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glorious revenge

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Posts posted by glorious revenge

  1. It was a Saturday afternoon, Mika was preparing for a huge gig tonight. But, he was having a tough time deciding what to wear! See, his lucky red braces were broken, so...

    He decided to do the chicken dance, but there was one little problem..

    His Lollipop girl said, 'no chicken tonight,' and Mika cried for 1 hour and 48 seconds until suddenly the most incredible thing happened...

    He saw a huge hot air balloon outside with something in it.

    "OMG," Mika yelled, it was a redtail monkey from Gwanamapala

    This monkey jumped straight into Mika's arms and began to sing a song to him...


    "aaaaux Champs Elyseeees aaaaux Champs Elyseeees"

    The monkey jumped down and they joined hands and started singing together until, a certain troll returned ...

    and Mika said "NOOO! not the curly Troll again!!! He`ll drink all of my tea!


    And this is exactly what happened, it was a very sad day

    He was so scared and he grabbed his phone, called Big Girl and asked for help.

    But of coarse all Mika's big girl friends were too busy at the Butterfly Lounge... so he did what he never thought he would do... he dialed the Mika Fan Club... *dum dum dummmm*


    but the MFC hotline seemd to be busy...then,after some grooling dialing work ,someone picked up: " MFC Headquarteds here,how may I help you?"

    Mika was hesitant about answering that question,but the troll was shamelessly sipping his tea (with raised pinky of course,trolls do have maners!)


    After Mika told everything, the girl said, ' I'm sorry, PLEASE don't try to pretend you are Mika. There're plenty of fake Mika in this world! Everyone dialed to MFC and told a beautiful story to demonstrate they were Mika. You are the 20th one.'


    but Mika was set on prooving to her,that he was the real deal ,so he starded hitting his 10-th octave.After his performance he was mighty proud of himself,but the girl coldly replied "...oh great,you sound just like my dog! what was that supposed to be?"


    Mika, quite insulted, hung up and strolled around the place, enviously looking at the troll. Then he decided that he would let the MFC be banned forever...



    Hearing Mika's thoughts with his psychic abilities, the troll (known as Curly to his friends) decided to...


    stop sipping Mika's tea...and then magically pulled out a brand new pair of red braces from his flourescent underwear which he offered to Mika! Mika thanked Curly and forgave him for finishing most of his tea...and the two of them are now life-long friends:biggrin2:

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