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Posts posted by LilStar

  1. At this point, we should move on...


    This thread deserves better :shun:


    I can't believe it's been over a week already since we got together :wub2:


    I know omg.

    It stil' feels like a dream honestly!!!


    Everything went by so fast! (And yet when i work it seems to take forever.. Thanks brain :sneaky2:) :lmfao:!!!

    Everytime i listen to his songs now, i imagine the orchestra and awww :wub2:

    And i kinda miss everyone too.


    That was the "ohmygodfeelings" moment of the day.

  2. Third report....




    Blame that on Vero, she told me to do that:mf_rosetinted:


    So i was sitting wayyyy back for this one, on a balcony.. its the only tickets i could get:aah:

    Mika was blurry, but the ensemble was breathtaking! (they also had sold too many tickets and had to add chairs beside me :teehee:)

    Mika seemed really in his element for that one! Every song was great, and he was so cute and more at ease. The audience also felt more relaxed yesterday somehow

    Its funny how at the beggining of songs you could hear people doing like "ooooooooohhh ahhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhh" hahaha!

    Elle me dit and BBB was a big hit again (Doriand was close to me and looked SO PROUD!!!! it was adorable)

    Happy Ending killed us all

    I cried at any other world... it has always been one of my favorites.


    Random moments!! (part 3)

    -Mika said he could talk more this time because it was the last show haha

    -The introduction to Happy ending was soooo nice.. He said that when he went to music college, they were 5 students in the class.. a 6th one arrived very late with leather pants and chewing gum... PEople looked at her. She took her gum off, sang a few bars of mozart, and put her gum back into her mouth and that was it.. He knew he liked her right away.. That was Ida.:wub2: he said she was the only one who knew his secret, that he didnt wanna sing opera, but write his own songs. So they recorded Happy Ending.. it was such a lovely story.

    -He mentionned Doriand being in the audience and that while they wrote BBB skyler was there and she said "even americans understand that!" and it ended up on the record, like her voice.. then they wrote Good guys

    -He said this show wasnt just about him, it was about the musicians but also people in the audience like his family, especially his mother (people awwwwed) cause she was the one who took him to opera classes

    -at the end, people kept clapping and stuff...and he said "so every night, we keep coming back for the applause, but we cant just like improvise stuff... but tonight we prepared something with Simon Leclerc(the conductor) Thats why hes so good.. well do a song i always mess up then another one. He did ToyBoy (he never messes it up hahaha dunno why he said that but it was cute haha) And then he said "ok, so we cant clap during songs because it messes up the musicians.. and when Simon says something, we listen:teehee:, but nothing forbids us to dance!!!" he started emd.. people started clapping... and it never stopped ahhaha mika couldnt even hear himself sing hahah then he was like OH NEVERMIND hahaha and kept singing and dancing with the whole audience and clapping. It was SO COOL! seriously!


    ok, i might have forgotten a few things, but thats what i recall so far

    Thank you to Deb for organizing a small m&g... it was so lovely :wub2:



    the dream is over now... going back to work and reality, but thankful to have been able to live in the special place for 3 days.

    It was especially nice to meet everyone... i can now put faces on nicknames!! :wub2:

  3. Report number 2









    i was further back for this show also... which was ok, it made me see better the whole orchestra etc... and seriously it wasnt that far back

    I loved this show even more! im not sure why... maybe because he was more relaxed? maybe because i was more excited cause i knew what was coming? who knows, i thought it was better.

    just like yesterday, his voice was spot on.. and even i think during Grace Kelly i went WOW!!! he hit some notes he hadnt in years in live shows cause of his running around:naughty:

    Everything was perfect!

    Again Happy Ending blew us away, Over my shoulder got a standing ovation this time, and a long one!!! he looked very touched :wub2:

    Boom boom and EMD still big hits here!


    Random moments (cause theyre the best)

    -mika didnt say at all the same things as yesterday, which i thought was great haha

    -he forgot to present Skyler (the back up vocal and cowriter of Good Guys) at the beggining.. at the end of the song he went:its fun, ghost singers come on stage like that and just leave? isnt it great? haha! no that was skyler

    And he introduced her .. and then he said:" cause im stupid like that... and now i wont be stupid.. cause i know what were doing.. MAke you happy" haha cute

    -he said he didnt wanna speak alot cause the musicians were waiting for him and if he started to talk it would be like the Niagara Falls :lmfao:

    -at one point he looked at the conductor like "ok thats the beat one two one two.. Conductor was like.. yeah i know.. mika laughed and went oh right and tried to hide :doh: hahahhaha

    he was much more at ease with the orchestra :teehee:


    Overall it was as amazing as yesterday! Good Guys is seriously an amazing song and just sticks with you.. and this time i listened to the lyrics more to Ordinary man.. and im starting to love it alot!!! I cant wait for the record honestly :) (he said its not finished yet but ALMOST(with his im sorry smile)):mf_rosetinted:


    ok, pics coming !!!

  4. havent had time to read everyone.. sorry if im repeating stuff:blush-anim-cl:


    heres my short report..




    thats it:mf_rosetinted:








    ok, not really :P

    I was third row so close, i could literally see him sweat :teehee: he was very nervous at the beggining, it didnt showon his voice but in between the songs.. he kept wiping his face and trying to breathe normally :teehee: he was super cute really!!

    I realllllllly loved Good Guys Gone.. seriously, this song just sticks with you..

    I think that Lets party will be a dance track.. sounded good.. the other new song i dont recall much sorry.. i was in a mika haze:naughty:

    He was very touched by the 3 ovations he got after songs.. happy ending, Elle me dit and bbb(i think or was it GK)

    after happy ending he looked very touched by the audience response.. he couldnt speak.. he was just like.. awww :wub2:

    He was more at easein the second part of the show.. you could see the ice was broken and he felt better :P

    He made a few silly faces a few times hahaha

    Random anecdotes:

    -before make you happy he looked at the chef and went like what song? The guy was "make you happy" him:.. make you happy.. wait? make you happy?? *looks at his sheets* oh yeah... and his face was like "wow, im lost" hahaa

    -he asked a girl to come on stage at the wrong moment.. and went`.."no.. not now.. wait.. erm... i dont ask her to come on stage now" hahaha he later asked again it was for good guys..

    -he forgot his words on elle me dit.. his face was pure terror!!! ida looked at him like: what do we do now.. and he just went with it like.. ok ok its ok.. LOL!! he managed to make it look effortless!! To his credit, im always lost in the lyrics too there!

    -he said he wrote songs for is new album.. a random guy yelled WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO mika stopped and said:"dont be too excited.. maybe its sh*t"... :lmfao:!!!!!!!!!

    he got alot of laughs cause he made cute faces and stuff and undid a bit his tie cause he was hot LOL!


    It was my first time seeing Ida in a show.. wow shes good.. seriously... and she was all smiles at me and very cute!


    Thats it!! Basically it was very good... like.. the songs sounded soooo different... and i loved it... focusing his energy on his voice made it more powerful and full of emotions.. it was amazing :wub2:



    ps.... i think he just grows taller everytime... :mf_rosetinted:

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