ... ARGHHHHHH!!!! YES! THANK YOU!"





    Of course he mimes. :naughty:



    (Around 0:35.



    There's another one, but y'know, internet's gonna be cut off.

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