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Status Updates posted by yourmemory

  1. Oh my god I just saw your messages!! I was too busy studying to be in MFC. I'm so sorry T_T

    and thank you for celebrating my b-day! :huglove:

  2. Oh hi! I've already seen you on tumblr! your blog is aaaawesome!!

  3. I think I'll send letter next week with a special gift X)

  4. Thank you so much!!! haha I'll send a letter next monday. sorry iam to lazy T_T

  5. Love nono's little blue bear

  6. I got your letter and little blue bear. love love it :wub2:

    I'll reply soon :aah:

  7. 학원에 가는 날 오후네요

    오늘 저녁은 한시간 전에 국물따위 증발시킨 매우 짠 삼양라면을 드링킹하고

    -_- 무슨 저녁을 오후 네시에 먹어. 아무튼

    다니고 싶어서 다니게 된 영어학원이지만(미카..고..맙...다..........)

    이제 외워야 하는 단어가 80개로 늘어난 마당에 이거 외우면 미카랑 m&g때 80마디할 수 있나여? ◎▽◎

    아니 외우는건 문제가 안되는데 (마음먹으면 순간적으로 기억력이 미친듯이 다다다다다)

    80개 단어를 찾아내는게 더 문제네요.

    심지어 오늘은 그린데이 가사집보면서 별 이상한 단어들 다 적었어요.

  8. 아....그랬지.........저 좀 정신 놨어요 만두 다 태우고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    근데 세번째 시도만에 결국 성공했어요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!꺅

  9. 으헉....................오늘 학원 가는 날인거 우찌 아셨어요!!!!

    아직 한시간의 여유가 있으니 괜찮아요 ㅋㅋㅋ 다 태운 군만두 처리좀 하구요...크흡...

  10. nice :) I can't wait!!

  11. WOW. Did it go well? I even can't remember what I'd wrote there :naughty:

    just hope you can understand my stories.... HAHA

    and Now your turn! send me a letter XD

  12. ..really? I must go English academy this evening!!!!!!! OH GOD Please.......:shocked:

    I'll be back at 10 PM. I don't want to go there especially today..

    but! I'm going to Dunkin Donuts w/ my friends after academy :teehee: so I go..bulls***

    coz I really really hate to break my promise. ahaahahahahkakkkekakakark!!!!!!!


    아 저 그림 다 그렸어요 ㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲㄲ

  13. 프힝 어제 다 그릴 수 있었는데 엄마의 "앵간히좀하고 와서 다리좀 주물러라" 때문에 결국 완성 못했어요 ㅠㅠ

    오늘은 학원 가기 전에 다 끝마칠 작정 -_-b

  14. Thanx!! XD

    oh now here is 10:13 PM........Is there 1:13 PM? right?

    I must go to bed haha

  15. I hope so,too. XD

  16. I want to see your watercolors art someday.

    /emoticons/default_naughty2.gif" alt=":naughty:" />

  17. Thanx :aah:

    oh my god!! I can use acrylic colors, but never can clean like yours! :bow:

    mine is uhm..........likes.... whatever. :naughty:

  18. you're right :naughty:

    Anyway, Your latest art,That's it!!↘ Red background and blue jacket Mika,

    What did you use in the art ?(sorry to my bad English.....)

    Acrylic Colors? or.. another?

  19. I heard Intuos4 is more delicate(it means fineness) than my bamboo fun. in fact, i wanted to buy that, but it's sooo expensive T T

  20. If you have a lot of time, what's the problem?!

    It's easier than your thinking. just spend more time.... my latest art was 8 days :biggrin2:

  21. Thanx! yours are also cooooooool!!

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