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Posts posted by saint_tails_09

  1. sooo.... If I want to speak properly I must say "all I want to do is to make you happy"?


    If you wanted to be very strict with grammar, the the proper way would be to say "All I want to do is to make you happy"


    I think I've talked about it on here before, but "to make" would be the whole proper verb. But a lot of the time English speakers don't say it properly because it's not something we're taught at a young age and not something many people actually say.


    But no one is going to think you sound weird either way you say it :thumb_yello:

  2. WOAH. Just found out about this. Where's the nearest airport to Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu? Like I actually had to google where in Québec this is. With tickets only being $20... If airfare and hotel are cheap, I'll beg my dad to let me go.. And with Carly Rae Jepsen playing two days later, I'd want to stay for that too possibly. OH GOD, I need to really get on getting a second job now :shocked:

  3. Humidex beeing????:dunno:

    So, it's based on the humidity, which is the amount of moisture in the air. The more moisture in the air, the hotter it feels. And so the humidex is the temperature you feel based on how humid it is.

    So in my town (where the humidity is always in the "dangerous" zone), in the summer the air temperature can be 26, but it will feel like 32 because of the humidex.

    It's kind of like the summers equivalent of the windchill, just based on something different.

  4. I was looking around the net about this earlier and it seems like there is a lot of debate/different traditions in Europe. But in North America it's been pretty much set in stone throughout my lifetime. The seasons starts around the 21st of March/June/September/December. In Canada young children are in school until almost the end of June and don't go back until September so I think everyone grows up thinking that summer is during this period and would never class May or even early June as summer. Especially since it's colder during spring than many countries in Europe. Lollipop_monkey was telling me last weekend that they recently had snow in Calgary.


    Yeah, and even in some places in Canada we don't even get "summer" weather until late July and August. Like it's warmer in other times, but it just gets hot then. And for us, hot is like 25-29 Celsius. Only gets hotter than that with the humidex.

  5. While everyone is disputing the Mika-ness of the song, and whether he's going in a new direction..

    I'm just gonna say, I have 3 favourite bits from the song.


    3) "But I feel like screaming when you're near me" - To me, this speaks to the feeling of how someone can just make you so happy, screaming is the only way to get that feeling out. I feel like it might be being used differently in the context of the whole song, but just taking the line as is, that's what I feel.


    2)"Fix a heart don't break it,

    Can't you see the love around you?

    You know, you're crazy not to take it." - Personal experience with this one


    1) "Show me what your hiding,

    But if this is love then watch me die on you." - To me I feel this means that basically you're trying to solve the puzzle that is this person, and if solve the puzzle and see that it's love you'd die of presumably happiness.


    And just the whole idea of all you want to do is make this other person happy.. I love that thought :wub2: It's so like me. Also, I just have like a hug personal connection to this song because where it's so like me, I feel like I've.. done this before (if that makes sense). Like all my favourite parts I have experienced, specifically with one person.


    But there's my two cents. I don't know if that made any sense at all, but I just wanted to share :thumb_yello:

  6. WAHHHHHHH! Omg, new song. Listened to it like 5 times already.

    It's so different from what we're used to.. But I like it :wub2: I guess it grew on me quickly because after taking a listen to the lyrics (and reading them on here), it's definitely a song and feeling that I REALLY connect to. I am going to listen to this OVER AND OVER until this CD comes out :thumb_yello:

  7. WTF indeed!!:blink:




    i've never really gotten any unwanted touches from strangers but we do have a biig problem with 'catcalling' (more like verbal harassment) here...and it's always the worst type of men that do it and they have no shame. i used to respond very rudely when i was young but they take perverse pleasure in getting a response so sadly the best option at present is just ignoring them...:sneaky2:


    Ah yes, catcalling has happened more to me too. Like sometimes I'll just be walking down the street and guys will drive by and whistle, or yell stuff... And my response tends to be to give them the finger and yell a :badword: right back at them :teehee: And it's never actually happened when I've been "dressed up", just my normal everyday clothes.. Heck, it even happened one morning while I was walking to work in sweatpants, and a jacket :dunno: some people just make you feel so filthy when they do that..

