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About veronihika

  • Birthday 04/17/1993


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  1. Luego de buscar como dos aƱos encontre que en la pagina de mika habia un link para el fanclub oficial, y he descuebierto por investigacion que hay una seccion solo para nosotros colombianos!!!!!!!! que bien!! me decian que estaba loca por querer que mika venga a colombia porque el 70% de las personas a las que les digo que amo a mika me preguntan quien es? pero bueno... hay muuuuchas personas en colombia que harian cosas increibles para verlo en concierto! gracias por existir mika!
  2. Hi every Mika fan out there... My name's Veronica and I'm from Colombia. Well... I've loved Mika since I heard grace kelly in the radio here and because it was my birthday and I could ask for anything i wanted, I asked for the CD adn we got to a music store a got it and it's between my most precious adquisitions in life. How much do i want to meet mika in person? well... lets just say that, if I had the money I'd go to all his concerts in EVERYWHERE he played but... I'm not rich and I live far away (kinda half the world) of the places he plays in... also... I'm still in an eight hour schedule of study because I'm still in school... If he came to the place I live (Bogota, the capital of Colombia, First country in south America from north to south we have two oceans and three mountain chains) I'll do... pretty much anything (BUT killing, robing, and any form of law infriction) is just... he amazes me in such a beautiful way he has all this gorgeous ideas in his head and his music makes me sooo happy in other words what would my life be if i had never hear of him? well... that's a stry line I'll never know, but I consider myself lucky beacuse I do know his excistence
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