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Posts posted by judeline

  1. You might get a stalls ticket - but they are general admission, if you want front row you will have to queue (with the hundreds of other fans who want the front row :naughty:)


    yes, I know that :)

    I'm just more specific because it seems that the ticket I have bought is a standing one but in circle section .... I don't understand anything :(

    anyway... I'm looking for a standing ticket in stalls section :)

  2. You can buy tickets from the HMV ticket hotline and you do not need a UK credit card or registered UK address. You can simply collect tickets at the venue:wink2:


    Here is the number:

    0044 844 209 0330


    thanks suzie.

    do you know how much is it for one ticket?

  3. merci tout le monde :original::group_hug:

    alors, finalement la jam session c'est 120 ou 150 personnes? Jonathan m'a dis 120 au telphone....


    @ diva: en fait un "émigré" est toujours quelque part un "immigré" aussi.

    en fait émigrer c'est quitter son pays d'origine pour aller s'établir dans un autre et immigrer c'est venir dans un pays dont on n'est pas originaire. tout ça dépend du point du vue que l'on prend en fait.

    je te donne un exemple pour que ce soit clair: mes grands-parents sont italiens. quand ils ont quitté l'Italie pour la France, ils sont devenus des "émigrés" (du point de vue de l'Italie) et des "immigrés" (du point de vue de la France).


    j'espère que mon explication est claire.

    mais ne t'inquiète pas, même les français se trompent entre ces deux mots ^^ ;)

  4. Your English is wonderful- I understood it all. :wink2:

    Welcome to the MFC. :pbjt:



    well, thank you :)

    it's because I try to write only what I'm sure about. I don't take too much risks in order to avoid the disaster :biggrin2:

    but if what I write is ununderstandable (this word is :aah:) :rolls_eyes: , please tell me :wink2:

  5. hi,


    I just registered here but I'm already a member of the french fan club MWS.

    So, i'm french and I "discovered" Mika with taratata in february 2007 (great show!)

    Sorry, my english is not very good and I'm just unable to tell you more about me in a language that everyone will understand.:blowup::dunno:

    anyway, I'm happy to join you here. :wink2:

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