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Posts posted by Zahra

  1. Yes I mentioned this meaning too. Gai can mean "very happy, excited" or "tipsy, merry" :wink2:


    Well, as a French speaker, I understood "gai" as "gay". After all the question is:


    "What's up with you? You look so stuck up/uncomfortable, are you high or gay, you'll end up like your brother".


    "Happy" jut doesn't work in that meaning. And "tipsy" isn't a common meaning at all. "Gay" is actually more common as a meaning than "happy" nowadays. Of course, that's coming from a Quebecer's perspective. French people can have other interpretations.

  2. no worries, and ive just seen youre from Quebec!! SALUT!! Wow, t'es membre depuis 2009? :blink:


    Oui, depuis le dernier show de Mika à Montréal (auquel je n'ai pas pu aller pour cause de cours). Je participe peu à des forums en ligne, je préfère lire les contributions des autres et m'assurer d'être dans le bon ton avant de répondre.

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