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Posts posted by nevil

  1. Soooo here I go...a new report :P

    First...most people know already...but I go to Pinkpop sinds 1996 and work there since about 5 years (on the camping).

    So, for me it was quite a "big" thing that Mika came to this festival... <3

    I arrived at Pinkpop thursdayevening, about 8pm. Had to wait for my iPhone to arrive, so that I could use it during Pinkpop.

    Got my crew tshirt and wristband and put up my tent at Camping C, the camping I worked at.

    At 10pm my first shift started. Camping C is quite quiet and no one wants to queue there, its the camping thats furthest away from the festival.

    They also planned too many people for this shift, so turned out we did NOTHING all night long. Untill 6am...

    I could finally go to my sleepingbag...it was colddddd. Finally when I started to warm up and could sleep, the sun came up and heated up my tent.

    I had only 1 hour of sleep, then I got out, changed, had breakfast and lay down on my airbed, just chilling out. Waiting for Rebecca, who let me know that morning that she was quite ill.

    I waited and waited and got a bit worried, as I didnt hear from her at all.

    During chilling, I met Nielo at the camping, while I was pimping my tent.

    Then finally Rebecca sent me a text, that she was on her way.

    We met at the entrance of the festival and we just missed Motörhead...we saw Paolo Nutini and Rammstein. Rammstein was awesome as ever!!!

    Great show, great performance, just awesome!

    After only 1 hour of sleep, I was so tired, that I went straight to bed...sleepingbag I mean. Heard them play Mika and Caro Emerald when I lay down. Nice end of the day.

    Next morning I needed to get up at 5am, because my shift started at 6am.


    Did you film some of Rammstein?







    - http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=11024116

    0.00 Love Today

    2.00 I'm the girl with the pink diadem


    46.34 Grace Kelly

    49.03 'You waaaaant.....' And that's me again (*giggle*)


    - http://player.omroep.nl/?aflID=11024120

    41.22 Billy Brown

    44.42 We are Golden




    Well this turned out as quite a big report... :blink: Just two things to say:

    - Ingie you were on the television too, somewhere at Kate Nash performance. Don't know exactly were, but I will search for it tomorrow.

    - Patricia4you your dress (purple) and someones others dress (pink) were on the tv as well.


    You can see Ingie at 19.35 during Slash-Starlight in the first link.

  3. Here is a short report from me:


    I went to Pinkpop with Shady. It was for both our first festival. We saw Kate Nash and after she was done we tried to get as far as we could to get to the front. During Slash we got some more to the front and after Slash was over we made it to the second row. We were on the right side ot the podium. We couldn't get front row because where we were there were all standing Pink fans. We couldn't find MFC-ers. We didn't really enjoyed standing there. There was lots and lots of pushing :sneaky2:


    But it was all worth it, because when Mika started...:clap: He was amazing and so was his band. He looked great. I liked what he was wearing. His white pants with his red-white-striped t-shirt. When he took his shirt off before WAG started I went :swoon: He looks so great.

    I saw his sister somewhere at the back of the stage watching him. She was smiling a lot.


    After Mika was over we tried to get out of the audiance. That was hard. Even mere pushing for Pink. We watched Pink from a distance. She was amazing. The last act of Pinkpop was The Prodigy. We didn't really liked that so then we went home.

    After this day I must say that I don't think I'm really a festival type. I'm curious how the TW Classics is.


    On the left it was the same, I was surrounded by Pink fans, Later I saw Sylvana and Patricia but they were not standing beside me, and after Mika it was even more harder to get out of the audience then to go front row.

  4. Hi Nevil, what did you (and your friend) think of the Mika gig last week (since it was your first real Mikagig)? I was blown away.


    In 27 minutes the vid will be re uploaded, hopefully with the whole song well played this time. Consider what you can see now a teaser/trailer :naughty:.


    I was there with my sister, I was blown away too, my sister don't like his music but she was having fun so we decided to go to Antwerp too. :naughty:

  5. Of course we are! I didn't buy my bunny ears for nothing :bleh:.


    The flash mob has been uploaded! You need a password to see it, the word is: youngstrong , hurray for my fantasy :naughty:.

    I hope you like it.


    Laurel, it isn't really dancing since you use mainly your upper body (there will not be space to really dance).

    Sparkly: will you join the mob? The more people the better.



    From 1.51 there is no sound anymore, at least I can't hear it.


    You already knows it, sorry.

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