  8. I have no doubt they can be, i just mean it is a more viewed thing that women are the more sensual sex so when a woman is with another woman, it is thought of to be more sensual and more intimate... do you get what i mean? :blink:



    (btw thanks for the friend request! :biggrin2:)


    I think I see what you're getting at, but personally I don't think any one gender is going to predisposed to bisexuality than the other. I think part of the reason why you see more girls who are bisexual, might have to do with society. You know, because guys are seen as having to be "macho" , and to be attracted men is seen as kind of "feminine", there may be men who are bisexual and don't want to face possible ridicule/prejudice so they just identify as straight and live their life that way. I dunno :dunno: That's just my own idea

  9. ahh good for you!:thumb_yello: i hope it's not too tumultuous (as these things can sometimes be)...if you ever wanted to vent or talk or whatever, i think i won't be alone in saying you'll always have an ear here :wub2:


    Aw, why thank you :wub2: Only a handful of people know, so I guess just coming on here and being able to be open about it is a big deal :P

  10. Yes I think so too. But for me it feels like it was set in stone from a very young age, before I could even conceive of homosexuality, muchless have been told that it's "wrong". I know gay people who feel the same way so it's not just about societal pressure to be "normal".


    But there's no denying that bisexuality is far more prevalent today so I'm sure a large part of that is due to the fact that it's more acceptable and talked about so people are less hesitant to pursue it.




    Oh interesting. Hope I'm not being too nosy, I'm just curious about this.


    Oh no, you're not being nosy at all :) Its nice to see people who are interested to hear about it :biggrin2:

  11. I have never come across anyone who says they are bisexual that doesn't prefer men (whether they are male or female). That's sort of what I'm hearing here too?


    Interesting discussion. In my generation it seemed that everyone was straight or just pretending to be straight until they felt they could come out and then they were gay. Not much in between. Or maybe I was just hanging out with the wrong crowd :naughty:


    I had crushes on boys from the age of 6 and maybe even earlier. I have never had any interest in women and the idea of sexuality being fluid is totally foreign to me. But like I said I was probably just hanging with the wrong crowd. :naughty:


    I know, for myself, it's not really a preference. I've only been with guys because I've only just recently discovered that I like girls too. I'm not against being with a girl, but I'm not really completely out, and just right now I'm more comfortable just being with guys. Though, physically, I'm more attracted to girls :P

  12. Also, I love the quote in your sig, do you know where it's from? :pinkbow:


    and hi, cos i don't think we've met :bye:


    Hello hello :bye: I don't think we have either. I've been on the MFC for like, 2ish years, but I'm not on here much anymore (which I'm trying to change).


    And the quote in my sig... Well, it was something Mika said in an interview once, not sure which one, or when though :P


    And I know for myself, I've only really recently discovered my own sexuality (bisexual).. It was something I had kinda thought about before, but then when discussing it with someone, it actually kinda made sense when I looked back to when I was younger.. Like when girls started wearing low cut tops, it was hard for me not to look (I was like 12 then), and I've always been kind of drawn to music videos with scantily clad women... I've never actually been in a relationship with a girl, but I have had a crush on a girl for sure, and I know I'm physically attracted to girls. :P

  13. Thank you very much.


    So (yeah, a need question again) are these sentences both correct?:


    - I need you to clean the window.

    - I need you clean the window.



    Cause at first I always thought that the first one was correct but then, I see more often the second one...


    "to clean" is actually the whole verb, so not including "to" isn't proper :cheerful_h4h: Also, putting another word between the two words isn't proper grammar, but English speakers actually do it fairly frequently :bleh:

  14. School started back up for me today, and it's REALLY cold... Well, it wouldnt be too bad if it had gradually gone to this temperature like it normally does... But the weather has been so weird lately. It's going from warm to cold to warm to cold :thumbdown: And the windchill is making it worse.. Gah, I HAD planned on wearing a cute skirt with leggings (pretty thick leggings at that), with a long sleeve shirt and boots.... Yeah, too cold for that. So instead I just wore jeans, a tshirt and a hoodie :thumb_yello:

    There's my ranting for the day.

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